Read through Causes of Bad Breath-Chronic-Halitosis Bad Breath extra

We got together in my jeep, my friends and myself ready to have fun in our way. We were altogether five in number, and decided to head for the Rosal Park just down the street for a picnic. We had nursed this idea for a week now and selected the choicest of food (for so we thought) for ourselves. Just some moments later, I noticed an unbearable smell coming my direction from behind me. What's happening? I imagined, as I turned back, I saw my other friends discussing all with enthusiasm except for one - the main speaker trying to hide away his mouth. When we alighted from the jeep, there was a kind of isolation from this particular guy - I thought I was alone. Alas! My other friends have also noticed the bad smell almost oozing from this mouth! This is personal disgrace at its best!

He has bad breath, call it chronic if you like. Bad breath, chronic bad breathe or halitosis bad breath can cause you a lot of harm, interfere with your social and professional success. A lot of misinformation has been around for a while now concerning this disease. Bad breath can be caused by a number of reasons. Note that we are going A-Z on the causes of this success monster. First, we need to understand what bad breath means. Bad breath refers to a situation where the breath you exhale gives offensive odor. Surprisingly, most people living with bad breath have nit the faintest idea that they have one. The traditional breathing into your hand is just a myth, folks, it doesn't work! The primary cause for bad breathe, whether chronic or not is a bacterium that resides within the surface of the tongue and the throat.

This bacterium is called the anaerobic sulfur-producing bacteria. Actually, these bacteria are originally supposed to be there of r a purpose - they function to help digestion. They help to breakdown proteins found in some food. Under some condition, these bacteria begin to function at a very high rate. Since they breakdown proteins and proteins are made up of amino acid that are dense with sulfur (this sulfur exactly is what smells and causes the odor), they are said to cause bad breath. Other supporting causes are bad teeth and gums - if they are in poor condition, they can contribute to bad breath. Also, consumption regularly or in large quantities of garlic, onions, alcohol, hot peppers, aromatic spices e.t.c.

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Achi has been helping a number of people eliminate the success monster – bad breath. Visit now! For simple incredible ways to eliminate bad breath fast!

Causes of Bad Breath-Chronic-Halitosis Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes

Go through Top Bad Breath Causes and How to Avoid Them extra

Top Bad Breath Causes and How to Avoid Them

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath is an embarrassing problem. What's the cause and how do we prevent this? There are actually a lot of causes, this may be a result of poor dental habits, or it could be your unhealthy lifestyle like smoking, your food intake or your diet, or it could be a sign of a health problem and a serious one.

There are actually few common causes of having a bad breath or medically called halitosis. Here are some of them.


One of the causes of having a bad breath firstly is bad hygiene. After every meal, food particles are in our mouth especially in between our teeth and this causes bad breath if not brushed or flossed. Over time these particles will cause foul odors and encourage bacteria, which leads to gum disease and tooth decay.


It could make your dish extra special but some exotic spices that we put in our diet such as garlic, onions, curry and acidic beverages like coffee may cause the stinky smell too. All these foods start to break down in your mouth and brushing and flossing and even mouthwash can only temporarily cover up the odor. When these foods are absorbed in your bloodstream and then to your lungs there is a noticeable smell in your breath.


Smoking cannot only stain your teeth, it gives you a foul breath and irritate your gums and worsen tooth decay.

Health problems:

Aside from the common medical condition which causes the persistent bad breath like, gum disease, yeast infections, dry mouth, there are serious illnesses to be aware of like diabetes, liver or kidney disease, and pneumonia.

There are few simple ways to avoid having halitosis.

• Practice good oral care by keeping the mouth clean after every meal by brushing, flossing and mouthwash.

• A regular visit to a dentist - at least twice a year.

• Quit smoking or chewing tobacco-based products.

• Avoid certain spicy foods and drink lots of water.

In worst cases, if bad breath persists, visit your dentist and they can determine the cause. It could be more than just poor habits and hygiene but if the cause is not of oral origin you may be referred to a specialist.

Take time to know what's causing your dental problem before it's too late. It's not just having a good set of tooth and healthy gums, it's also about having a fresh breath.

Examine Bad Breath Causes more

Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath

Causes Of Bad Breath

o Food - When you eat, the food particles that remain in and around your teeth can cause an odor in your mouth. Of course, everyone knows that eating onions (raw ones, especially) and garlic are some of the worst culprits.

After you have digested these foods and smelly oils, they penetrate through your blood. Then they travel to your lungs and come up in your breath when you open your mouth. It's possible to have an onion or garlic smell for at least three days.

o Dental issues - Periodontal disease, which occurs from poor dental hygiene, can also cause bad breath. Food particles will remain in your mouth if you don't brush and floss daily. You'll probably have to brush and floss several times a day. If the food particles remain in your mouth, they will absorb bacteria.

