A lot of people fail to realize that their bad breath problems can be caused by tonsil stones or tonsillitis. Since tonsils are located deep in the mouth they are hard to reach and often accumulate all kinds of food remains as well as bacteria thus causing frequent infections. The tonsil area itself provides an excellent environment for all kinds of bacteria, and while some of them are harmless or even beneficial other may be the cause of many problems.
First thing you should do when trying to get rid of bad breath is to pay attention to health of your throat and mouth, which naturally includes tonsils. Do not lose time visiting your physician if you suspect you might suffer from tonsillitis and/or have sinus problems. It is also important to visit your dentist at least once each year as well as regularly practice a good dental hygiene. Regular, yearly health checkups are the best way to pay attention to your general health condition and prevent development of tonsil stones and other potentially serious health problems.
To get rid of bad breath first you need to find out if it is caused by bacterial infection, usually its streptococcus also responsible for strept throat, this kind of acute infections are easy to cure with antibiotics. However strept throat has a nasty side effect, it causes degradation of healthy tissue which results in bad breath, the good news is that by eliminating streptococcus you will also eliminate the cause of halitosis.
However if your bad breath problems are caused by chronic disorders, curing it can prove to be difficult. It's very possible that your bad breath problems are caused by tonsiloliths, or better known as tonsil stones.
So what are tonsil stones? Tonsil stones are an accumulation of food debris as well as dead cells that somehow stick to and grow on your tonsils. Tonsiloliths is often connected with sinus infection, a condition where you suffer from constant flow of sinus drainage down your throat. Food debris as well as dead cells from your mouth stick to your tonsils and start forming little white chunks, over time as more and more debris accumulates these stone like chunks grow and cause more and more health problems.
Because of the available nutrients bacteria actually flourish in this environment, which again causes even more problems. As a bad breath cause tonsiloliths is often hard to eliminate, eventually this little white chunks drop off and are swallowed with food and for little time at least you get a reprieve from bad breath. However since the cause for all this is still there a new tonsil stone will soon reform again causing the same problems.
Finally one of the best home remedies anyone can use is a strong anti-bacterial mouth wash, use it regularly 2 to 3 times per day and reduce the bacterial growth in your mouth.
Bad Breath CausesAre you suffering from bad breath and tonsil stones? Want to find out how to get rid of this problem by using natural tonsil stone treatment? Visit us at http://www.tonsilstonestreatment.org and read our impartial reviews of the best tonsil stone remedies. Helen Frankel suffered from tonsil stones for years until she got rid of them by using natural relief methods.