Understand What Are the Causes of Bad Breath? much more

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath, or Halitosis, describes a condition most commonly characterized as noticeably unpleasant odors that are carried on the breath. Whether from an oral source or not, so-called "stinky breath" is very common, so much so that virtually every human being suffers from it to some extent throughout their lives. There is therefore a lot of community interest in how to cure bad breath and the range of bad breath remedies available.

Despite how common it is, Halitosis can have a significant and devastating personal, social and professional impact on those who actually suffer from it, or interestingly, believe they suffer from it. The latter case is known medically as halitophobia.

Most cases of unpleasant breath (probably as many as 85-90%) originate in the mouth itself, for a variety of reasons and in different degrees. Eating certain foods (such as garlic, onions, meat, fish, and cheese) is an obvious cause, but obesity, smoking, poor dental hygiene and alcohol consumption are also very common causes. Inactivity and the presence of lower levels of oxygen during prolonged periods of sleep are responsible for the appearance of stronger odors first thing in the morning... so-called "morning breath."

Breath odor may be controlled or even temporarily eliminated with eating, teeth brushing, flossing, or rinsing with commercially available mouthwash. Not surprisingly, dental hygiene is a significant contributor to longer-term solutions.

In cases of excessive or prolonged bad breath (chronic bad breath), the personal effects on self-confidence can be enormous. This is a very serious condition and can affect some 25% of the population to varying degrees. In fact, the negative effects for sufferers can even be a significant contributor to poor self-esteem and increased stress levels, sometimes leading to other medical conditions.

Understanding how to achieve fresh breath cures needs to start with at least some basic knowledge of the common factors and Halitosis causes that are involved. These include...

1. Mouth
Scientists have discovered that, of the 600 + varieties of bacteria found in the human mouth, several dozen can produce high levels of foul odors when produced in the laboratory. These odors are produced mainly in the anaerobic breakdown of proteins into individual amino acids and then detectable foul-smelling gases.

2. Tongue
The back of the tongue (posterior dorsum) is the most likely origin of mouth odor, although other parts of the mouth can also be implicated. The presence of food particles, mouth ulcers and poorly maintained teeth or dentures are obvious examples.

The tongue can of course be cleaned with a toothbrush or, better still, an ergonomically designed tongue scraper. Mints, mouth sprays, mouthwash and gum may also help to mask bad odors, however a cure for bad breath is only possible with the control or elimination of decaying food debris and tongue-born bacteria.

3. Gum Disease
Otherwise known as periodontal disease, this can also be a factor causing bad breath. Typically, the cause can be traced to bacteria prospering below the gum line (subgingival dental plaque) which manifests in a persistent foul smell.

4. Nose
Largely unappreciated by most medical laymen, another major source of bad breath is the nose. Nasal odor can be pungent, quite different from oral odor and usually caused by sinus infections or foreign material lodged in the nasal passages.

5. Tonsils
A relatively minor contributor to breath problems, putrefaction from the tonsils manifests in some 3-5% of cases. This is typically caused by the presence of small, foul smelling pieces of calcified matter in tonsillar crypts called tonsilloliths.

6. Stomach
Apart from the common temporary odors emanating from belching (or burping), the stomach is considered a rare source of bad breath by most researchers. This is because the esophagus is a closed and collapsed tube, and any continuous flow of gas or putrid matter from the stomach indicates a health problem far more serious than Halitosis.

7. Systemic Diseases
There are a few systemic or non-oral medical conditions which may cause breath problems, but these are rare in the general population.

8. Other Medical Causes
These include lower respiratory tract Infections (bronchial and lung infections), renal infections and renal failure, carcinoma, trimethylaminuria ("fish odor syndrome"), diabetes, etc. But the presence of these conditions will usually manifest in a more conclusive diagnosis, and is rarely the cause of unpleasant breath.

