Got a really bad breath and you have absolutely no idea what is causing it? Then you share the same concern with many fellow sufferers. You see, there are many causes of bad breath therefore; treatment may differ from case to case. Many sufferers tend to focus more on the treatment aspect without finding out the exact reason why they are suffering from this condition. Needless to say, without knowing the exact cause, attaining the appropriate cure is nothing short of difficult. That being said, here are a few common causes of bad breath as well as suggestions on how to handle them.
1. Poor oral hygiene - One of the obvious but often overlook reasons for bad breath. Regular brushing and flossing is a definite must but many people seem to take this for granted. When one fails to exercise proper oral hygiene, bacteria will thrive especially when it gets to feed on food particles stuck in between the teeth or in the back of the mouth and this can very well cause an unpleasant smell in one's breath.
Try brushing your teeth after every meal to prevent food particles from getting stuck in your mouth. If you feel that doing it after every meal is too much of a hassle, stick to brushing twice a day at the minimum. A lot people brush their teeth only once a day and some don't even bother to brush at all! And they wonder why they have bad breath? Remember to floss frequently and look to using gum stimulator for a better and more effective flossing experience.
2. Tonsil stones - A medical condition that affects quite a number of bad breath sufferers. They are like these little white balls lodged in the throat pockets and they are formed when sulfur compounds created by bacteria are mixed together with debris in your mouth causing severe bad breath. Tonsil stones have a terribly nasty odor and once they are lodged in your throat pockets, it can be extremely difficult to get them removed.
Less serious cases can be treated by killing the bacteria responsible for producing sulfur compounds using oral care products. Severe ones may need medical attention or a special type of treatment. In fact several Israeli scientists have discovered a highly effective treatment proven to eradicate tonsil stones in a matter of minutes.
3. Gum disease - Harmful bacteria in the mouth can cause plaque to build-up on the teeth which leads to gum disease. Those who suffer from it are likely to have bad breath as well. Again, proper oral hygiene is the key to prevent gum disease from occurring.
4. Dry mouth - One's inability to produce enough saliva can lead to foul smelling breath. Saliva is crucial for cleansing the mouth and removing dead cells around the teeth, gums, and tongue. There are many reasons that could cause dry mouth such as side-effects from a particular medication, unhealthy salivary glands, smoking and excessive drinking. Try chewing a few pieces of gum throughout the day and consume plenty of water to help increase saliva production.
5. Tongue - Okay let's say you brush and floss regularly but the quality of your breath is still below par. What could be the reason then? The fact is, even people with healthy gums and teeth are not spared from this condition because the source of bad breath may also extend from the back of the tongue. For this reason, a tongue scraper along with some special ingredients may work wonders to eliminate the foul smelling odor.
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