Read Fix Bad Breath - How? a lot more

Fix Bad Breath - How?

Bad Breath

Stinky breath, halitosis, morning breath, rancid breath and no matter what kind of epithet and moniker it has, the fact that cannot be denied that each and every person in this world suffer from it. The awful odor emitting from the mood is certainly something that would turn people away, as to why, people who suffer from them also want to fix bad breath.

Not a single wonder cure or miracle fix has ever been developed in order to fix bad breath. However, there are numerous proven and effective ways and steps in order to prevent bad breath from developing and becoming a nuisance.

The first step in knowing how to fix bad breath and somehow prevent it from developing is to avoid certain habits and food. For one thing, smoking has been proven to contribute to the development of both temporary and chronic halitosis and bad breath, plus, it has been proven that most smokers, especially those that are chain smokers, tend to develop gum problems.

Alcoholic drinks are also notorious for causing breath problems. Not only do they have somewhat an undesirable odor themselves, but, because of their alcohol content, they dry up the mouth, making it a very hospitable place in which oral bacteria can develop in. These oral bacteria are responsible for the development of halitosis or bad breath, as well as other oral and dental problems.

The food that we eat are also responsible for causing bad breath, especially food that is unclean and also, indulging in too much sweets may also cause some problems and have been proven to lead to the development of tonsil stones and tonsillitis. Granted, these are considered to be minor dental problems, but given due time, these tonsil stones may grow and cause bad breath.

In order to fix bad breath and even prevent it from happening, the best thing to do is to know how to care for the teeth properly. This means brushing the teeth for at least three times a day, and using a toothbrush that has a cheek and tongue cleaner that allows cleaning of the cheek and tongue, both of which are parts of the mouth in which most oral bacteria reside in. It also is important to use a dental floss after eating, since it helps remove any food particles and scraps stuck in between the teeth.

Lastly, the most important thing to do in order to fix bad breath, especially if it has become chronic is to visit the dentist every six months or so. Doing so is important, for both sufferers and non-sufferers, to ensure that the teeth and mouth are properly cleaned all throughout.

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and explore my touching personal fight for fresh breath and how I managed to get rid of tonsil stones permanently.

Read Bad Breath Problems and Causes much more

Bad Breath Problems and Causes

Bad Breath Causes

Because bad breath is not an illness, a disease or a threat to life, many people simply don't get around to doing anything about it. It's also true that we may not be aware of our own bad breath and that other people are too polite to tell us we have a problem. In the grand scheme of things, having bad breath is not a major problem that would distract us from what else we need to do, like go to work, spend time with the family and catch up on all our chores. It's also quite embarrassing, so even those who acknowledge that they have a bad breath problem may avoid doing anything about it because they would be ashamed to discuss it with anyone. Having to admit your breath smells bad is something many people are not prepared to do.

It's a shame that such a simple thing as bad breath must cause embarrassment. It's rarely anyone's fault that they experience it, unless they are not taking care of their teeth or they have poor oral hygiene.

Bad breath can be somewhat of a social dilemma. How to tell a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend that they have it is fraught with anxiety, just as having bad breath can be. Dealing on a daily basis with work colleagues or other people can be very uncomfortable if your communication with them is up close and personal.

If bad breath is interfering in your lifestyle, you need to do something about it. Often, it can be attributed to diet, consuming certain foods or suffering from some kind of digestive disorder. Or it could be caused by a health problem that's not even in close proximity to your mouth. Strange as it may seem, problems with the liver, kidneys and intestines can be chronic bad breath causes. Acid reflux and bad breath are synonymous and sugar diabetes symptoms can include halitosis as well.

Getting rid of bad breath begins with finding out what's causing it in the first place. Your first port of call is your dentist, who will examine your teeth and the inside of your mouth for any signs of infection, tooth damage, gum disease and mouth ulcers. If nothing of significance is found, you should then consult your doctor who will investigate other causes of bad breath. You might even have a bad breath clinic in your area where you can go and health professionals there will help to assess the severity of your problem, try to determine the cause and put you on course to some bad breath cures that will bring some relief. The staffs at these clinics are well versed in how to cure bad breath because it's all they deal with day to day. They know the physiology that creates the condition, a broad range of causes, and can recommend treatments for bad breath that your doctor or dentist may not know of.

There are medicinal treatments, home remedies and naturopathic cures for bad breath. There are old wives' tales, advice from people who've cured their own, tablets, mouthwashes, rinses and diet supplements that are all recommended for halitosis treatment. Some remedies involve omitting or including particular foods or changing one's diet altogether.

For those on the Atkins or South Beach diets, bad breath will be a fact of life. A high protein, low carb diet will always result in the onset of ketosis and the dieter's breath will begin to smell fruity and slightly unpleasant. Eliminating or severely restricting any essential elements of the human diet can have mild to dire consequences.

Some people swear you can cure bad breath with Zantac, others insist that gargling with a solution of salt and water does the trick for them. Some have recommended zinc as a treatment for bad breath, others have suggested getting colonic irrigation to detox the intestines.

There are those however who are afflicted with bad breath because they have sinus problems, tonsillitis or other throat or nasal complaints. Thanks to the copious discharge at the back of the throat, bad breath can be chronic. In these cases, surgery may be recommended to relieve the more significant condition, which will in turn treat the bad breath.

Bad breath after a tonsillectomy is quite common as the incisions will have to heal and until they do, bacteria will be able to proliferate. Similarly if there are problems in the mouth such as gum disease, cutting wisdom teeth, abcesses, cavities, decaying teeth or a severe buildup of plaque, bad breath will be a problem. Even having braces or other appliances fitted to the teeth can be a cause of bad breath because the teeth can't be cleaned as easily.

As much as we all hate bad breath, it happens to the best of us. Rather than ignoring it, do something about it, because those around us whom we love and who love us, certainly can't ignore it!

Chris Hanson is the creator of bad breath fear, where he publishes articles on the causes of bad breath.

If you are suffering from bad breath, download our free bad breath report.

Examine Halitosis - Causes, Symptoms and Cures! a lot more

Halitosis - Causes, Symptoms and Cures!

Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath Causes

Halitosis is for many people known simply as the "bad breath". Although a relatively minor health problem, halitosis can be a source of distress and social handicap. We spend millions each year trying to freshen our breath with various gums, sprays and mouthwashes.

What Causes halitosis?
Ingested foods are the most common cause of bad breath. Garlic, onion, fish, and diets high in fat and meat lead to halitosis. When these foods are digested, chemicals or volatile substances are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to your lungs where they are exhaled in your breath. One study showed that rubbing garlic on the feet caused bad breath! Degradation products of proteins in the body used for energy are exhaled through the lungs. Therefore, skipping meals, hunger, fasting and low calorie diets can also cause "hunger breath". As there is no flow of saliva during sleep, putrefaction (decomposition or decay) of saliva and debris in the mouth can lead to bad breath in the morning.

Halitosis can also be caused by the following:

• tobacco;

• alcohol;

• dentures;

• gum disease or periodontal disease that shoeless teeth and create pockets in the gums, the pockets harbor bacteria and leads to bad breath;

• chronic lung or sinus infections;

• breathing through the mouth due to swollen adenoids or tonsils;

• oral infections, such as thrush (candidiasis);

• systemic diseases such as diabetes, liver disease or kidney disease;

• pregnancy;

• brushing teeth deficient or irregular use of dental floss.

Taking certain medications can also lead to bad breath, especially those that cause a reduction in the flow of saliva and dry mouth: antidepressants, antipsychotics, antihistamines, decongestants and drugs against hypertension.

What are the Symptoms and Complications of halitosis?
The strange irony of halitosis is the fact that many people do not know they are infected. The explanation is as follows: the cells in the nose, responsible for smell, become insensitive to the continuous flow of bad odor. If you have bad breath, you may need to hear or watch while the negative reaction of people if you are too close!

How can we Diagnose Halitosis?
It is easy to self-diagnose bad breath. You can lick your wrist, let it dry for a few seconds and smell the region. You can also put your hands around your mouth and feel your own breath. If you need a second opinion, ask a friend, a family member, your doctor or dentist.