9. And Finally...

Do think about what you eat. It's probably obvious, but if you eat things like strong cheese, spicy meats and garlic, guess what... these types of foods, as well as alcoholic drinks and coffee (amongst others) will leave odors on your breath! In other words, no matter how fresh and healthy your mouth, teeth, gums, tongue and stomach, it's often the food you eat that is the sole or principal culprit. There is definitely good news if you want to stop bad breath. Start with a disciplined approach to dental hygiene, diet and lifestyle... perhaps add medical advice and some easily accessible bad breath home remedies... and this is one problem you can lick!

David Walshe is an author, internet marketer, health and fitness enthusiast, business coach and consultant to small business. He is married with a young family, enjoys travel and riding his surfboard and is a regular competitor in local and regional triathlons.

What Are the Causes of Bad Breath?

Bad Breath Causes

Study The 4 Main Causes of Bad Breath (Halitosis) In Children much more

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath (halitosis) is not only occurring to adult, but also children. This disease is usually happen because of bacterial activity in mouth, nose or teeth. If your children experience this disease, don't be panic, just calm down because your kid is not the only child have it. Most children have it, especially in the morning.

Before you visit doctor or panic because of this sickness, it's good for you to know the most common causes of halitosis.

1. Postnasal drip.It is the most regular cause of halitosis in children. It's happen because of allergies, chronic sinus infections or recurrent colds.

2. Poor dentition.When your kid has bad breath, poor dentition can be the first suspected of it. This illness can appear due to cavities, trapped food particles, or inflammed gums (gingivitis).

3. Mouth breathing.Allergies or enlarged adenoids could cause bad breathing. It happens because of mouth becomes dry and saliva can't eliminate bacteria in mouth. So, it makes your children suffer the illness. Another reason of this sickness is taking a medication.

4. Nasal foreign body.If there's a small item stuck in your child's nose, it will infect and lead to bad breath. To recognize this condition, the nose will have green discharge from one nostril; there the infections will make drainage from both sides of the nose.

Some foods that you eat also make you have bad breath. So, it's better for you to choose and avoid certain foods that could give this situation. Find out the certain foods which will give halitosis and try not to eat it.

Treat and prevent bad breath with do oral hygiene such as brushing and flossing as well as cleaning the back tongue, keeping it moist, and rinsing mouth. But, if the halitosis caused of allergies like sinus infections, you can visit and consult it to doctors.

Know more main causes of bad breath (Halitosis) in Gum Disease [http://www.db-dp.com/no-more-bad-breath-and-gum-disease], or you can visit our website [http://www.db-dp.com/no-more-bad-breath-and-gum-disease].

The 4 Main Causes of Bad Breath (Halitosis) In Children

Bad Breath Causes

Go through Bad Breath Cause - A One-By-One Explanation far more

Bad Breath Cause - A One-By-One Explanation

Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath Causes

If there is one simple condition that you wouldn't want to experience is having a bad breath. It is a total turn off and can destroy relationships. Bad breath or halitosis can be a very degrading problem. It is so embarrassing that you wouldn't want to talk to a person intimately out of fear that the person will smell your stinky breath, which is why you want to know the main bad breath cause.

Not many people are brave enough to tell their friends whether they have it or not. This condition can be really frustrating for an individual. But even though the truth hurts, it is still better to just accept it and deal with it.

Medical professionals believe that the food we eat is the main bad breath cause. When food pieces accumulate in the mouth, they invite more bacteria. Bacteria are living things and we know that all living things secrete waste products. The waste products of bacteria are sulfur-containing compounds. These compounds produce very obnoxious odor. They are highly volatile as well. Thus, when they evaporate, they get stuck in the corners of the mouth. Having a dry mouth is another common reason. This is caused by conflicts in salivary gland functions. Tobacco and alcohol products provide favorable condition for the bacteria. They have to be avoided as well.

Aside from these main medical and scientific reasons, there are still some pre bad breath causes that everybody must be aware of. The first reason is when a person forgets to brush or floss his teeth properly. Most people only brush their teeth for 30 to 45 seconds, which just cannot eliminate germs. Food particles and bacterial waste products may remain in the mouth. Also, when we brush, often forget to clean the tongue as well. When the bacteria rot, these will cause stinky odors.

