Examine Do You Have a Bad Breath Problem? Here Are Some Bad Breath Causes You Should Avoid far more

Do You Have a Bad Breath Problem? Here Are Some Bad Breath Causes You Should Avoid

Bad Breath Causes

Do you have a bad breath problem? If so, I really empathize with you.

Foul breath is not just a medical issue. It is also a social issue, because people are generally turned off when confronted by anyone that has unpleasant breath odor.

Foul breath has wrecked careers and split up marriages. Breath odor can have a horribly negative effect on your sense of self esteem.

While it is not fair, it is also understandable.

The simple fact is no one wants to be close to you when you have halitosis, or foul breath.

A foul breath problem may be the result of medical problems. Generally speaking, the various bad breath causes dictate the "type" of breath odor that is emitted.

Different disorders will produce different and unique odors on the breath.

For instance, a fruity breath odor occurs as the body attempts to get rid of excess acetone through breathing.

Breath that smells like feces may occur due to a bowel obstruction.

Ammonia smelling breath is common in people with kidney disease.

Since the various bad breath causes may be symptomatic of a more serious medical problem, it is always wise to seek out medical advice.

In the majority of cases, however, a bad breath problem is caused by two things:

1. Improper Diet

Knowing that these two things are the cause of 90% of all cases of halitosis is actually good news. Why? Because both problems are fairly simple to correct.

Of course, everyone knows that certain foods, such as onions and garlic, are particularly problematic in causing breath odors.

What you may not realize is that after your food is digested certain foods create oils that penetrate your blood and then travel to your lungs. These oils create odors that come up into your breath and are released when you open your mouth.

With certain types of these foods, such as onions and garlic, it is possible that the breath odor created may last for up to three days.

2. Improper Oral Hygiene

When you eat, food particles that remain in and around your teeth can be a bad breath cause if they are not removed. If not brushed or flossed away, they will create bacteria and plaque on your teeth.

Plaque can damage your gums. Unremoved food particles may even cause you to end up with gingivitis and tooth decay.

Tooth and gum problems provide a perfect breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria that are responsible for breath odors in more than 90% of all people who suffer with a bad breath problem.

All of this lead to the fact that proper brushing and flossing will go a long way to keeping your mouth clean. Also, regularly drink water (5 to 10 glasses a day) in order to keep your mouth moist and fresh. Swishing water through your teeth after eating is a good way aid in the elimination of food particles.

The Bad Breath Treatment Guide is an excellent resource that I used in preparing this article. In it you will find a complete list of foods that contribute to bad breath, as well as foods that will help you prevent halitosis.

Want to eliminate your bad breath problem?

Try following the four simple steps outlined in The Bad Breath Treatment Guide. These steps have really worked for me, and I know that as long as I continue to use these simple steps, my bad breath will never come back! They are as simple to perform as brushing your teeth, and they use natural ingredients that cost about the same as a tube of toothpaste.

To find out more about how this 4 step process eliminates the major bad breath causes, click either one of the above two links, or visit BadBreathTreatmentGuide.com,

I wish you sweet breath, healthy smiles, and lots of kisses!