Cure and Prevention of halitosis
Manufacturers of mints and mouthwashes have made an industry based on the desire to have a fresh breath. These products guarantee the freshness and "minty smell" of your breath. However, they will help you in the best case, only temporarily control your breath. In fact, many products contain sugar and alcohol. These ingredients lead to tooth decay and oral disease may aggravate certain. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are important and are the most effective methods to fight against bad breath. To prevent these problems, one solution: regular brushing, the passage of the flossing, rinsing and tongue scraping. When halitosis is caused by lung disease, impaired emptying of the stomach, liver or kidney failure, it should treat the underlying condition.

Here are some tips for getting rid of bad breath:

• Brush your teeth three times a day and floss once a day;

• Clean your tongue before bedtime by scraping with a plastic tongue or rubbing it gently;

• Avoid the hungry breath taking meals at regular times. Take time to eat and avoid skipping meals;

• conduct a more thorough cleaning than a regular brushing. Ask your dentist to recommend you a specific cleaning system;

• clear your nose and sinuses;

• stimulate saliva flow with citrus (oranges and lemons) or with candy or chewing sugarless gum containing citric acid;

• Eat more foods rich in fiber. Chew fibrous vegetables like parsley and wintergreen to stimulate the flow of your saliva;

• Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your mouth moist and help eliminate bacteria responsible for bad odors;

• consume less alcohol and coffee;

• Ask your doctor or pharmacist to see if your medications are causing problems of dry mouth that can cause bad breath.

If you want to learn more about Halitosis and bad breath, check out my 10 tips to get rid of bad breath and you can figure out what causes bad breath with more details in my website.

Go through Bad Breath - Why Won't it Just Go Away? Here is the Most Probable Cause of Your Chronic Bad Breath a lot more

Bad Breath - Why Won't it Just Go Away? Here is the Most Probable Cause of Your Chronic Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be a terrible thing to subject people to, especially when you're trying to make that ever-important first impression. For some people, it doesn't matter how hard they try to get rid of their bad breath, it still persists. Why? Brushing your teeth and tongue until the inside of your mouth is worn down doesn't seem to help any, mouthwashes of numerous varieties and strengths don't work either, and all efforts just seem to give you minty fresh bad breath!

Go up to your mirror and take a good look inside your mouth. Go on, look... and you might need a penlight to see clearly - you'll need to be focusing on the back of throat, where your tonsils are. Do you see anything strange? Try to see if your tonsils have any kind of white or yellowish-white spots or bumps on them. Do they? Even faintly so? If they do, those spots or lumps are the very reason that you can't get rid of your bad breath by conventional means. These are what are known as tonsil stones, tonsilloliths (also spelled tonsiloliths, tonsiliths or tonsilliths), cryptic tonsils or "white tonsils".

Some of the food you eat can get stuck in the tiny pores of your tonsils and get covered over with secretions from your throat much like an oyster forms pearls over grains of sand. These bacteria farms are what cause the bad breath that just won't go away. People have often tried on their own to get rid of them, and often through dangerous means, but they just seem to come back. For this reason, the majority of sufferers turn to surgery to completely remove their tonsils, even to their own doctor's suggestion!

But really, there are other options, including natural remedies that amount to merely eating certain things to remedy this condition. There's absolutely no need for such drastic surgery at all. Those who use such natural methods for this particular problem completely eliminate their bad breath forever. Why go under the knife? It'd be like swatting at a fly with a thermonuclear device... it's just insanity, and far too drastic a course of action. Let's not forget that our tonsils are part of our main immunity defense. After all, think about it... would you rather have someone carve and butcher them free from your throat, or just occasionally eat a few certain types of delicious greens and such?

If you'd like to know more about this problem, or about how to avoid surgery to combat your tonsil stones, please enjoy a visit to my website which more closely deals with a viable bad breath cure on the subject of tonsil stones for a very quick and informative read.

Understand Bad Breath - Worst Habits to Avoid If You Are Serious About Curing Halitosis a lot more

Bad Breath

Bad breath (Halitosis) can be a great social embarrassment. Once you come to realize that you are facing this health condition, it is really frustrating to overcome the problem. However, if you wish to make your bad odor disappear, your first move should be towards the dentist who will examine your medical history and your oral specs to identify the reason for your bad breath. We are listing a few of the worst habits to avoid if you are serious about curing your bad breath issue.

Too much use of mouthwash: It is a common thought that mouthwashes cure the issues of bad breath and make your mouth smell really fresh. On the other hand, if you are making use of a lot of mouthwash to overcome this problem, you are actually making it worse.

Flavored mints for good breath: If you are the one who is consuming a lot of flavored mints to make sure your mouth smells fresh all the time, then you have certainly created a productive breeding space for the bacteria in your mouth. Always remember, a good smelling mouth is not always a healthy mouth.

Excessive use of chewing gum: Having a chewing gum all the time in your mouth does not mean that your breath is healthy. The flow of saliva because of the chewing gum is good, but it only creates an envelope for the bad breath on a temporary basis. If your mouth is running dry frequently, it is better to drink water all day long to eliminate the condition.

Tobacco - your real enemy: Your gums are at higher risk of dissolving if you are consuming smokeless tobacco. This makes your teeth lose their enamel, weakens the gums and overall you are at a higher risk of an oral cancer. As well as this, your tongue loses its sense to taste for different foods. Tobacco will only worsen your bad breath problems.

Drinking Alcohol: Dryness in the mouth is one of the major reasons for halitosis. If you are thinking that vodka or whiskey will cure your mouth of bad odor, then you are absolutely wrong with this thought. Alcohol causes dryness in your mouth which in return causes this issue..

Halitosis also occurs because of the types of foods that you eat. It creates toxins in your intestines, lungs and your tongue which turns white when you wake up early in the morning. You must try to eat healthy foods to keep your stomach clean which in return will help to keep your mouth clean. Diseases such as diabetes or irregular functioning of the kidneys can also lead to the problem of bad breath. You must try to keep your diabetes in control if you are facing the problem of this bad odor. It also causes a lot of problems in our personal and business lives as well as our social lives.

There's no reason you should be embarrassed about your bad breath (halitosis) issues any longer. Click here to get the information you need to effectively control your bad breath. If you're ready to read more about how we can help you with your halitosis problem, visit and download lots of helpful information. "If people take the advice (in this report), they should enjoy excellent dental health for an entire life-time. A tremendous amount of time and work went into the preparation of this." Dr. Paul Keyes, DDS, MS

Bad Breath - Worst Habits to Avoid If You Are Serious About Curing Halitosis

Go through Bad Breath in Children - A Look Into Some of the Natural Causes extra

Bad breath is not only confined to occurring in adults alone as it too can happen in children. And just in adults, it too is not a pleasant experience to see a child who has bad breath. So what cause bad breath in children?

The causes are pretty much the same as in adults. Bad breath in children is mostly caused by a buildup of excessive oral bacteria in the tongue and mouth. This may be brought about food debris in the mouth or some gum disease in toddlers.

There are a lot of ways to find out if your kid has bad breath. The most common way is to let them lick the palm of their hand. Let the saliva dry and then smell that area right after. If that area does smell bad, then what you smell is the exact same smell that you will get from your kids breath.

Onions and garlic are two of the most common culprits responsible for bringing about bad breath. So you need to watch your kid's diet.

If he/she is extremely fond of pizza's do not choose toppings that are rich in onions and garlic. The probable reason behind the notorious effect that onions and garlic has on a person's breath can be attributed to the presence of sulfuric compounds which smell rather bad after a certain time period inside of your mouth. Cheese and milk and other dairy products are things you also need to watch out for and avoid giving to your kids.

Oral hygiene is also another facet that may have been overlooked and as a result, is giving your kids a hard time keeping their breath fresh. By nature, kids are generally carefree. If you let them loose, for sure they will forget to take a bath or brush their teeth, choosing play over the aforementioned. As a parent, you need to sometimes impose an iron will over them. I am not implying that you whip them but be firm when you want them to take a bath or brush their teeth. For the brush part, the same rule applies as it does to adults.