Eating foods that are onion and garlic based produces strong odors in the mouth. Exotic spices, chilies, cheeses, fish, meat, alcohol and acidic beverages such as coffee and iced tea are also believed to trigger bad breath. There are some who decide on just having a mouthwash after eating. However, even mouthwash products can just cover the odor entirely.

Having a dry mouth is another big deal. It happens when there's a problem on the salivary gland. Decreased amount of saliva provides bacteria with a better homestead in the mouth. People who breathe by the mouth often suffer from it and eventually bad breath from bad breath.

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Examine Help For Halitosis/Bad Breath much more

Help For Halitosis/Bad Breath

Bad Breath

There's help for halitosis/bad breath. Now days, people spend a lot of time on self-improvement. Regular exercise, proper nutrition and an emphasis on general wellness are important for medical as well as social reasons. Unfortunately, however, many people suffer from a condition that can't be cured at a health club, spa or even a hospital: chronic bad breath.

While not many people care to share it, halitosis/bad breath plagues more than 30 million Americans, according to the American Dental Association. Without proper treatment, offensive breath can lead to a loss of self-confidence and self-esteem, and it can even result in depression. The problem can adversely affect your marriage, social life, career and family relationships.

There is disagreement on what causes this condition and more disagreement on how to treat it. Possible causes include: certain incompatible bacterial flora in the mouth, constipation and infrequent bowel movements, yeast overgrowth in the intestinal tract which ferments foods that causes gases which are absorbed from the intestinal tract and breathed out through the lungs, and infected sinuses, tonsils, or lungs.

But what everyone does know is that, while the condition itself is not harmful, it is a source of great embarrassment and concern to those who suffer with it -- both the breather and the breathed-upon.

Current medical thinking is that 90 per cent of offensive breath comes from hydrogen sulfide, which is released when bacteria in the mouth breaks down built-up food particles.

The best way to prevent it? You may be able to halt the accumulation of bacteria by brushing your teeth and tongue with a toothpaste containing chlorine dioxide, flossing, and getting regular cleanings.

Other possible remedies or help for halitosis include:

Buying a tongue scraper. Use it daily and don't forget the back of your tongue.
Sucking on sugarless hard candy, which increases the flow of saliva and "floats away" odor-causing debris.
Eating a sprig of parsley or a stalk of celery. Both neutralize the smell of bacterial breakdown.
Placing a drop of pure peppermint essential oil on your tongue as a quick breath freshener.
Chewing a few fennel seeds. Fennel's clean licorice taste will freshen the breath.
Chewing cloves after meals or whenever you feel your breath needs freshening.
Eating yogurt or acidophilus culture may help bad breath.
Eating three meals a day. Bad breath can be caused by not eating, too. One of the side effects of fasting is bad breath.

Respectfully submitted by Idaline Hall. For more Help For Halitosis tips and other useful health secrets, visit: http://HealthQuickTips.com

Examine Bad Breath Mouthwash - Ingredients and Results a lot more

Commonly referred to as mouth rinse, mouth wash is a chemical agent with therapeutic properties used to enhance oral hygiene. It works by destroying plaque that is caused by bacteria. This bacteria is largely responsible for bad mouth odor, gum inflammation and tooth decay. Over the years, extensive research has been done in order to come up with the most effective solution for bad breath. This research has largely been aimed at controlling the Volatile Sulphur Compound which creates anaerobic bacteria that resides in the mouth and secretes substances that result in bad breath. This specific bacteria is the most common cause of halitosis in our population.

A common practice in preventing bad breath involves rinsing the mouth with a specified amount of mouthwash at least twice a day particularly after meals. This involves the gargling of the mouth wash for about thirty seconds after which it is spit out. It is worth noting that the major component of mouthwash is alcohol, often considered to contain antiseptic properties. Some mouthwashes may also contain a group of compounds known as essential oils that have bacterial-fighting properties.