You may experience plaque on your teeth. If you don't brush your teeth properly or not enough, the plaque can mess with your gums. You can end up getting gingivitis and tooth decay. Pockets can form between your teeth and gums. This condition is called periodonitis. Peridonitis can cause the bad breath to linger.

o Dry mouth - The inside of your mouth should always be moist with saliva. Saliva is used to clean your mouth. If you don't have any saliva circulating on the inside, dead cells will gather on your tongue. They can also come on your cheeks and gums. This condition is called dry mouth.

Once the dead cells accumulate, they start to deteriorate, causing a foul odor inside of the mouth. This condition usually happens when a person is sleeping. If you sleep with your mouth open, you are more prone to get dry mouth. When you wake up in the morning, dry mouth can also cause what is known as "morning breath."

o Chronic diseases - Certain chronic lung ailments such as infections and abscesses can emit foul odors as you open your mouth. If you have chronic kidney failure, you could have an odor that smells like urine.

A fishy odor could be the result of chronic liver ailments. Those that have diabetes have a fruity odor. Also, some stomach ailments have been linked to bad breath.

o Nose and throat infections - A person can also have bad breath from allergies. Sinus infections cause a nasal discharge. It goes from the back of the throat and trickles downward. This can cause a foul odor. You can also have bad breath if you have upper respiratory ailments in which you cough up mucus.

o Tobacco - If you smoke cigarettes, it causes your mouth to be dry. Smoking causes an unpleasant odor after you have puffed on a cigarette. If you are a smoker, there is a greater chance for you to get periodontal disease, which would be a double whammy because that also causes bad breath.

o Extreme dieting - If you use a special diet or fasting to lose weight, you may have a fruity breath. This is a result of developing ketoacidosis, which is when the chemicals break down while you're fasting.

o Milk - If you find out that you're intolerant of milk, then you'll have to get rid of it. You can develop bad breath if you're consuming milk or dairy products that you can't digest.

o Alcohol - Drinking alcohol can cause health issues with your digestive system. It also causes dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath.

o Stress - You probably would have never thought that stress could cause bad breath, but it can. When you're stressed out, your digestive system is affected, which triggers bad breath.

Even with normal fresh breath, it could eventually transform into halitosis. Here are some other things that can cause bad breath:

o Cavities

o Dentures

o Drugs

o Insulin

o Gingivitis

o Vitamin Supplements

o Tonsils that catch food particles

o Cancer of the throat or mouth

o HIV infection

o Dehydration

There are solutions that you can try that can improve the quality of your breath. You can also use these to prevent bad breath. If you have bad breath, the answer may not be the same for everyone. Consult your physician for diagnosis, advise and treatment on bad breath. This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substiture for medical care.

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Read 10 Tips to Kill Bad Breath Now more

Bad breath is a problem for many simply because we eat and drink strong foods. Other reasons are more serious and should be checked by your dental professional.
In any event, here are 10 things to Fight Bad Breath Now!

1. Use mouthwash after every meal. This works to loosen food particles inside your mouth that can decay and cause stinky breath.

2. Brush teeth after every meal. Your mother was right and you should brush your teeth after every meal if all possible.

3. When outside the home, after eating, chew a piece of sugarless gum. Gum, like the mouthwash will help to remove stock food from between your teeth.

4. Clean your tongue regularly with a clean cold, wet Terry washcloth. This helps remove the bacteria buildup that can cause bad breath.

5. Wipe the inside of your mouth, gums and cheeks. Literally any soft tissue in your mouth can be cleaned with a cold washcloth and be made to feel much fresher.

6. Watch what you eat. Many times strong foods like onions and garlic take time to be processed through your system. They can remain on your breath for hours after eating. He cannot arrange or basis and you may find that your skin will also have a faint odor.

7. Floss your teeth. If there's one thing that you can do to keep your breath smelling as fresh as possible, it's flossing your teeth. Flossing removes plaque and bacteria buildup from tooth surfaces.

8. Make an appointment to visit your dentist. Dental cavities and gingivitis are two of the leading causes of halitosis or bad breath. The sooner these problems are corrected the easier it will be to maintain a healthy mouth and fresh breath.

9. Stay away from strong drinks such as coffee or use some of the tips above to eliminate that stale coffee odor.

10. Don't smoke. Smoking can permeate not only your breath, but everything in totally and everything you wear. Stale smokers breath is just disgusting and no amount of gum or mints can mask the odor

Your breath should naturally have a neutral smell. It should not deliver any messages about what you had for lunch or the state of your health. Healthy breath should not be unpleasant to people you come in contact with, or smell like peppermints or cinnamon. By taking good care of your teeth and gums, you should be able to get up close and personal with almost anyone without the worry of offending

Bad Breath

Abigail Franks has done extensive research on teeth whitening and bad breath solutions. visit her site for more information on curing bad breath [] and having whiter teeth []

10 Tips to Kill Bad Breath Now