Children need to brush their teeth after every meal and they too need to floss. Brushing or the cleaning the tongue is also necessary to avoid the buildup of bacteria.

Last but not the least, one of the major causes of bad breath in children is the lack of moist in their mouth. Your kid needs to drink a sufficient amount of water per day to keep the mouth and throat wet.

Bad Breath Causes
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Bad Breath in Children - A Look Into Some of the Natural Causes

Study Treating Bad Breath much more

Treating Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a very common non-threatening medical complaint. Most people experience this phenomenon in the morning just after waking up or after eating particularly pungent food, but for others the condition can prove more persistent. There are a variety of causes of halitosis and a variety of treatments. This guide will help you understand your halitosis and to treat it effectively.

Foods like garlic, onion, and a wide array of spices can release compounds during digestion which are absorbed by the blood. When this blood circulates to the lungs, these compounds are released and expelled again through our mouth and nose. If you suspect your halitosis is diet-related, then the remedy is simple: avoid these troublesome foods. If you stop eating them, then the exhaled compounds will not be replenished.

Poor dental hygiene is another common and obvious cause of bad breath. Infrequent brushing and flossing contribute to a build-up of microorganisms in the mouth. As these organisms consume the sugars from your food, they produce waste gases which can give your breath a noticeable odor. Food stuck between teeth or at the back of the mouth will also give off a smell if they are allowed to sit for a time. Beyond the possible benefit of curing your halitosis, an improved dental health regime will serve to protect your teeth and gums from a variety of dental health problems, including tooth decay and gingivitis. Poor dental hygiene can also result in infection of the tissue of the mouth. This infected tissue is another contributor to halitosis as it emits its own noticeable odor.

Dry mouth is a medical condition which can cause halitosis. Saliva is the mouth's natural lubricant and cleanser and without it, particles of food are allowed to rot between teeth. Chronic dry mouth calls for a visit to the doctor, as it can lead to severe tooth decay if left untreated. Smoking is another common cause of halitosis. Beyond the innumerable threats it poses to human health, the practice of smoking tobacco results in particles of smoke entering the lungs. These participles are later expelled through the mouth and nose and can be smelled on the breath.

To cure your halitosis, a number of steps can be taken. Be sure to brush and floss and least twice a day. Pay special attention to your tongue and the back of your mouth. Use a mouthwash, or drop a small amount of peppermint oil onto your tongue after brushing. Reduce the amount of odorous foods and spices in your diet. If you smoke, quit. See a dentist once every six months for a thorough examination and cleaning. These steps should improve your bad breath. If they do not, consult a doctor. Halitosis can sometimes be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of Richmond Dental Health. The dental cosmetic surgery office also provides routine dental checkups and maintenance throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their teeth whitening Richmond Virginia please visit their website.

Examine Is Parsley A Bad Breath Solution? more

Is Parsley A Bad Breath Solution?

Bad Breath

Bad breath is a common cause for awkwardness for many people especially when they are in close proximity to another person e.g.: going on a date, taking an interview, or being at a wedding. While a small percentage of people suffer from this condition on a regular basis, a larger percentage of people experience it only occasionally.

The condition may be associated with teeth and gum problems or due to some trouble originating from the lungs or the stomach. It may also crop up when the person is suffering from some illness such as cold, upper respiratory tract infections, sore throat, etc. It may also originate if there is drying up of the mouth (xerostomia) or in cases of poor oral hygiene.

If the cause for bad breath is due to some systemic illness or due to teeth and gum problems, there is no remedy to negate the bad breath unless the underlying source is treated. Once the basis for the condition is identified and treated, the bad breath disappears on its own. You can treat these sources with natural remedies, but you need a combination of items to make the proper recipe.

But if the source for the condition is due to poor oral hygiene or due to drying up of the mouth, improving on the hygiene and the use of some age-old home remedies do bring about progress in reducing the condition.

One among such time tested home remedies to temporarily reduce bad breath is the use of parsley. This has been used in various forms for many years and is favored by many people. The leaves of Parsley are rich in chlorophyll and acts as a powerful neutralizer of bad breath. Chlorophyll is an anti-mutagen that acts as a very good deodorizer.

Parsley has been used in various forms to combat bad breath, but the effects are at its best when it is fresh. Parsley is the best antidote for bad breath especially for reducing garlic-odor when some food containing garlic has been consumed.

When dining outside in a restaurant, if a person feels that he/ she is having bad breath the easiest way out is to order a dish that contains Parsley. Chewing on the leaves will give instant relief and avoid embarrassment.

Chewing on parsley sprigs dipped in vinegar also helps combat bad breath. This when chewed and swallowed and helps in improving the digestion. The sprigs of Parsley when swallowed also help in reducing intestinal gases that may further reduce bad breath.

Many breath fresheners that are commercially available contain Parsley as one of its ingredients. The aromatic oils of parsley used in these breath fresheners are ideal in reducing bad breath.

Parsley contained in a capsule was commercially available as a method to combat bad breath. This was marketed with the concept saying that the condition is a problem of the digestive tract and not from the oral cavity. This product was later removed from the market when the company's claims were challenged in the court by other competitors in the field.

Parsley is also used to make a homemade remedy to fight bad breath. It is boiled in water along with some whole or ground cloves and the mixture is then cooled and strained. This strained product of Parsley and cloves is gargled as a mouthwash to help reduce bad breath.

Though many commercial products are available in the market, many people still prefer to use simple, natural and easily available remedies such as Parsley to help them battle killer bad breath. Unfortunately, for those who suffer from chronic bad breath, or halitosis, a simple solution like this will not be sufficient.

Richard Wilkins, owner and webmaster of Halitosis Solutions is a man who has suffered from symptoms of halitosis, or chronic bad breath, his entire life. After finally having gotten this disease under control, he has since made it his mission in life to spread the knowledge of halitosis treatment methods to everyone who suffers from this disease, no matter the severity.

Read through Bad Breath Stomach - What Does Bad Breath Have to Do With Your Stomach? additional

What do garlic, onions and cheese have in common aside from being toppings on a pizza?

The answer is: these foods can cause your breath to smell unpleasant because of their natural odor, or because of the way they are digested in your stomach. Bad breath or Halitosis is caused by a variety of conditions such as irregularities in the stomach (bad breath from stomach), poor oral hygiene, or consumption of certain foods.

Onions and garlic have a naturally pungent odor that can temporarily cause an offensive breath. This can easily be fixed by brushing your teeth or chewing on mints. There are also other types of food such as dairy products that indirectly cause bad breath, which is harder to cure. Milk and milk products, for example, contain lactose, a very dense protein molecule that is not so easily digested by some people. This is what is meant by lactose intolerance and this condition, although it starts in the stomach, may lead to an unpleasant smelling breath.

Keeping an optimal level of good bacteria in your stomach can help fight off bad breath due to indigestion. While bad bacteria cause health problems and negatively affect the body, good bacteria works to keep your body healthy and your systems up and running. An important type of good bacteria can be found in the stomach's intestines and are called intestinal flora. These bacteria are responsible for the proper digestion of food, which is essential in avoiding the occurrence of Halitosis.

If the number of intestinal flora in your body drops, your rate of digestion becomes slower and the food that you eat may be stuck in your intestines for years. When this happens, mucus is secreted by your intestines to enclose the toxins in these undigested foods. Imagine an old piece of bread growing molds. Now, imagine that happening inside your body. This can cause serious health problems and the best course of action to take is to clean out your digestive tract. This can easily be done by consulting with a qualified health practitioner who can give you ideas on the various methods and procedures that can be undertaken to cleanse your system.

Aside from health problems, undigested food in your intestines can also cause chronic Halitosis. Having an offensive breath may be a sign that you need to replenish the intestinal flora in your stomach that aids in food digestion. This can be done by taking supplements, or through eating plain, unsweetened yogurt which is rich in good bacteria. Keep in mind, though, that yogurt is a dairy product and those who are lactose intolerant should opt to replenish good bacteria in their bodies from other sources instead.