Numerous studies suggest that cetypyridinium chloride is just as effective as chlorhexidine as a mouth remedy. Others suggest that mouthwashes that contain essential oils are more effective than contemporary mouthwashes. Moreover, others contain additives such as sodium benzoate which acts to preserve freshness. Other still are alcohol free and contain agents such as zinc ion which inhibit bad breath. There is not a single solution for the entire population because some ingredients work better on some people than the rest.

A more affordable and convenient home alternative that can act as a mouthwash is gargling a glass of warm water mixed with salt. It's an effective yet inexpensive treatment for mouth ulcers, sore throat and kills the organisms responsible for bad breath. However, brushing of the teeth and frequent flossing is still highly recommended. In recent years we have seen the emergence of herbal mouth treatment such as persica, due to the alleged teeth discoloration effects and not so pleasant taste of chlorohexidine. This however does not always cure bad breath.

Chlorohexidine is highly effective against fungi, viruses as well as bacterial spores. It works by killing the small organisms linked with throat and mouth infections. The Candida albicans fungi is responsible for 'thrush'. It has been proven to prevent the occurrence of plaque and consequently helps to prohibit gum inflammation (gingivitis). These properties enable it to be an effective contributor to oral hygiene, especially in cases where brushing of the teeth may be problematic. Furthermore, it is conducive for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Additionally, it can be used in conjunction with other medicines without the risk of reactions.

A good mouthwash especially recommended for children is Anticavity Flouride Rinse. It is not only appealing but also contains a rich-sweet taste proving to be a favorite with children under the age of eleven who are prone to mouth infections. It provides a fun way to keep teeth healthy and strong. Alcohol containing mouthwashes have been proven to contribute and accelerate the occurrence of mouth cancer; consequently their use should be restricted to short-term and only if it is absolutely imperative.

Listerine has over the years been thought of as one of the most effective mouthwash due to its numerous remedial effects such as: prevention of cavities, enamel restoration, teeth strengthening, bad breath elimination, whole mouth cleaning and is absolutely alcohol free. Independent of your desired choice of mouthwash, utmost care and attention must be given to your mouth. A bad mouth smell gives people an entirely different perspective of you.

Bad Breath

Many people suffer from halitosis, also known as bad breath. There are many different products that claim to be Bad Breath Cures but not all will be effective for each individual. Some people will need to try different kinds of toothpaste or mouthwashes before they find the one that works best for them. Even the most stubborn halitosis can be cured through careful dental care and preventive products that are used on a daily basis. Most people will argue that Listerine is one of the Best Bad Breath Mouthwashes

Bad Breath Mouthwash - Ingredients and Results

Study Bad Breath Remedies - Tips to Cure Bad Breath additional

Bad Breath Remedies - Tips to Cure Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath or Halitosis is a common problem and more than 45 percent of the entire population have this problem. Many people are disgusted and embarrassed with halitosis problems. People who found to have this problem are most desperately looking for good bad breath remedies.

It is almost impossible to eliminate all the bacteria inside our mouth. The bacteria that feed on the leftover food particles are likely to cause bad breath and the white coating on our tongue is most likely to be the accumulated bacteria. However, we can reduce the bacteria through proper oral care. One of the tips to cure bad breath is brush and floss your teeth every time after food. Make it a habit to use a tongue scraper because it can be quite effective to reduce the bacteria found on the tongue.

Many people may have heard of bad breath remedies such as using mouthwashes or even kerosene to rinse their mouth. Such remedies are very unlikely to cure this problem because alcohol mouthwashes will only dry our mouth, making it worse. As for kerosene, it already does not smell pleasant and not to think about gargling inside your mouth.

Another tips to cure bad breath would be watching out your diet. Cut down on sugar and avoid eating highly acidic food or drinks. Food that can make your mouth smell bad like garlic or onions can also make it worse. Drink enough of water because a dry mouth can make the bacteria reproduce faster and hence making your breath smell bad.

Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem, if you have been vexing with this problem recently, why not take this chance to get some instructions on the real and effective Bad Breath Remedies.

