Buddy's a big guy who loves his fish-n-chips as much as his loves his fried rice with garlic manchurian, his roast beef with jugfuls of beer, and his sex marathons with his girlfriend in a bed that his grandma used to call an ancestral heirloom...
But that's besides the point. The point is, Buddy loves SEX. Lot's of it.
Buddy's day job as a construction worker has given him that rugged, hairy-chested, naked body that sweats like a horse while making love -- making his girlfriend squeal in laughter, moan in pleasure, and arch in sheer, inexplicable joy. Like they say, Buddy's the stud for the longest ride of the century. But when Buddy longingly dives in with all his enthusiasm to join the nude drive to Pleasuretown, all of a sudden, with cold, devastating and brutal finality, his girlfriend turns to an impenetrable chunk of stone.
"Ewwwwwwww Buddy," she says to his face that's bursting at the seams with unfulfilled excitement. "You stink!"
Buddy's downright flabbergasted. The long ride schreeches to the shortest halt. "But I took a bath yesterdayyyyy!" he protested.
"It's not you, you big a**hole," she retorts, pushing him away and getting up. "It's your breath! It's like something DIED in there...! What the heck were you feeding on today...?"
"What was I FEEDING on today...?" Buddy felt insulted. His passion wilted. His flower drooped. He felt like a dog.
How the heck was he supposed to know if his breath stank or not? What difference should it make to her, anyway? He was the one doing all the work... And why, pray, should his breath even stink in the first place? He brushed his teeth whenever he could find the toothbrush, for god's sake...
Let's see now...
Buddy's a guy who loves his fish-n-chips as much as his likes his fried rice with garlic manchurian, his roast beef with jugfuls of beer, or his sex marathons with his girlfriend in a bed that his grandmother used to call an ancestral heirloom...
But that's besides the point. The point is, Buddy loves FOOD. Lot's of it.
And though he'd like to believe that something as harmless as bad breath shouldn't / wouldn't / couldn't ruin his sex life, what he ignores today could well leave him (and his girlfriend) with a bad-n-bitter taste in the mouth.
Agreed that strong, unpleasantly odored breath is in fact harmless, but view it as a symptom and everything changes. Bad breath is a sure sign that something in your body is not being processed right.
Overeating, junk food, sleepless nights, more alcohol, less water, dry mouth, all contribute to bad breath -- besides a host of other problems. It doesn't always need a cold, allergy, inflamed tonsils or sinuses to cause bad breath... More often than not it's something as simple (and overlooked) as poor oral hygiene -- problems with the teeth and gums like gingivitis and tartar accumulation that even the dentist would wince looking at.
It's bacteria in the mouth decomposing the food you've eaten that causes bad breath. Eating strongly-flavored food (like big Buddy does) not just causes you to sit on the toilet seat for long, it also makes the resulting bad breath that much harder to get rid of. If you don't believe this, try munching on an onion bulb (or a few garlic cloves) and brush your teeth a while later. The sulfur odor of onion / garlic can still be felt after brushing. It's that strong -- and stinky.
Now imagine eating fish-n-chips, fried rice with garlic manchurian, roast beef with jugfuls of beer, and see what those sex marathons in bed turn into.
Nat Jay is an expert on self-help reports for curing bad breath permanently. Visit his website at http://badbreathhomeremedies.blogspot.com/