Bad Breath is a problem that is common and easily dealt with if you can pinpoint the root cause. Hence, the first thing to do when trying to solve this problem is to find out what causes it to occur. Brushing your teeth or reaching for that roll of mints may only provide a temporary solution if the real cause of the problem is rooted in the stomach. Consulting a health professional who can expertly assess your condition and recommend optimum solutions is still the best way to go in permanently eliminating the problem of Bad Breath.

Bad Breath
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Bad Breath Stomach - What Does Bad Breath Have to Do With Your Stomach?

Read through What Causes Bad Breath Information additional

Bad breath, also called halitosis is the presence of odor in the mouth. It has contributed to strained relationships and the lowering of self esteem in many people. The sad part of it is, people with bad breath rarely know they do. This is because smell cells in the nasal canal may have gotten used to the odor. There are a number of bad breath causes.

Unpleasant breath usually has its source in the mouth. This is brought about by bacteria present in the mouth. These break down food and cells producing sulfur compounds. The sulfur compounds are the source of the unpleasant breath. The bacteria are mostly active in dry mouths. Poor oral hygiene helps the bacteria multiply by allowing them sufficient food. In addition dehydration of the mouth can lead to activity of the bacteria. That is why most people have halitosis when they wake up since the mouth produces little saliva as while we sleep.

Infections in the mouth and respiratory tract are other causes of bad odor. Bleeding gums and tooth cavities are sources of food for the bacteria in the mouth. Food tends to stick in cavities which contribute to the multiplication of the bacteria. The tooth is in a state of decay which also produces bad odor.

Infections of the salivary glands can also cause unpleasant breath. These infections can result in the production of little saliva which leads to the dehydration of the mouth.

Bad odor can also come from the throat, sinuses or lungs if they are infected. These are as a result of the dead cells that come during the healing processes going on in the infected areas. Infections produce pus which is mostly dead decaying cells. When lodged in the respiratory tract, their foul smell is emitted through the mouth and nose.

Halitosis can also come from the products we consume. These include garlic and tobacco which naturally have an odor. When consumed, the ingredients react with enzymes in saliva creating the bad breath. Avoiding consuming the products or mixing them with other less pungent foods (as for the case of garlic and onions) is recommended.

Illnesses like diabetes, liver disease and kidney disease can also contribute to halitosis. These diseases usually result in the production of fouls smells which travel around the body through the blood. These smells will escape from the body through any opening including the mouth.

Halitosis can result from a number of things which include self-induced as well as those induced by nature. It is important to identify the bad breath cause before taking any measures to treat it. For the cases where it is self-induced taking necessary measures like brushing of teeth is necessary.

If the bad breath cause is nature induced like illness, temporary measures to control the bad breath can be undertaken. These will help you undertake treatments for the illness while at the same time confidently talking to others.

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What Causes Bad Breath Information

Study Simple How to Cure Bad Breath Secrets additional

Simple How to Cure Bad Breath Secrets

Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath Causes

In order to cure bad breath, one has to have the information on what causes it and how to control these causes. Food, stress, alcohol, dieting, illnesses, and smoking are just some of the causes of foul breath. Food such as onions and garlic are known to cause foul breath. Likewise, alcohol consumption can cause digestive problems resulting to smelly breath. Stress can also affect the digestive system, causing insufficiency in the body's supply of digestive enzymes. Certain illnesses like diabetes and kidney malfunctions can also cause the breath to smell stinky. Smoking can also cause the breath to have a foul odor.

Learning the causes of smelly breath or halitosis is a good first step towards knowing how to cure bad breath. The second step involves knowing the various treatment and remedies for halitosis. There are certain simple foods that can help in freshening one's breath. For instance, apple cider vinegar helps in the digestion of foods. Taking a table spoon of this vinegar right before a meal can help in taking away the foul breath.

Baking soda is another popular, homemade solution for curing halitosis. Baking soda may be used in brushing the teeth as it reduces the acidity present in the mouth. Baking soda also kills bacteria present in the mouth.

For stinky breath caused by sinus infection, using hydrogen peroxide is very much ideal. Hydrogen peroxide can be bought over the counter and be diluted with water. Put several drops in the nostril and sniff it. Gargling a simple solution of water and salt can also help in washing away bacteria and mucus that can cause stinky breath.

Herbal products can also lessen the unwanted odor in one's breath. Alfalfa tablets and anise are two exemplary herbal products that can kill odor-causing bacteria. Using chlorophyll can also help given its deodorizing properties. Another good herbal product that can kill bacteria-causing halitosis is cloves, which can be used as a mouthwash.

Likewise, herbal products such as fennel, filberts and lemon are highly recommended for those who want to know how to cure bad breath. Fennel is a powerful antiseptic that can be used in various ways. Its leaves can be chewed. Fennel capsule contents can also be mixed with baking soda and made into a paste which can then be used in brushing the teeth, tongue, and gums. Fennel fluid extract can also be rubbed on the gums and tongue. Filberts or hazelnuts can be chewed to absorb the foul odor of the breath. Likewise, sucking on lemon wedge with salt can help in curing halitosis. Drinking tea is also a proven halitosis treatment. A homemade solution is combining parsley, cloves, powdered myrrh and golden seal in boiling water. Stir the solution occasionally and the cool and strain it. The solution can also be used as a mouthwash.

Tea tree oil likewise is used as a halitosis treatment. Putting several drops of tea tree oil on a toothbrush or toothpaste can help seal the unwanted odor of the breath given the strong aromatic flavor of tea tree oil.

Are you suffering from bad breath? Are you looking for resources on how to cure bad breath? Simon Lenty is an freelance Expert Author and a health enthusiast who understands how you feel. Confronted with reoccurring bad breath and looking for answers to the problem so that he didn't feel embarrassed anymore when he talked to other people, Simon Lenty did the research and came up with some effective ways to to cure bad breath at home that anyone can try.

If you want even more information, subscribe to the free 10-part Successful Secrets To Curing Bad Breath email course at no cost.

Understand Various Causes Of Bad Breath extra

Every one of us must have someday come across someone that had bad breath. There are various causes of this such as medical conditions, diets and habits that may be responsible for it. There are also cases where people seem to have chronic bad breath which is one that seems to persist over time. In order to treat their problems it is important for the people to find out what are the causes of their smelly breath.

Causes of bad breath: Food

Food sometimes can have some influence on your breath whether it is positive or negative. Foods such as garlic and onions are renowned worldwide for leaving a strong odor on the breath. Foods that have not been properly washed or cooked can also be considered as causes.

On the other hand there are foods such as parsley and lettuce that can help in easing breath that smells. You should make sure that you eat a good amount of fresh fruit and vegetables regularly if you know that your diet is one causes of smelly breath.

Causes of bad breath: Wrong habits

Having wrong habits can also act as causes of smelly breath. If you do not have the habit of brushing and flossing your teeth regularly you should not be surprised to have a bad breath. Cleaning your mouth and removing remaining food particles should help in easing the foul odor that comes out of your mouth. You should also pay regular visit to your dentist so that he can removes all the accumulated plaques if you know that is one of the problems in your mouth. There are also bad habits such as smoking that can cause this as well. If you want to have a normal breath then you should consider giving up smoking.

There are a lot of causes of bad breath and you should always try to find out what is the one that is responsible in your cases. It is important for you to consult a doctor in order to know whether your problem is caused by a medical condition or not. If it is not the case then brushing your teeth properly and drinking a lot of water should help you get rid of the problem. Treating your bad breath should help you lead a normal life again without you having fear of annoying other people with breath that smells.

Bad Breath Causes
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Various Causes Of Bad Breath

Examine Bad Breath - Facts That Every Bad Breath Sufferer Should Know much more

Some people who suffer from bad breath may unwittingly find that their social lives are also affected. Although most of these conditions are treatable, many of these people choose to live with it instead of working towards getting rid of it. Here are some facts that every bad breath sufferer should know.

Bad Breath Facts

First off, the majority of bad breath problems come from our mouths. Such problems usually arise due to poor oral hygiene. It is simply not enough to brush your teeth once per day for half a minute. Proper oral hygiene requires you to brush at least twice per day, flossing and utilizing oral care products like mouthwashes.