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Examine Bad Breath - The 5 Most Common Causes of Bad Breath extra

Bad Breath Causes

Got a really bad breath and you have absolutely no idea what is causing it? Then you share the same concern with many fellow sufferers. You see, there are many causes of bad breath therefore; treatment may differ from case to case. Many sufferers tend to focus more on the treatment aspect without finding out the exact reason why they are suffering from this condition. Needless to say, without knowing the exact cause, attaining the appropriate cure is nothing short of difficult. That being said, here are a few common causes of bad breath as well as suggestions on how to handle them.

1. Poor oral hygiene - One of the obvious but often overlook reasons for bad breath. Regular brushing and flossing is a definite must but many people seem to take this for granted. When one fails to exercise proper oral hygiene, bacteria will thrive especially when it gets to feed on food particles stuck in between the teeth or in the back of the mouth and this can very well cause an unpleasant smell in one's breath.

Try brushing your teeth after every meal to prevent food particles from getting stuck in your mouth. If you feel that doing it after every meal is too much of a hassle, stick to brushing twice a day at the minimum. A lot people brush their teeth only once a day and some don't even bother to brush at all! And they wonder why they have bad breath? Remember to floss frequently and look to using gum stimulator for a better and more effective flossing experience.

2. Tonsil stones - A medical condition that affects quite a number of bad breath sufferers. They are like these little white balls lodged in the throat pockets and they are formed when sulfur compounds created by bacteria are mixed together with debris in your mouth causing severe bad breath. Tonsil stones have a terribly nasty odor and once they are lodged in your throat pockets, it can be extremely difficult to get them removed.

Less serious cases can be treated by killing the bacteria responsible for producing sulfur compounds using oral care products. Severe ones may need medical attention or a special type of treatment. In fact several Israeli scientists have discovered a highly effective treatment proven to eradicate tonsil stones in a matter of minutes.

3. Gum disease - Harmful bacteria in the mouth can cause plaque to build-up on the teeth which leads to gum disease. Those who suffer from it are likely to have bad breath as well. Again, proper oral hygiene is the key to prevent gum disease from occurring.

4. Dry mouth - One's inability to produce enough saliva can lead to foul smelling breath. Saliva is crucial for cleansing the mouth and removing dead cells around the teeth, gums, and tongue. There are many reasons that could cause dry mouth such as side-effects from a particular medication, unhealthy salivary glands, smoking and excessive drinking. Try chewing a few pieces of gum throughout the day and consume plenty of water to help increase saliva production.

5. Tongue - Okay let's say you brush and floss regularly but the quality of your breath is still below par. What could be the reason then? The fact is, even people with healthy gums and teeth are not spared from this condition because the source of bad breath may also extend from the back of the tongue. For this reason, a tongue scraper along with some special ingredients may work wonders to eliminate the foul smelling odor.

Tony Reyes used to be a bad breath sufferer. Previously, he had a very tough time speaking to anyone because his breath would just blow them away. Thankfully this embarrassing condition is now a thing of the past. He is now 100% cured and enjoying life to the maximum. Want to learn how he finally got rid of his nasty bad breath problem? Go to http://www.badbreathsolutionsystem.com

Bad Breath - The 5 Most Common Causes of Bad Breath

Examine Steps to Cure Bad Breath (Halitosis) much more

Bad breath also called (halitosis) is the condition where a person suffers from unpleasant breath most of the time. The condition causes emotional stress upon individuals suffering from it. It can be cured by following the following steps.

Finding out the cause of the bad odor is the first step to take. Some of the possible causes include; a, poor oral hygiene, diseases of the mouth, dry mouth and respiratory tract infections and diseases affecting the kidneys and liver. The cause can result from one or more of these conditions. Finding the cause will help in identifying possible methods of curing the unpleasant breath.

After finding the cause of the awful breath, you commence to find the possible alternatives available to cure the bad breath. A cause for bad breath can be cured using a single or more than one method. For instance, if the awful breath is caused by respiratory tract infection, seeking medical attention as well as use of good oral hygiene will cure this. As there could be more than one alternative, weighing all of them and finding the one that will be most effective will be necessary.

