Understand Dealing With Bad Breath Quiz: What Causes Your Bad Breath? more

Dealing with bad breath is annoying, frustrating and
embarrassing and if you're reading this you are looking for
some answers. The fact is that different foods and factors
cause bad breath in different people, which is why we've
created a quiz to help people pin point their bad breath

In the "Dealing with Bad Breath" quiz below, circle the
correct answer for each question.

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 1: How often do you eat
the following foods?


at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week


High Protein Foods:

at least once per week

several times per week


Unless you are on a diet, you probably don't keep a tally
of condiments, foods and beverages consumed during the day.
That's all fine and dandy, but certain foods you eat (or
over consume) can have adverse affects such as chronic bad

A chronic bad breath home remedy to help ease bad breath
after a meal is to chew on the parsley that garnished your
plate in a restaurant, or bring a small baggie of herbs
like fennel or clove to chew after your meal.

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 2: How often do you
consume the following beverages?


at least once per week

several times per week


Orange Juice:

at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week


That glass of wine each day may be good for your heart, but
it could also be the reason you're dealing with bad breath!
Alcohol dries out the mouth making it prime real estate for
the bacteria that cause bad breath. Acidic drinks like
orange juice, and dairy drinks like milk can also cause bad
breath. People dealing with bad breath should cut back on
soda as it can rot your teeth and worsen bad breath.

Some chronic bad breath home remedies to help eliminate
these problems include drinking plenty of water with lemon
after consuming alcohol and rinsing your mouth with water
and lime if you drink milk.

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 3: Which of these oral
products do you use?


at least once per week

several times per week


Breath Mints:

at least once per week

several times per week


Breath Spray:

at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week


The products you are using to deal with bad breath, might
actually make the problem worse by drying out your mouth.
Chronic bad breath home remedies you can use instead of
alcohol and sugar based products include rinsing your mouth
with salt water, or lemon or lime water and chewing on
herbs such as parsley or thyme instead of gum.

According to the Mayo Clinic, people dealing with bad
breath only receive temporary relief from mouthwashes,
mints and that chronic bad breath home remedies like simply
rinsing your mouth with water may be more effective.

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 5: Hydration

How many glasses of water do you drink per day?

8+ glasses

3+ glasses


Keeping your mouth hydrated keeps it from drying out. A dry
mouth is a haven for the bacteria that cause bad breath.
Chronic bad breath home remedies include adding apple cider
vinegar, lemon or lime to your water. These ingredients
will help cleanse your system while the water hydrates your

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 4: Dental Care


after every meal

twice per day



after every meal

twice per day



after every meal

twice per day


Maybe your dental hygiene isn't as good as you thought it
was. Improper dental care can create a bacteria build up,
rotting food between teeth and eventually gum disease, all
of which make dealing with bad breath more difficult.

What Causes Your Bad Breath?

In the questionnaire above, answers to the questions
further down below may be the reasons you are dealing with
bad breath. Examine your answers and try to make changes
accordingly. If after making the changes and trying the
chronic bad breath home remedies you are still dealing with
bad breath, you may want to visit your dentist or doctor to
rule out certain conditions like gum disease.

Bad Breath Causes

Whozylee Aris has created a website on the topic of bad breath. Find the real causes and cures for bad breath by visiting http://www.bad-breath-resource.com. View this article online at http://www.bad-breath-resource.com/article-9-dealing-with-bad-breath.html

Dealing With Bad Breath Quiz: What Causes Your Bad Breath?

Bad Breath Causes