There are bacteria living inside our mouths. The ones that cause our breath to smell are the anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria feed on leftovers and will thrive in dry and oxygen-free habitats. When our mouths are dry, these bacteria multiply very quickly and as such produce more waste products. These waste products contain sulphur which gives off very bad odors.

In fact, most sufferers have this problem due to their mouths. Dry mouth can result from dehydration, alcohol intake or some diseases like sinusitis or tonsillitis. While the diseases are rare, getting a dry mouth is not. The good news is that you can easily do something about it.

What can we do

Just by drinking plenty of liquids (especially water) will keep our mouths moisturized. This will minimize the reproduction ability of the anaerobic bacteria. In addition, by having proper oral hygiene, you can easily remove any leftovers (especially food high in protein) in your mouth. There will reduce the food available for these nasty agents. Without food to feed on, these bacteria will not be able to produce waste products and as such your breath will remain fresh.

Many individuals usually associate bad breath with problems relating to their mouths. However, you need to realize that bad breath can also occur due to some sort of disease. When you are in doubt, it is advisable to consult a dentist. Anyway, it is always a good dental habit to visit your dentist at least twice or three times per year. This is to ensure that your dental health is kept in check.

Do you suffer from chronic bad breath? Learn what are the bad breath remedies available with our free resources.

Bad Breath - Facts That Every Bad Breath Sufferer Should Know

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath Causes and Cures additional

Bad breath (halitosis) is a common for many people and can be rather embarrassing. Bad breath can be a big turn off for those around you and if it is a condition that you suffer from long term you may notice that people may stand back from you when talking to you.

There are many causes of bad breath with some being chronic conditions and others being short term causes. In this article we will discuss the causes of bad breath as well as the cures.

Causes of Bad Breath
One of the very common but reasonably short term causes of bad breath is eating foods that cause bad breath with the main food being garlic. Garlic will even carry on causing bad breath for a while even after there is no trace of the garlic left in the mouth. This is because the active ingredients are absorbed into the blood stream and are then expelled by the lungs as you breathe. Brushing and flossing can disguise the smell a little but as long as the odour continues to be expelled as you breathe there will still be a certain amount of bad breath. The good thing with garlic breath is that it will fade of and your breath will return to normal usually within a few hours.
Smoking is another substance that will cause bad breath by both the taste left in the mouth as well as the expelled odour from the lungs. Smoking also affects oral hygiene and encourages gum disease which can also be a big contributing factor to bad breath. The obvious and only way to stop bad breath caused by smoking is to give up smoking.
The most common cause of chronic bad breath is usually plaque build up which can cause small pockets to appear between the teeth and gums. These pockets then fill up with food particles and bacteria. Normal brushing and even flossing will not be able to clean these pockets completely and it needs to be done by a dental hygienist.
One of the main causes of bad breath is dry mouth. Dry mouth can be caused by allergies and can also be caused by some medications such as asthma and bronchitis inhalers. These medications can have an impact on your saliva production and actually a reduction in the amount saliva produced. This causes your mouth to become dry and as a result there is less oxygen present which makes ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive. The build up of bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue is what causes the bad breath.
Another cause of bad breath is post-nasal drip which can be as a result of an allergy. Post-nasal drip is caused by excessive mucus being produced by the sinuses which is a common reaction to allergy. This mucus is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria growth and the bacteria will feed off this condition which will result in bad breath. This cause will usually be accompanied by a bad taste in your mouth.
The final cause of bad breath is a possible allergy to certain foods. Food intolerance can have many different symptoms and one common symptom is the production of excess gas in the stomach. This gas can often reflux back up and settle in the mouth causing bad breath.
In some cases bad breath can be caused by a more serious underlying condition so if the usual bad breath remedies do not get rid of the problem then you may need to visit your doctor.

Cures for Bad Breath

There are many cures and remedies for bad breath but to get the best result it is best to try and identify the cause of the bad breath. By attacking the cause will give you the best results.

Here are some cures that you can try for bad breath:
The first thing to do is make sure you have a good oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth and tongue twice a day and floss once a day. Research has shown that people that floss do have better breath than people who do not floss. Flossing will help to remove trapped food particles and prevent them from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria.
If you have dry mouth you may be able to get an artificial saliva substitute from your dentist. If you have an allergy that is causing your dry mouth then it would pay to try to identify your allergen and work on avoiding that allergen.
Visit a dental hygienist regularly for a professional clean. You should have this done every six months to make sure of no plaque build up between teeth.
Minimize the food supply for bacteria. The bacteria that cause bad breath thrive on protein rich foods. Vegetarians who eat less protein foods have much less problems with bad breath.
Using mouthwashes too often can not always be that good for you as they contain chemicals, however you can use a mouthwash of baking soda dissolved in water daily without any risk. This is a natural remedy and is very safe to use daily and can help to keep the tongue clean and free from bacteria. Squeezed lemon into water can also be used daily as a gargle and will prevent bad breath from reoccurring.
Adding yoghurt to your diet on a regular basis, preferably daily, can help to cure bad breath and prevent it reoccurring. Yoghurt contains good bacteria and has a very good overall benefit for your health.
Foods rich in zinc can also help to keep bacteria under control and prevent bad breath.

All of these remedies are very good so if you have no luck with them there could be another cause that you will need to see your doctor to get diagnosed so that you can take the necessary steps to heal yourself and heal your bad breath.

Do you get bad breath from wine drinking? Find out what is good for bad breath and the right bad breath cure for yourself at our bad breath resource site today.

Bad Breath Causes and Cures

Bad Breath Causes

Go through Breath Mints, Sugar, and Bad Breath a lot more

The idea of taking a mint to freshen your breath seems pretty convenient to many people. The mint tastes good, usually sweet, and it makes your mouth smell good.

What these people don't know is that many breath mints contain sugar, thus making your breath smell even worse after a certain period of time, more precisely when bacteria starts forming in your mouth.

As we all know bad breath is usually caused by bacteria in your mouth that feed upon the things you eat, and produce wastes. These wastes are the source of your bad breath. By eating mints, you may temporarily cover up the smell of your breath, but after a while it will return because of the sugar contained in the mints.

Breath mints work because they make you think that your breath smells nice, using the fresh smell that they produce when you put them in your mouth. After eating breath mints, people don't worry about their breath anymore, thinking that the product did it's job. People also have this opinion about sweet foods such as chocolate, cookies, cake or whatever. It's not about how good the food smells, it's about the sugar and the fact that it helps form that nasty bacteria in your mouth.

Clinical quality mints like TriOral or BreathRx, are made without sugar. These type of mints are sweetened with xylitol, a non-sugar sweetener, so they really do what they are supposed to do. Most chewing gum these days is also sugar free, and all the manufacturers specify that.

Breath Mints, Sugar, and Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read Obnoxious Bad Breath Causes a lot more

Bad Breath Causes

Food particles have this habit of hiding between gums and teeth after each meal. They do not come out easily no matter how much brushing you do. This gives rise to obnoxious odors. Raw garlic and onions are a couple of these foul odor-producers. Post digestion, oils and ingested food find their way in you blood stream. Later, during the circulatory process they somehow find their way into your lungs and emit foul odors during exhalation. Some of these odors are so repulsive that they tend to remain for almost four days at a stretch.

Diseases of the periodontal system normally take place because of lack of proper dental cleanliness. In today's fast moving world most people ignore their dental cleanliness factor. In fact, some people totally ignore them. Smelly mouths emitting odors can keep you away socially. Therefore, flossing and brushing your teeth regularly will not only keep all unwanted odor away, but will ensure that your teeth are in good condition. Remnants of food particles in your mouth ingest bacteria which in turn emanate foul-smelling odors. Dental plaque is another cause of concern for bad odor emission. If plaque continues to persist due to improper brushing of teeth underlying causes such as gingivitis, tooth decay and decomposition occur. And, soon your teeth will show signs of weakness and cavities form. This is termed periodonitis and favors foul odors lingering on in your mouth.