The most effective cure should be one that cures the unpleasant breath in the long term. There are temporary cures for unpleasant breath but can turn out expensive. However, the temporary cures can be used during the period of treating the bad breath permanently. This is because curing unpleasant breath halitosis can take some time.

The cost is also something to consider while seeking methods to cure the bad odor. This can vary depending on the cause as well as time it will take to effectively cure the bad odor. Cost can be as little as buying toothpaste or as expensive as going for throat surgery. Whatever it will cost, it should be worth it if it will permanently eliminate the unpleasant breath.

Like any other body condition, the awful odor can reemerge. Therefore, it will be necessary to find ways of preventing this form happening.

To find the measures to put in place for the prevention of bad breath, it will be necessary to have knowledge of the causes of bad odor. This way you will be able to control any condition that might lead to emergence of bed breath again. Such measures include eating a healthy diet, exercising, good oral hygiene, taking in a lot of fluids and change of lifestyle.

If you follow the mentioned, then your bad breath cure is right in front of you. You will be able to cure the bad breath as well as keep it from re-emerging again. Your mental stress will also be gone allowing you live a healthy life.

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Steps to Cure Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Examine Can Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) Cause Bad Breath? much more

Bad Breath Causes

Yes, it can.

Dry mouth (Xerostomia) can leave a bitter or metallic taste even before bad breath (Halitosis) can be detected. Xerostomia make the breath go from bad to worse.

Normally, saliva will help flush away bacteria, food bits and cellular waste that accumulate in the mouth, but when the flow of saliva decreases, important functions such as antimicrobial activities, mechanical cleansing action of the mouth, the removal of food debris from the oral cavity, the re-mineralization and lubrication of the oral cavities are not done.

If teeth and gums are not cleaned properly the remaining food particles and debris will ferment, releasing malodorous Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSCs). These VSCs love Xerostomia. They will decompose and evaporate faster than normal and produce odours in the drier environment.

Some common causes of dry mouth are:
1. Dehydration
2. Excessive mouth breathing
3. Previous radiation therapy to the head and neck due to cancer
4. Using alcohol-based or peroxide mouthwashes and mouth rinses
5. Side effects of recreation drugs
6. Trauma to the salivary glands, ducts or nerves
7. Acute mouth and gum infection
8. Certain medicines, including decongestant, antidepressants and blood pressure medication.
9. Smoking and drinking excess alcohol
10. Using and drinking caffeine related products
11. Eating salty foods, dry foods (such as crackers, cookies, toast) and foods (or beverages) with high sugar contents

Severe Dry mouth can lead to extensive tooth decay, a sticky, dry feeling in your mouth and on your tongue, cracked lips, difficulty in chewing, swallowing, tasting and/or talking, mouth sores, frequent Bad Breath (Halitosis), dentures that do not fit comfortably and many other oral health problems.

Individuals with Xerostomia often complain of problems with eating, speaking, swallowing, Bad Breath and wearing dentures. Dry, crumbly foods, such as cereals and crackers, may be particularly difficult to chew and swallow for those suffering from Dry Mouth.

We are part-time researchers. We source and provide the latest scientific findings and traditional remedies on Bad Breath. For more information or to learn more about Bad Breath, check out our blog

Can Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) Cause Bad Breath?

Bad Breath Causes

Examine Bad Breath - Effective Home Remedies For Bad Alcohol Breath Caused By Mouthwashes much more

Bad Breath - Effective Home Remedies For Bad Alcohol Breath Caused By Mouthwashes

Bad Breath

Bad alcohol breath is more common than what most people might think. Although, they usually happen to people who drink wine or beer, it can also come from people who do not consume alcohol. This is because there are many products on the market that now contain the substance and thus will have similar impact as alcoholic drinks. Believe it or not, there are more chances of getting bad alcohol breath from your mouthwash than from wine or beer.

How alcohol cause bad breath

Alcohol causes bad mouth odors because of the fact that it dries the mouth. This creates a perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria to multiply and thrive on leftovers found in your mouth. Hence, surprising as it may be, this only causes bad breath to worsen.