Ensure that your mouth is well salivated. Saliva contains a chemical that automatically cleans the insides of the gums and around the teeth. Never allow your mouth to dry up. A dry mouth is an ideal place for dead tissue to form, especially on your tongue. Your inner cheeks and gums will also be invariably affected due to this dryness. This is the 'Dry Mouth' syndrome. Drying of the mouth generally occurs during sleep. Thereafter, when you awake you will notice a perceivable bad breath, which is referred to as Morning Breath".

Stress, alcohol, too much dieting, smoking, chewing tobacco, nose and throat infections, chronic liver diseases and milk - all cause bad breath in varying degrees. Permanent failure of the kidneys emits a foul odor that smell like dried ammonia. Stomach disorders also produce unbearable foul breath. The use of insulin has also been observed to have the side-effect of foul smell emanating from the mouth. Many are the causes for unwanted bad breath. You should study its causes and initiate appropriate remedial measures failing which you will become a social discard.

To know more about our time-tested natural bad-breath cure please visit our website at which allows you superb insights into how to permanently do away with it.

Obnoxious Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath Causes

Go through How to Cure Bad Breath Quickly When You Know What Causes It extra

If you are suffering from bad breath or halitosis then I'm sure you are very embarrassed by this particular condition. One thing you need to recognize is that there are quite a few different reasons that lead to this condition. If you know what the root cause is, then you can easily learn how to cure bad breath both quickly and with the greatest of expedience.

Oftentimes a person with this problem is just suffering from morning breath. You can easily cure this particular problem by waking up and immediately brushing your teeth. If you suffer from bad breath due to certain foods that you eat, a good example being curry, then it's really just a matter of time before the effects of these strongly scented smells wear off of your breath. But if you can't wait that long you could always use things like mouthwash or breath mints as a way to temporarily mask the problem until it naturally goes away on its own. But if you have extremely bad breath that never seems to go away no matter what you try then you could seriously be suffering from a medical condition that you really need to have checked out as soon as you possibly can.

There are plenty of people in the world that aren't even aware that they have this condition so they really aren't all that worried about how to cure bad breath unless someone they know points it out to them. That's why you really need to pay close attention to things like this because it can be extremely embarrassing to experience someone pointing out this issue to you without you having any knowledge of the problem whatsoever. That's why you want to begin testing yourself for bad breath so you can find out whether or not this is an issue for you and something you need to take care of.

The easiest way for a person to find out if they have this condition or not is to just test it themselves. If you use the innermost part of your tongue to lick your wrist then all you need to do is smell it after a few seconds. If the smell is bad then you know right away that you are having a halitosis problem so you should definitely try to figure out how to cure it quickly for yourself.

Some of the main reasons people experience halitosis is because they have an excess of bacteria that is festering in their mouth. Your saliva begins the digestive process right in your mouth. If you are breaking down proteins in your saliva they can release such foul smelling gases as methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide. Did you know that these two gases actually smell like rotten eggs and cabbage? So yeah, you'd have bad breath too if your mouth is breaking down rotten eggs and cabbage smelling gases inside of it!

So make sure you follow the best remedies for how to cure this embarrassing disease immediately to help solve any unwanted problem you may be experiencing today.

Bad Breath Causes

Author Kingsley Jones discusses Bad Breath Remedies [] at []

How to Cure Bad Breath Quickly When You Know What Causes It

Bad Breath Causes

Understand How to Fight Bad Breath a lot more

Halitosis commonly known as bad breath is a very embarrassing disease. Most people with bad breath are not aware of their problem but the people around them certainly know and just embarrass to tell them. The reaction of people around you when you speak or open your mouth will somehow give you a hint if you have a bad breath problem. However, there are tests for bad breath that you can do, one test is lick the back of your wrist and let it dry for a minute or two and then smell it. Another way is to scrape the back of your tongue with an inverted spoon and smell the thick whitish dried residue. How it smells is most likely the way your breath smells to others. If you have a bad breath it is important to know how to fight bad breath.

To know how to fight bad breath, first you have to know the causes of bad breath. Bad breath is caused by accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. There are more than 600 types of bacteria present in the mouth which has the tendency to overpopulate due to food debris and other factors like gum problems and tooth decay. Accumulation of anaerobic bacteria on the posterior of the tongue, gums and teeth when mixed with mouth air and exhaled create foul odor or bad breath. There are two types of bad breath namely transient and chronic bad breath. Transient bad breath is caused by poor mouth hygiene, oral dryness or by eating certain foods like onion and garlic. Transient bad breath usually disappears on its own or by improved oral hygiene. Chronic bad breath is more serious and caused by continuous accumulation of bacteria and needs specialized treatment. It is important to know how to fight bad breath even before it becomes chronic bad breath.

Learn how to fight bad breath before it becomes a social stigma or before it affects your relationship with people. Number one on how to fight bad breath is proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth religiously every morning and after every meal including your tongue where bacteria are more likely to accumulate. Be careful with what you eat, there are foods that causes bad breath like onions and garlic. Drink a lot of water, proper hydration prevents bad breath and accumulation of bacteria. Have a dental check up every 6 months to avoid tooth decay.

Proper oral hygiene alone sometimes doesn't work on people with chronic bad breath. If you happen to follow all the oral hygiene mentioned and after bad breath testing you believe that you still have a bad breath or someone told you that you do have a bad breath, you should act on this at once before it could affect your social life. Finding how to fight bad breath and get rid of bad breath for good is something you should not ignore. It's better to act on this now than suffer the effects of bad breath in your life.

How to fight bad breath? Did you know that there are people who used to have bad breath and now totally cured their bad breath? You can get rid of bad breath almost overnight, even if everything you tried before failed miserably. Imagine having such fresh breath and so much self confidence that you'll be able to speak just inches away from anyone's face or kiss that special someone without worrying about bad breath.

Bad Breath

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including How to Fight Bad Breath.

Find out how to fight bad breath visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

How to Fight Bad Breath

Study Bad Breath in Dogs - Causes, Prevention Tips, and Treatment For Your Canine Pal much more

Let's be honest. It can be downright nauseating when your four-legged buddy feels like giving you a series of unreserved smooches while seemingly having a mouth full of rot. Bad breath in dogs can be much worse than human bad breath, especially considering the fact that dogs don't have many self-esteem issues and aren't likely to extend us the courtesy of masking or hiding their condition. Oh, yeah, and they lick their butts!

This article will cover some common causes of bad breath in dogs, and will offer a few suggestions for you to consider for both the treatment of canine halitosis and its prevention going forward. I hope you find some value from the information, tips, and advice that follows.

Bad Breath In Dogs - Common Causes:

1. Tooth decay. This is number one for a reason. While most of us are pretty good about keeping our own oral health in check, we often forget that our canine family members don't really have a built-in system for keeping their teeth clean. Rotting teeth and gums smell absolutely atrocious, and the possibility that this is the culprit should be the first thing that goes through your mind if your dog's mouth stinks.

2. Eating trash and/or feces. Umm... I think this one is pretty self-explanatory!

3. Digestive problems. This will be your final check in determining the cause of your dog's foul breath. If his or her teeth are clean and they aren't consuming absolute filth, it may be that your dog is refluxing or experiencing some other kind of upper digestive disorder that is coming up as acid and/or gas.

Bad Breath In Dogs - Treatment:

Obviously, you will want to do a visual inspection of your dog's teeth first and foremost. Is there any rot? Are the teeth badly discolored or loose? Do the gums appear healthy?

If this isn't the problem, look around your environment. Is garbage the dog is getting into the litter box. Hey, it wouldn't be the first time. It's happened in my household, and I'm assuming it's happened in others, as well!

Once you've addressed and eliminated the source of your dog's bad breath, you will want to invest in a canine oral health system, including a brush, paste (NOT human toothpaste), and Milk-Bones. Scrape his or her tongue, too. This is an effective and simple solution that you can use to get control over this smelly situation right away. Of course, the real magic lies with the following...