All you need to do is to take a look at the label. Most mouthwashes today contain a lot of alcohol, usually around 20 percent. Compared to beer which has around 5 percent alcohol and you will notice the difference. When you rinse your mouth with such mouthwash, you only cause your mouth to undergo the drying process.

What can be done about such situation?

While alcohol-based mouthwashes are very convenient because you get to have a very good breath for a certain period of time, they can eventually dry your mouth. The easiest way is to rectify the situation is to stop using such mouthwash. Instead, get mouthwashes that are alcohol free.

Alternatively, you can continue with the mouthwash that contains alcohol but you need to deal with the actual cause of the bad breath that is dry mouth. Drinking plenty of liquids is recommended. If you like, you can even pop in some sugar free chewing gum after using such mouthwash to help add moisture to your mouth.

These two simple remedies will effectively deal with the bad breath problem, unless it is caused by something else. In such a circumstance you should consult a doctor.

Discover how you can effectively use mouthwash to eliminate bad breath [http://www.badbreathkiller.com/mouthwash/how-effective-is-mouthwash-in-eliminating-bad-breath.html]. Learn what are the bad breath remedies [http://www.badbreathkiller.com] available with our free resources.

Read through The Facts Concerning Potential Bad Breath Causes and Alternative Bad Breath Remedies a lot more

Bad breath or to give it another name, halitosis, is a serious problem for many people and it is one of the most embarrassing illnesses that a person can suffer. It makes conversation with or any other form of close contact very unpleasant for all concerned. This may even lead to a person becoming socially isolated because they simply don't realise how bad their breath is (e.g. no one wants to tell them) or do not know what to do about it.

To make matters worse there is a lot of misinformation presented in adverts and poorly researched internet downloads about potential causes and ineffective remedies. A typical mouthwash advert suggests that gum disease is almost certainly the cause of your bad breath and if you buy their mouthwash it is a halitosis cure. Of course they always leave out the part about the need to keep wasting money on it because it does not cure anything. Some studies also indicate that mouthwash may increase the risk of mouth cancer and disrupt the natural bacteria population in your mouth (thereby making your problems worse).

The first important point about bad breath is that there are many potential bad breath causes. All of them are indicative of some form of health problem and therefore should first be diagnosed and then resolved with an appropriate bad breath remedy. Trying to cover up the symptoms with expensive mouth wash will not solve the health problem. Something that you can try to reduce the problem of bad breath is drinking at least 2 to 3 litres of water every day to avoid dehydration and help the body cleanse itself. This will also have significant general health benefits.

Some of the possible bad breath causes include:

1. Mouth bacteria. Your mouth is full of hundreds of bacteria that break down for example proteins into amino acids (i.e. you need them for a healthy mouth!). This can produce an unpleasant gas and if you have an abnormal population of bacteria (e.g. too many of a certain type) your breath will smell bad. There are medical treatments to restore the correct populations of bacteria and if your mouth is often dry you can chew chewing gum, parsley, mint, basil, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon sticks or fennel seeds or leaves to wash away bacteria with your saliva.

2. Tongue bacteria. Unlike our so called advanced culture, traditional cultures (e.g. Chinese) have understood the importance of tongue health for more than a thousand years and therefore used scrapers to clean it. It turns out that the main cause of mouth related bad breath is bacteria activity at the back of the tongue. Spending money on a tongue cleaner rather than mouthwash is not only cheaper but it will cure this particular form of bad breath. Make sure that you clean your tongue and teeth thoroughly at least twice a day and see if it helps. Be especially vigilant about your cleaning routine if your tongue has a white film on it. This can be an indication of the presence of volatile sulphur compound that are known to contribute to bad breath.

3. Bad fillings, tooth decay, abscesses, food between the teeth and gum disease. These may also cause problems with bad breath but it is less common. In all cases the solution is simple, visit a dentist, brush your teeth (try using a paste mixture of baking soda and water) and use dental floss!

4. Nasal and tonsil infections. As above these are not very common and will probably have other symptoms that lead you to sort them out with a doctor.

5. The stomach and esophagus. A very uncommon bad breath cause because the esophagus is usually closed unless there is a problem with it or one belches. However, some people have a problem with the balance of stomach bacteria and this can cause bad breath. You can try taking daily probiotic supplements if this problem exists.

6. Other systemic diseases (e.g. diabetes, metabolic dysfunction). These are usually accompanied by other more serious symptoms and therefore bad breath is a clearly identifiable side effect.

7. A toxic body. If your body has become overloaded with toxins from for example, an unhealthy diet, mercury fillings and certain pollutants (e.g. lead) this can cause a chain reaction of related symptoms, including body odour and bad breath. With the modern unhealthy diet (e.g. too many carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol and additives) this is becoming more common. For the sake of your general health and bad breath you should consider undertaking a body detox, at least once in your life (and preferably every few years).

Another important point about bad breath is that it will be worse at certain times of the day (e.g. when you wake up) and will depend on what you eat (e.g. garlic, a low carbohydrate diet), your general state of health (e.g. obesity), what you drink (e.g. not drinking enough water and/or drinking a lot of alcohol) and whether you smoke. Clearly bad breath that is always bad (chronic) is more serious and must be investigated further to find out what is wrong in the body.

If you are not sure how bad your breath is or want to find out whether a bad breath remedy is working or ask a family member to tell you (i.e. it is difficult to self diagnose) or scrape the back of the tongue and smell the residue. Don't wait for someone else to hint that you breath is bad - make sure that you detect the problem first and sort it out!

Bad Breath Causes

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The Facts Concerning Potential Bad Breath Causes and Alternative Bad Breath Remedies

Bad Breath Causes

Examine 4 Most Common Bad Breath Causes That You May Not Be Aware Of extra

Learning more about bad breath cause can prevent you from doing things that can only make the smell of your breath even worse. Believe it or not, having a bad breath can affect your personal life as well as your professional life. It is very important for you to understand the bad breath cause so you can have more confidence to talk to other people.

1) Morning breath

The worst breath probably occurs when you wake up from your sleep in the morning. All the germs and bacteria are very active when you sleep. That is why it is very important for you to brush your teeth every morning. You need to aware that brushing your teeth will give a temporary effect since as the day progresses, the stink of bad breath may creep slowly back into your mouth.

To prevent this, you have to brush your teeth at least 2 or 3 times per day or after your heavy meal.

2) Putting something smelly in your mouth

Sometimes, this situation could not be avoidable. If you eat food that is full of garlic or onions, than you can be sure that your breath will smell awful. The only advice I can give you is to take food with less garlic or onions.

Smoking a cigarette is one of the bad breath cause as well. It is best if you can quit smoking permanently but this may difficult to achieve if you are a heavy smoker. The trick is to take less cigarette per day.

Another bad breath cause that is considered situational is alcoholic beverages.

3) Halitosis

Halitosis is another name given to bad breath. Many people use gums, sprays and other types of breath fresheners to mask the effects of halitosis. Even if you use a good and expensive breath fresheners, it will still will not do you any good if you do not take good care of your dental hygiene like brushing your teeth in the first place.

It may only solve your problem for a while, but the awful smell will come back again after few hours.

4) Left over food

The most common bad breath cause is the present of bacteria that is feeding off the food particles that is left over from when you have your last meal. Even if the particles are small, but it can spread into your mouth that will cause your breath to smell awful.

That is why brushing your teeth is important to prevent this. To make it better, use floss to totally remove any small particles that could not be remove by brushing alone.

You should be sure that you brush your teeth for five minutes or more. Any less time and you are not reaching all the places in your mouth. You need to be aware that all toothpastes and mouthwashes are not created equal too.

There you have it, 4 most common bad breath cause that you should aware of. If you can avoid doing the above causes, then you should have no problem in getting a wonderful and fresh breath.

Bad Breath Causes

If you are looking for one top secret to cure for bad breath, then look no further.

Finally, there is a breakthrough in solving your bad breath problem quickly and permanently.

Check out http://badbreathcenter.blogspot.com for more information and details.

4 Most Common Bad Breath Causes That You May Not Be Aware Of

Bad Breath Causes