Bad Breath In Dogs - Prevention:

Prevention is always the best medicine. And to prevent foul odors from developing in your dog's mouth, you can simply reverse engineer the causes. Keep your dog's mouth clean by feeding him only naturally healthy food, cleaning his teeth and mouth regularly, and giving him Milk-Bones on a daily basis. Keep the dog's environment tidy and free of garbage and animal feces.

Above all else, always ensure your pet's health by scheduling a visit with your vet. If this happens to be mouth rot or a digestive disorder, you are wise not to attempt to go it alone. It is always better to err on the side of caution, especially given that your animal could actually be suffering and not have the ability to effectively communicate that with you.

Bad Breath Causes

Looking for more information on how to cure bad breath?

Find out more about the causes of bad breath in dogs and bad breath cures at

Don't let bad breath destroy your life.

Bad Breath in Dogs - Causes, Prevention Tips, and Treatment For Your Canine Pal

Bad Breath Causes

Read Bad Breath Tonsils a lot more

Many people don't realize that when you have bad breath tonsils may have something to do with it. Your tonsils, located in the back of the mouth at the top of the throat, are not only a frequent site of infection, they can also accumulate debris and harbor bacteria. Tonsils and tonsillar crypts provide a moist sheltered airless environment where many species of bacteria do well. Although most of the bacteria that live in the mouth and throat are harmless, and many are even beneficial, invasion by the wrong kind of bacteria can cause problems.

A first step in bad breath prevention is to keep the tissues in your mouth and throat healthy, including your tonsils. Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect you have tonsillitis and have sinus problems assessed as well. See your dentist at least once a year and practice good dental hygiene between dental cleanings. Regular medical checkups are a good way to keep a close eye on your general health and avoid bad breath tonsils and other health problems as you get older.

To deal with bad breath tonsils, first rule out bacterial infection. The organism to worry about is streptococcus, the cause of strept throat. This is an acute infection that usually clears up fairly quickly and is routinely treated with antibiotics. Because there is destruction of healthy tissue in the throat, strept throat often results in a foul odor on the breath. The odor problem resolves with the infection, fortunately, so if this is what's causing your halitosis, treatment for the strept will also be effective bad breath prevention.

If the breath problem is more of a chronic issue, bad breath prevention may be more difficult. The odor may be coming from tonsiloliths, small accumulations of dead cells and other debris that lodge and grow around the tonsils. Tonsiloliths are often associated with sinusitis or post nasal drip, where there is a constant flow of sinus drainage down the back of the throat. Dead cells and other tiny particles get caught up in the tonsil area forming tiny aggregates like stones - the aggregates grow larger as they catch more and more debris. Your tonsils become bad breath tonsils when oral bacteria start proliferating in and on the tonsiloliths, deriving nutrients from the proteins and other molecules there.

When it comes to bad breath prevention, tonsiloliths can be difficult to get rid of. Each individual tonsilolith is eventually dislodged and swallowed, carrying away its load of odor producing bacteria

- but another tonsilolith soon takes its place. The best approach to bad breath tonsils caused by tonsiloliths is to gargle regularly with a good breath freshening product designed to reduce bacterial growth in the mouth.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Tonsils, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Bad Breath Tonsils

Bad Breath

Examine Do You Have a Bad Breath Problem? Here Are Some Bad Breath Causes You Should Avoid far more

Do You Have a Bad Breath Problem? Here Are Some Bad Breath Causes You Should Avoid

Bad Breath Causes

Do you have a bad breath problem? If so, I really empathize with you.

Foul breath is not just a medical issue. It is also a social issue, because people are generally turned off when confronted by anyone that has unpleasant breath odor.

Foul breath has wrecked careers and split up marriages. Breath odor can have a horribly negative effect on your sense of self esteem.

While it is not fair, it is also understandable.

The simple fact is no one wants to be close to you when you have halitosis, or foul breath.

A foul breath problem may be the result of medical problems. Generally speaking, the various bad breath causes dictate the "type" of breath odor that is emitted.

Different disorders will produce different and unique odors on the breath.

For instance, a fruity breath odor occurs as the body attempts to get rid of excess acetone through breathing.

Breath that smells like feces may occur due to a bowel obstruction.

Ammonia smelling breath is common in people with kidney disease.

Since the various bad breath causes may be symptomatic of a more serious medical problem, it is always wise to seek out medical advice.

In the majority of cases, however, a bad breath problem is caused by two things:

1. Improper Diet

Knowing that these two things are the cause of 90% of all cases of halitosis is actually good news. Why? Because both problems are fairly simple to correct.

Of course, everyone knows that certain foods, such as onions and garlic, are particularly problematic in causing breath odors.

What you may not realize is that after your food is digested certain foods create oils that penetrate your blood and then travel to your lungs. These oils create odors that come up into your breath and are released when you open your mouth.

With certain types of these foods, such as onions and garlic, it is possible that the breath odor created may last for up to three days.

2. Improper Oral Hygiene

When you eat, food particles that remain in and around your teeth can be a bad breath cause if they are not removed. If not brushed or flossed away, they will create bacteria and plaque on your teeth.

Plaque can damage your gums. Unremoved food particles may even cause you to end up with gingivitis and tooth decay.

Tooth and gum problems provide a perfect breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria that are responsible for breath odors in more than 90% of all people who suffer with a bad breath problem.

All of this lead to the fact that proper brushing and flossing will go a long way to keeping your mouth clean. Also, regularly drink water (5 to 10 glasses a day) in order to keep your mouth moist and fresh. Swishing water through your teeth after eating is a good way aid in the elimination of food particles.

The Bad Breath Treatment Guide is an excellent resource that I used in preparing this article. In it you will find a complete list of foods that contribute to bad breath, as well as foods that will help you prevent halitosis.

Want to eliminate your bad breath problem?

Try following the four simple steps outlined in The Bad Breath Treatment Guide. These steps have really worked for me, and I know that as long as I continue to use these simple steps, my bad breath will never come back! They are as simple to perform as brushing your teeth, and they use natural ingredients that cost about the same as a tube of toothpaste.

To find out more about how this 4 step process eliminates the major bad breath causes, click either one of the above two links, or visit,

I wish you sweet breath, healthy smiles, and lots of kisses!

Study The Causes of Bad Breath in Children - What Causes Childhood Bad Breath? a lot more

The causes of bad breath in children can be a spectrum of different things from the foods they eat to gum disease much in the same way they can be for adults. That said, a vast majority of the time children that suffer chronic bad breath do so because their oral hygiene routine is not yet up to scratch.

The good news is it is easily amended and by addressing the problem children can often quickly get rid of this problem. In this article we are going to take a quick look at some of the things children are missing out on that could be causing their bad breath.

Many children know that they should brush their teeth yet if left to their own devices many will forget or simply choose not to. Brushing is important as it removes plaque and food and cell debris that poor breath causing bacteria could potentially use to grow. Therefore make sure your child brushes their teeth, and does so for a full two minutes.

Flossing is an aspect of dental hygiene many adults ignore let alone children but it is very important for getting rid of those food and cell debris particles brushing can not reach. Although it can be awkward and even sore on young gums flossing should be encouraged and there are fun floss holders that can make the task more appealing to children.

Cleaning the tongue or failure to do so rather is very often a cause of bad breath in children and adults. You see the back of the tongue is where bacteria thrive so we need to remove them by cleaning the tongue either with a brush or tongue scraper. This can be very uncomfortable for adults so introduce it gradually and slowly with any child.

Once the mucus has been cleared from the back of the tongue we can attack the area with an antibacterial mouthwash. There are many gentle brands for children but just be sure to choose one that is alcohol free.

Ultimately the cause of bad breath in children could be one of many things and the information above is a rough guide to some of the more common causes of bad breath. However poor breath can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying condition therefore seeking professional opinion is paramount for the correct diagnosis.

Bad Breath

There are a wide variety of factors that can cause childhood bad breath that we need to be aware of if we are to successfully prevent and solve this embarrassing problem. Discover them here.

The Causes of Bad Breath in Children - What Causes Childhood Bad Breath?

Understand Stop Bad Breath - Knowing the Root Causes of Halitosis far more

Stop Bad Breath - Knowing the Root Causes of Halitosis

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath is one of the worst things to have. Having bad breath can affect your overall self-esteem and it can impede your ability to function well in public. If you have bad smell, for sure you will have a hard time speaking in front of people and you will become conscious of yourself. When you have a girlfriend, kissing her will pose to be a problem and I mean that in a very serious way. With that being said, we need to stop bad breath.

The quest to stop bad breath will never fully be understood not unless we first understand some of the things that trigger it. Let's first look into one's lifestyle. Do you brush often? If the answer is no then that means that you have poor oral hygiene.

This is one of the cornerstones of having bad smell. If you think that brushing once in a day is enough, you are gravely wrong. It is so much more than that. You need to brush your teeth after every meal and you need to couple that with flossing. Flossing can be done once in a day probably right after you're brushing after breakfast but brushing really needs to be after every single meal. In addition, clean your tongue as well by scraping it with your toothbrush. Your tongue can also be a potential breeding ground for bacteria so you need to keep it clean.

The absence of moist inside of your mouth can also cause bad smell. If you might have noticed, every morning almost everyone has bad breath. This is because the glands that are responsible for the reproduction of saliva are at rest.

Our saliva is a natural mouthwash and without it, the mouth becomes dry thus resulting in bad smell. So to keep things safe, wet your mouth periodically with a drink of water or by gargling it. This will help keep your mouth moist and help prevent the buildup of bacteria which in turn may lead to bad smell.

Drinking a lot of beer, caffeine, and smoking are also factors that can trigger bad breath. So if you want to stop bad breath, gradually get rid of these 3. It may not be at easy at first so it is best that you take it one step at a time. Pretty soon, you'll be living a life that is independent of these 3 plus a much fresher breath.

Carl Demetria, M.D. loves writing about and sharing his passion for curing bad breath with others. Discover more expert tips and valuable information about stop bad breath [] and how to successfully eliminate this problem safely and successfully, with his popular free ecourse, available at => []

Understand Bad Breath Causes and Why You May Have Feces In Your Mouth much more

Breath problems can be tricky to battle, since there can be so many different bad breath causes. Foul breath, or "halitosis," can be a huge problem, as it stops a lot of people from being comfortable around others in close work environments, in restaurants, and in intimate settings.

One of the main issues is actually diet. What happens is that food particles stick around in the mouth and, basically, decay over time. The break-down of this food causes the unpleasant aroma. If that's not enough, there are some foods, such as garlic and onions, that contain pungent oils that lead to pungent breath. In fact, the powerful oils are ultimately taken into the bloodstream. As the fragranced blood works its way to the lungs, the by-product is odor that seeps out as we exhale. Moreover, the oil is continually released so long as the food is being digested, which means the smell can last up to 3 days!

Next, one of the obvious bad breath causes is simply poor dental care. Most people are aware of the need for regular brushing, of course. However, though a great many acknowledge the need to floss, relatively few do so. This is important because it helps get rid of left behind food that can hide out between teeth and along the gums. The food that sticks around is an excellent bacteria magnet. The bacteria like to feed on the food. The big trouble with this is that the bacteria are living entities, which means they release waste. Guess where they let it go? Gross, I know, but this is why hydrogen sulfide vapors can seep from your mouth!

Another of the frequent bad breath causes is plaque. Over time, plaque can accumulate on the teeth. In addition to causing gingivitis, it can lead to tooth decay as well as irritate your gum lines and result in poor breath.

The next in our series of bad breath causes may not affect as many people, but it's still a widespread source of bad breath. If folks with dentures do not have a good, tight fit, then food can also build up in the empty cavities where a snug fit is lacking. However, even if there is a really good fit, dentures that are not cleaned frequently enough can lead to bad breath.

Bad breath causes even extend to seemingly benign problems such as having a dry mouth. Saliva is instrumental in both wetting and cleaning the mouth. When the mouth is excessively dry, as can happen with prescription medications, the dead skin cells and bacterial waste have a chance to collect. Ultimately, you have rotting material on the teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums and this all leads to foul breath. If you've noticed the "morning breath" you have when you wake up, then you know what I'm talking about.

As if that's not enough, sinus infections make the list of common bad breath causes. In this case, the sinuses are discharges mucus down the throat, which is why foul aroma comes from the mouth. Of course, this isn't limited to sinus infections, as regular throat infections can cause the same problem. Really, the same result can stem from bronchitis and upper respiratory infections.

No discussion of bad breath causes would be complete without noting how abuse of our body is a source of bad aroma. As just one example, consider how tobacco can affect your breath. Whether dipping it or smoking it, tobacco is bad for your breath. Although you probably would have guessed that, what about dieting? In truth, extreme dieting, or even fasting, can lead to ketoacidosis, which is the breakdown of chemicals leading to foul breath.

As you can see, there are many bad breath causes, so you really need to narrow down the source before you can apply the right solution. You could simply need to have a toothbrush handy so you can brush your teeth after lunch. Or you may even be able to get away with eliminating tobacco, not that that would necessarily be easy. But, in any event, it's good to get to the bottom of you bad breath situation since your source may just require a trip to the dentist.

Bad Breath Causes

Want more useful information on bad breath causes? Will Schneider is a fresh breath enthusiast and bad breath cure aficionado. Visit his bad breath solution website at today and get your mini-course free!

Bad Breath Causes and Why You May Have Feces In Your Mouth

Bad Breath Causes

Examine Bad Breath - Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath far more

Bad Breath Causes

There is a direct link between bacterial plaque, bad breath and dental problems.

Bad breath or halitosis, dental decay, periodontal disease and gingivitis are all caused by the anaerobic bacteria that live in the mouth. Anaerobic means living in the absence of air. These types of bacteria are mostly pathological.

· Bad breath is the odor produced by bacteria living off food particles, each other and dying tissue. Bad breath can also be caused by other more serious health issues. An example of this is diabetes that can cause acidosis which in turn causes bad breath.

· Dental decay is actually caused by the acidic excrement from the bacteria. The tooth is literally being dissolved by chronically being bathed in this acid.

· Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums caused by your own body trying to fight off the invasion of the bacteria.

· Periodontal disease (perio = around, and dontal = tooth) is the loss of bone and tissue attachment around the tooth. It is caused by a microbial invasion around the tooth by anaerobic bacteria.

Odors and acids are produced in the film of plaque that resides between teeth, along the gum line and on the surface of the tongue. The plaque is produced by the bacteria. Poor oral hygiene can not keep the population of bacteria under control, resulting in bad breath. Cleaning teeth twice daily is the minimum requirement for reducing the population of bacteria. However, meticulous cleaning is difficult. Tooth brushing does not access in between teeth and often causes ridges and grooves along the gum line. Oral irrigating does not cut through the sticky greasy barrier the plaque produces.

Infections from dental decay, gingivitis, or periodontal disease also cause bad breath. Again, poor oral hygiene is the biggest factor in these infections. Improper flossing will take an infection from one part of the mouth and inoculate a health part. The infections also produce dead tissue, which add to the smorgasbord feeding the bacteria. The gasses given off is what you smell.

There are other factors that feed the bacteria besides food and infection. Smoking, mouth breathing, alcohol based mouth washes and certain medications also increase dry mouth. Reduced saliva does not allow your mouth to remove the bacteria that cause the odor.

Finally, the bad breath odor may be from sources other than the oral cavity. Some medical conditions cause bad breath. Infections in the lungs, nasal cavity or sinuses can cause odor that is associated with bad breath. Bad breath in diabetics is a rather common occurrence. And finally, less likely, but still possible, bad breath can be associated with certain conditions related to malfunctioning kidneys and some cancers.

Want to learn more on how to reduce bad breath, have a white, healthy smile and manage periodontal disease? I have designed and developed a home dental cleaning system that uses the technology of the professional Prophy-Jet to power wash between your teeth and around the gum line.

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From P., Piero DDS a practicing dentist and inventor of Dental Air ForceƂ® and "Baci The Dental Dog".

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Bad Breath - Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes