Read through Bad Breath - The 5 Most Common Causes of Bad Breath more

Got a really bad breath and you have absolutely no idea what is causing it? Then you share the same concern with many fellow sufferers. You see, there are many causes of bad breath therefore; treatment may differ from case to case. Many sufferers tend to focus more on the treatment aspect without finding out the exact reason why they are suffering from this condition. Needless to say, without knowing the exact cause, attaining the appropriate cure is nothing short of difficult. That being said, here are a few common causes of bad breath as well as suggestions on how to handle them.

1. Poor oral hygiene - One of the obvious but often overlook reasons for bad breath. Regular brushing and flossing is a definite must but many people seem to take this for granted. When one fails to exercise proper oral hygiene, bacteria will thrive especially when it gets to feed on food particles stuck in between the teeth or in the back of the mouth and this can very well cause an unpleasant smell in one's breath.

Try brushing your teeth after every meal to prevent food particles from getting stuck in your mouth. If you feel that doing it after every meal is too much of a hassle, stick to brushing twice a day at the minimum. A lot people brush their teeth only once a day and some don't even bother to brush at all! And they wonder why they have bad breath? Remember to floss frequently and look to using gum stimulator for a better and more effective flossing experience.

2. Tonsil stones - A medical condition that affects quite a number of bad breath sufferers. They are like these little white balls lodged in the throat pockets and they are formed when sulfur compounds created by bacteria are mixed together with debris in your mouth causing severe bad breath. Tonsil stones have a terribly nasty odor and once they are lodged in your throat pockets, it can be extremely difficult to get them removed.

Less serious cases can be treated by killing the bacteria responsible for producing sulfur compounds using oral care products. Severe ones may need medical attention or a special type of treatment. In fact several Israeli scientists have discovered a highly effective treatment proven to eradicate tonsil stones in a matter of minutes.

3. Gum disease - Harmful bacteria in the mouth can cause plaque to build-up on the teeth which leads to gum disease. Those who suffer from it are likely to have bad breath as well. Again, proper oral hygiene is the key to prevent gum disease from occurring.

4. Dry mouth - One's inability to produce enough saliva can lead to foul smelling breath. Saliva is crucial for cleansing the mouth and removing dead cells around the teeth, gums, and tongue. There are many reasons that could cause dry mouth such as side-effects from a particular medication, unhealthy salivary glands, smoking and excessive drinking. Try chewing a few pieces of gum throughout the day and consume plenty of water to help increase saliva production.

5. Tongue - Okay let's say you brush and floss regularly but the quality of your breath is still below par. What could be the reason then? The fact is, even people with healthy gums and teeth are not spared from this condition because the source of bad breath may also extend from the back of the tongue. For this reason, a tongue scraper along with some special ingredients may work wonders to eliminate the foul smelling odor.

Bad Breath
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Bad Breath - The 5 Most Common Causes of Bad Breath

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Controlling a Bad Breath Cause

Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath Causes

Any review on bad breath cause would point out that oral hygiene, or the lack thereof, is the primary cause of smelly breath. Poor oral hygiene such as improper brushing and flossing can cause bacteria to build up in the mouth, causing smelly breath in the process.

Bacteria growth in the mouth can result to the formation of gaseous substances which rest on the gums and upper part of the mouth. When this develops, even brushing and flossing may not be able to get rid of the foul odor.

The food one takes can also contribute to the unwanted odor of the breath. For instance, foods such as onions and garlic are known to leave a stinky odor on the mouth. Staying away from these foods can significantly reduce the risks of developing stinky breath of halitosis.

Still another bad breath cause is dry mouth. Saliva acts as a natural cleanser of the mouth, getting rid of bacteria in the mouth that may cause the foul odor of the breath. The lack of saliva in the mouth increases the chances of a person having smelly breath. Dry mouth is caused by not taking enough water and fluids throughout the day. One should ensure that he or she takes 8 glasses of water daily, as well as taking lots of vegetables and fruits. Raw foods like vegetables and fruits have antioxidants and enzymes particularly needed in the removal of toxins in the body, so getting regular amounts of these elements can help a person have fresher breath. Dry mouth can also be caused by taking drugs for blood pressure and allergies.

Another bad breath cause is the lack of carbs in one's diet. Researches have proven that a low-carb diet can cause the body to burn off stored fats instead of carbohydrates, leading to a medical condition referred to as ketosis. The ketones are released out of the body through the breath, and ketones do not exactly smell good.

Illnesses can also cause stinky breath. Some of the more common ailments which can result to stinky breath include diabetes which can also cause the release of ketosis. In fact, smelly breath is one of the first few symptoms of diabetes. Other less common yet possible causes of stinky breath are kidney and liver ailments. The toxins released from these organs through the lungs can result to stinky breath.

Treatment of smelly breath begins by controlling bad breath cause. Brushing the teeth with baking soda, for instance, can help in thoroughly cleaning the mouth and getting rid of bacteria. Regular flossing can also remove toxins and bacteria causing stinky breath, particularly food particles that are hard to remove by brushing alone. Regularly rinsing the mouth with strong mouthwash can also provide the mouth with a clean and fresh feeling.

These methods can provide temporary relief from stinky breath, but in case the bad odor refuses to go away, it is advisable to go to a dentist or specialist who can diagnose more serious causes of the foul breath.

Are you suffering from bad breath? Are you looking for bad breath cause? Simon Lenty is an freelance Expert Author and a health enthusiast who understands how you feel. Confronted with reoccurring bad breath and looking for answers to the problem so that he didn't feel embarrassed anymore when he talked to other people, Simon Lenty did the research and came up with some effective methods to bad breath cause at home that anyone can try.

If you want even more information, subscribe to the free 10-part Successful Secrets To Curing Bad Breath email course at no cost.

Go through Home Remedy For Tonsil Stones - What Causes Bad Breath and How to Prevent It? extra

A lot of people fail to realize that their bad breath problems can be caused by tonsil stones or tonsillitis. Since tonsils are located deep in the mouth they are hard to reach and often accumulate all kinds of food remains as well as bacteria thus causing frequent infections. The tonsil area itself provides an excellent environment for all kinds of bacteria, and while some of them are harmless or even beneficial other may be the cause of many problems.

First thing you should do when trying to get rid of bad breath is to pay attention to health of your throat and mouth, which naturally includes tonsils. Do not lose time visiting your physician if you suspect you might suffer from tonsillitis and/or have sinus problems. It is also important to visit your dentist at least once each year as well as regularly practice a good dental hygiene. Regular, yearly health checkups are the best way to pay attention to your general health condition and prevent development of tonsil stones and other potentially serious health problems.

To get rid of bad breath first you need to find out if it is caused by bacterial infection, usually its streptococcus also responsible for strept throat, this kind of acute infections are easy to cure with antibiotics. However strept throat has a nasty side effect, it causes degradation of healthy tissue which results in bad breath, the good news is that by eliminating streptococcus you will also eliminate the cause of halitosis.

However if your bad breath problems are caused by chronic disorders, curing it can prove to be difficult. It's very possible that your bad breath problems are caused by tonsiloliths, or better known as tonsil stones.

So what are tonsil stones? Tonsil stones are an accumulation of food debris as well as dead cells that somehow stick to and grow on your tonsils. Tonsiloliths is often connected with sinus infection, a condition where you suffer from constant flow of sinus drainage down your throat. Food debris as well as dead cells from your mouth stick to your tonsils and start forming little white chunks, over time as more and more debris accumulates these stone like chunks grow and cause more and more health problems.

Because of the available nutrients bacteria actually flourish in this environment, which again causes even more problems. As a bad breath cause tonsiloliths is often hard to eliminate, eventually this little white chunks drop off and are swallowed with food and for little time at least you get a reprieve from bad breath. However since the cause for all this is still there a new tonsil stone will soon reform again causing the same problems.

Finally one of the best home remedies anyone can use is a strong anti-bacterial mouth wash, use it regularly 2 to 3 times per day and reduce the bacterial growth in your mouth.

Bad Breath Causes

Are you suffering from bad breath and tonsil stones? Want to find out how to get rid of this problem by using natural tonsil stone treatment? Visit us at and read our impartial reviews of the best tonsil stone remedies. Helen Frankel suffered from tonsil stones for years until she got rid of them by using natural relief methods.

Home Remedy For Tonsil Stones - What Causes Bad Breath and How to Prevent It?

Examine What Causes Bad Breath Information much more

Bad breath, also called halitosis is the presence of odor in the mouth. It has contributed to strained relationships and the lowering of self esteem in many people. The sad part of it is, people with bad breath rarely know they do. This is because smell cells in the nasal canal may have gotten used to the odor. There are a number of bad breath causes.

Unpleasant breath usually has its source in the mouth. This is brought about by bacteria present in the mouth. These break down food and cells producing sulfur compounds. The sulfur compounds are the source of the unpleasant breath. The bacteria are mostly active in dry mouths. Poor oral hygiene helps the bacteria multiply by allowing them sufficient food. In addition dehydration of the mouth can lead to activity of the bacteria. That is why most people have halitosis when they wake up since the mouth produces little saliva as while we sleep.

Infections in the mouth and respiratory tract are other causes of bad odor. Bleeding gums and tooth cavities are sources of food for the bacteria in the mouth. Food tends to stick in cavities which contribute to the multiplication of the bacteria. The tooth is in a state of decay which also produces bad odor.

Infections of the salivary glands can also cause unpleasant breath. These infections can result in the production of little saliva which leads to the dehydration of the mouth.

Bad odor can also come from the throat, sinuses or lungs if they are infected. These are as a result of the dead cells that come during the healing processes going on in the infected areas. Infections produce pus which is mostly dead decaying cells. When lodged in the respiratory tract, their foul smell is emitted through the mouth and nose.

Halitosis can also come from the products we consume. These include garlic and tobacco which naturally have an odor. When consumed, the ingredients react with enzymes in saliva creating the bad breath. Avoiding consuming the products or mixing them with other less pungent foods (as for the case of garlic and onions) is recommended.

Illnesses like diabetes, liver disease and kidney disease can also contribute to halitosis. These diseases usually result in the production of fouls smells which travel around the body through the blood. These smells will escape from the body through any opening including the mouth.

Halitosis can result from a number of things which include self-induced as well as those induced by nature. It is important to identify the bad breath cause before taking any measures to treat it. For the cases where it is self-induced taking necessary measures like brushing of teeth is necessary.

If the bad breath cause is nature induced like illness, temporary measures to control the bad breath can be undertaken. These will help you undertake treatments for the illness while at the same time confidently talking to others.

Bad Breath Causes

There are many bad breath causes. Want to discover more bad breath causes []?

Go here to download your FREE course that reveals how you can kill bad breath at easy steps []

What Causes Bad Breath Information

Read through Origins and Causes of Bad Breath far more

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath, also known as halitosis is a very common condition amongst people who in one way or another neglect their oral habits, as you might have assumed bad breath can be solved by following basic oral hygiene procedures such as brushing your teeth a list three times a day after every meal, flossing also helps to kill the bacteria which is hidden between the teeth and the gum.

In other cases, it is very hard to fight bad breath because it has its roots in something other than neglecting oral hygiene habits, people who smoke a lot may suffer from periodontal diseases which just contribute to the bad breath problem, in this case the right course of action would be to find a way to quit this destructive addiction and start a comprehensive oral rehabilitation program.

Besides smoking there are many other causes for bad breath such as:

-- People who suffer from medical conditions (throat and lung infections - bronchitis -, allergies, post nasal drip, sinusitis, impacted or abscesses teeth, alcohol addiction, tooth decay, diabetes and many others)

-- People who go on high-protein diets may also suffer from bad breath, this is because meats which are often high in protein tend to leave particles trapped between the teeth that start to decompose because of bacteria activity and will obviously cause breath problems.

-- People who consume diet soda on a daily basis are known to have bad breath because of the ingredients used to manufacture such soft drink, spices, onions, garlic, cabbage and yes, coffee are all known to be triggers for bad breath if the person who consumes those products does it on a daily basis and constantly neglects oral health procedures.

-- Medications are also known to cause bad breath, those which make a person have dry mouth after taking the medicine as a side effect will make the person constantly thirsty and because the mouth is constantly dry tooth decay will also be triggered, this are all factors that contribute to halitosis.

Other medications that can contribute in a negative way are antihistamines, vitamin supplements, blood pressure pharmaceuticals, psychiatric medications, calcium blockers and many others. is a professional site dedicated to providing information about dentists Bradford as well as dentistry Altrincham. Visit our website to learn more about the wide range of services provided.

Origins and Causes of Bad Breath

Read through Other Causes of Bad Breath a lot more

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath gets worse with poor dental hygiene, a common problem in spite of the presence of several brands of toothpastes and mouthwashes. Millions of people around the world have bad teeth due to a poor diet and bad dental practices. Bad breath that emanates from the mouth may be caused by periodontitis, denture problems, tongue disorders or tooth decay.

For others, bad breath is a product of what they eat. Gorging on garlic and onions is a sure way of polluting your mouth. The foul odor that comes from this practice emanates in the gastrointestinal tract and may persist for hours.

"Other vegetables and spices may also cause bad breath. After this food is dissolved in your stomach and small intestine and the volatile substances are absorbed into your bloodstream, they are carried to your lungs and are given off in your breath," according to Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book."

"Alcohol behaves in the same fashion, thus allowing measurement of blood alcohol levels by tests of breath. Alcohol itself has almost no odor, however. The characteristic smell in the breath is mainly the odor of other components of the beverage," Larson added.

For those who don't drink and smoke, have perfect teeth yet still have bad breath, the source of the problem lies elsewhere. A number of diseases are characterized by halitosis. These include postnasal drip, tonsillitis, adenoids and cirrhosis of the liver often accompanied by a persistent cough with bad-smelling sputum. Such is the case in bronchiectasis, lung abscess, tuberculosis, bronchitis and lung cancer.

"There are several general health problems that can cause a distinctive odor to the breath. Kidney failure can cause a urine-like odor; liver failure may cause an odor sometimes described as 'fishy.' Acetone in the breath causes a fruity odor and may occur in diabetics who are developing ketoacidosis or commonly in children with childhood illnesses who have eaten poorly for several days," Larson explained.

Children may also have bad breath but the problem is usually not as serious as in adults. In most instances, the foul breath will clear up on its own.

"Otherwise healthy children with 'offensive' breath should have their teeth, gums, nose and sinuses examined. If no foreign body is seen in the nasal passages and no foul debris between the teeth, and if there are no signs of nasal allergy, gum infection or sinusitis, I would advise less garlic and onions," said Dr. Gilbert Simon and Marcia Cohen in "The Parents' Pediatric Companion." (Next: Are mouthwashes effective?)

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Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine []

Other Causes of Bad Breath

Read through The Cause of Bad Breath in the Morning - What Causes Morning Breath? additional

Although many of us wake up with morning breath the cause of bad breath in the morning is a mystery to most people. In this article we are going to take a quick look at what causes morning breath, how it relates to the more serious problem of halitosis and some action steps we can take to prevent it.

Morning breath is often accompanied by a dry sticky mouth, sometimes called cotton mouth. A dry mouth is an environment in which the bacteria that cause bad breath thrive. The reason the bacteria will grow so rapidly in a dry mouth is because there is less saliva to wash not only the bacteria themselves away but the particles of food and cell debris upon which the bacteria thrive.

With such an abundant food source they are able to grow rapidly and produce foul smelling volatile sulpher compounds. This is obviously something we want to avoid so we need to know what it is that causes the mouth to become dry so we can avoid it

During the night we do not take on board any water as we are sleeping and therefore upon waking we are naturally in a state of mild dehydration. This is not helped by the fact that very few of us drink the recommended minimum of 2 liters of water per day and that a lot of us drink tea and coffee before going to bed. Tea and coffee are both drinks that contain caffeine which is a diuretic that increases dehydration further.

The best way to combat morning breath is to make sure you stay well hydrated throughout the day and drink some water prior to sleeping rather than a diuretic like tea, coffee or alcohol. By doing so there will be a less marked effected on hydration levels during the overnight fating period and less chance for sleep to cause bad breath in the morning!

Bad Breath Causes

Many people simply do not get or understand the bad breath causes that is creating their breath problem.

This is leaving them in a very frustrating and dangerous position. Why?

The Cause of Bad Breath in the Morning - What Causes Morning Breath?

Understand Bad Breath - How to Deal With It more

Bad Breath

Many people suffer from having bad breath. It is very unusual and uneasy to talk to somebody knowing you have awful breath. Well, this article might be of great help. It provides some helpful ways to deal with it:

1. Brush your teeth regularly - Maintaining a good breath requires proper oral hygiene. Bad breath results from the accumulation of bacteria in your mouth and teeth. One of the most helpful things to do is to brush your teeth every after meal. Food particles usually accumulate every after eating. That is why it is very important to brush your teeth including your tongue, to get rid of those. Although it can never be eradicated a hundred percent, but at least, you can minimize it. Always practice proper oral hygiene.

2. Keep chewing gums in hand - Keeping your mouth hydrated will prevent you from having a bad breath. Dry mouth, often caused by certain medications or medical problems will most likely lead to some odor problems. When you chew gum, it actually helps in salivation. It produces more saliva in your mouth, thus keeping your mouth hydrated. The more saliva that is being produced in your mouth, the fewer bacteria accumulates. That is why; you should always keep menthol gums in hand to get rid of this problem.

3. Check other food sources - There are also food sources that can cause bad breath. It is very important that you check for these food sources. Some of them like onion, ginger, garlic and other sources have strong tastes and odors that can strongly retain in the mouth for a couple of hours. Awareness of this will help you avoid eating these kinds of food sources.

Suffering from bad breath? You do not have to worry anymore. This article offers the most helpful solutions handed for you. Follow these ways and you will surely get rid of it.

Elizabeth is a passionate writer. She has been writing online articles for three years now. You can check out her latest article girls leggings [] and white leggings [] on her website.

Bad Breath - How to Deal With It

Bad Breath

Read Sex Life, Bad Breath And What Causes Buddy, The Stud, To Stink far more

Bad Breath Causes

Buddy's a big guy who loves his fish-n-chips as much as his loves his fried rice with garlic manchurian, his roast beef with jugfuls of beer, and his sex marathons with his girlfriend in a bed that his grandma used to call an ancestral heirloom...

But that's besides the point. The point is, Buddy loves SEX. Lot's of it.

Buddy's day job as a construction worker has given him that rugged, hairy-chested, naked body that sweats like a horse while making love -- making his girlfriend squeal in laughter, moan in pleasure, and arch in sheer, inexplicable joy. Like they say, Buddy's the stud for the longest ride of the century. But when Buddy longingly dives in with all his enthusiasm to join the nude drive to Pleasuretown, all of a sudden, with cold, devastating and brutal finality, his girlfriend turns to an impenetrable chunk of stone.

"Ewwwwwwww Buddy," she says to his face that's bursting at the seams with unfulfilled excitement. "You stink!"

Buddy's downright flabbergasted. The long ride schreeches to the shortest halt. "But I took a bath yesterdayyyyy!" he protested.

"It's not you, you big a**hole," she retorts, pushing him away and getting up. "It's your breath! It's like something DIED in there...! What the heck were you feeding on today...?"

"What was I FEEDING on today...?" Buddy felt insulted. His passion wilted. His flower drooped. He felt like a dog.

How the heck was he supposed to know if his breath stank or not? What difference should it make to her, anyway? He was the one doing all the work... And why, pray, should his breath even stink in the first place? He brushed his teeth whenever he could find the toothbrush, for god's sake...

Let's see now...

Buddy's a guy who loves his fish-n-chips as much as his likes his fried rice with garlic manchurian, his roast beef with jugfuls of beer, or his sex marathons with his girlfriend in a bed that his grandmother used to call an ancestral heirloom...

But that's besides the point. The point is, Buddy loves FOOD. Lot's of it.

And though he'd like to believe that something as harmless as bad breath shouldn't / wouldn't / couldn't ruin his sex life, what he ignores today could well leave him (and his girlfriend) with a bad-n-bitter taste in the mouth.

Agreed that strong, unpleasantly odored breath is in fact harmless, but view it as a symptom and everything changes. Bad breath is a sure sign that something in your body is not being processed right.

Overeating, junk food, sleepless nights, more alcohol, less water, dry mouth, all contribute to bad breath -- besides a host of other problems. It doesn't always need a cold, allergy, inflamed tonsils or sinuses to cause bad breath... More often than not it's something as simple (and overlooked) as poor oral hygiene -- problems with the teeth and gums like gingivitis and tartar accumulation that even the dentist would wince looking at.

It's bacteria in the mouth decomposing the food you've eaten that causes bad breath. Eating strongly-flavored food (like big Buddy does) not just causes you to sit on the toilet seat for long, it also makes the resulting bad breath that much harder to get rid of. If you don't believe this, try munching on an onion bulb (or a few garlic cloves) and brush your teeth a while later. The sulfur odor of onion / garlic can still be felt after brushing. It's that strong -- and stinky.

Now imagine eating fish-n-chips, fried rice with garlic manchurian, roast beef with jugfuls of beer, and see what those sex marathons in bed turn into.

Nat Jay is an expert on self-help reports for curing bad breath permanently. Visit his website at

Sex Life, Bad Breath And What Causes Buddy, The Stud, To Stink

Understand Dealing With Bad Breath Quiz: What Causes Your Bad Breath? more

Dealing with bad breath is annoying, frustrating and
embarrassing and if you're reading this you are looking for
some answers. The fact is that different foods and factors
cause bad breath in different people, which is why we've
created a quiz to help people pin point their bad breath

In the "Dealing with Bad Breath" quiz below, circle the
correct answer for each question.

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 1: How often do you eat
the following foods?


at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week


High Protein Foods:

at least once per week

several times per week


Unless you are on a diet, you probably don't keep a tally
of condiments, foods and beverages consumed during the day.
That's all fine and dandy, but certain foods you eat (or
over consume) can have adverse affects such as chronic bad

A chronic bad breath home remedy to help ease bad breath
after a meal is to chew on the parsley that garnished your
plate in a restaurant, or bring a small baggie of herbs
like fennel or clove to chew after your meal.

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 2: How often do you
consume the following beverages?


at least once per week

several times per week


Orange Juice:

at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week


That glass of wine each day may be good for your heart, but
it could also be the reason you're dealing with bad breath!
Alcohol dries out the mouth making it prime real estate for
the bacteria that cause bad breath. Acidic drinks like
orange juice, and dairy drinks like milk can also cause bad
breath. People dealing with bad breath should cut back on
soda as it can rot your teeth and worsen bad breath.

Some chronic bad breath home remedies to help eliminate
these problems include drinking plenty of water with lemon
after consuming alcohol and rinsing your mouth with water
and lime if you drink milk.

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 3: Which of these oral
products do you use?


at least once per week

several times per week


Breath Mints:

at least once per week

several times per week


Breath Spray:

at least once per week

several times per week



at least once per week

several times per week


The products you are using to deal with bad breath, might
actually make the problem worse by drying out your mouth.
Chronic bad breath home remedies you can use instead of
alcohol and sugar based products include rinsing your mouth
with salt water, or lemon or lime water and chewing on
herbs such as parsley or thyme instead of gum.

According to the Mayo Clinic, people dealing with bad
breath only receive temporary relief from mouthwashes,
mints and that chronic bad breath home remedies like simply
rinsing your mouth with water may be more effective.

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 5: Hydration

How many glasses of water do you drink per day?

8+ glasses

3+ glasses


Keeping your mouth hydrated keeps it from drying out. A dry
mouth is a haven for the bacteria that cause bad breath.
Chronic bad breath home remedies include adding apple cider
vinegar, lemon or lime to your water. These ingredients
will help cleanse your system while the water hydrates your

Dealing With Bad Breath Question 4: Dental Care


after every meal

twice per day



after every meal

twice per day



after every meal

twice per day


Maybe your dental hygiene isn't as good as you thought it
was. Improper dental care can create a bacteria build up,
rotting food between teeth and eventually gum disease, all
of which make dealing with bad breath more difficult.

What Causes Your Bad Breath?

In the questionnaire above, answers to the questions
further down below may be the reasons you are dealing with
bad breath. Examine your answers and try to make changes
accordingly. If after making the changes and trying the
chronic bad breath home remedies you are still dealing with
bad breath, you may want to visit your dentist or doctor to
rule out certain conditions like gum disease.

Bad Breath Causes

Whozylee Aris has created a website on the topic of bad breath. Find the real causes and cures for bad breath by visiting View this article online at

Dealing With Bad Breath Quiz: What Causes Your Bad Breath?

Bad Breath Causes

Examine Cure For Bad Breath - Natural Ways to Eliminate Bad Breath much more

Want to know a cure for bad breath? Bad breath is not only a health problem, but a social one as well. It is an embarrassment for anyone to have. But should you be suffering from bad breath, rest assured that there are cures for bad breath that are safe, natural, and effective. Specific cures for bad breath depend on the cause.

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth, particularly on the surface of the tongue. It can be caused by poor dental hygiene, mouth infections, dryness of the mouth, stress, and external factors like cigarettes, smoke and coffee, among others. Less common causes of bad breath are stomach and intestinal problems, respiratory tract infections, and major body illnesses like diabetes and liver diseases.

If you feel you have bad breath, your doctor or dentist may help you identify the cause. This is helpful especially if you have halitosis, or chronic bad breath.

How to cure bad breath

Conventional cures for bad breath are antiseptic mouthwashes and medications. However, some of the best remedies for bad breath can be found in nature or in your home.

Cure For Bad Breath # 1: Mint oil is in!

You see mint in almost every breath-freshening product but the most effective and potent of all to use is arguably the peppermint oil - yes, that essential oil usually used for aromatherapy. A drop of that pure essential oil on the tongue can freshen your breath quickly and naturally.

Also helpful is tea tree oil, a powerful antiseptic normally recommended for skin problems. As this oil is quite strong, just drop a very small amount on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with it.

Cure For Bad Breath # 2: Spice is nice. Seeds, too!

While some spices like pepper can make your mouth hot (and for some, smell unpleasant), a few like cloves actually have an antiseptic effect on the mouth and are a good remedy for bad breath. You can chew on cloves or grind them and prepare them as tea.

The seeds normally used as condiments like fennel and anise seeds are good breath sweeteners. Anise, in particular, has curative properties and kills odor-causing bacteria. Since these seeds are dry and can keep for quite some time, they are convenient to carry around with you. Simply chew on them after a meal.

Cure For Bad Breath # 3: Cool off with a lemon.

Not only is lemon good for lemonade and as a household cleaning agent, it is great natural cure for bad breath as well! Suck on a slice of lemon and feel your breath cleansed and freshened instantly.

Bad Breath Causes

Read Part 2 of this amazing cure for bad breath article by super self-improvement expert Michael Lee at to discover more bad breath remedy secrets.

Cure For Bad Breath - Natural Ways to Eliminate Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes

Read through Is It Bad Breath or Gall Bladder Disease? far more

Is It Bad Breath or Gall Bladder Disease?

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Could your bad breath be a sign of gall bladder disease?

Sometimes a particularly strong case of bad breath can really signal another ailment. While the average case of bad breath usually arises from conditions within the mouth, especially offensive or unusual-smelling bad breath may warrant further investigation.

How can your gall bladder relate to bad breath? Your gall bladder produces strong digestive juices, which empty into your stomach. When the gall bladder builds up mineral stones, the bile ducts can become blocked. Infection and great discomfort can result, causing a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as fleeting pain, nausea and even vomiting, especially after eating a fatty meal. Another possible telltale effect of gall bladder blockage is bad breath.

If you are experiencing abdominal trouble and you suspect your bad breath may be a sign of greater trouble ahead, compare your symptoms to these warning signs of gall bladder disease.

Internal symptoms of gall bladder disease:

1. Agonizing pain in the upper right abdomen -- especially after a heavy meal. The pain can last from minutes to hours.

2. Sudden fever.

3. Nausea and/or vomiting.

4. Clay-colored stools. The lighter color results from insufficient bile (that is, blocked gall bladder ducts).

Outward signs of gall bladder disease:

1. Excessively bad breath.

2. Itchy skin rashes.

3. A white-coated tongue.

4. Offensive body odor and yellowish skin.

5. Yellow, discolored eyes, and dark circles beneath the eyes.

If you are experiencing any combination of these symptoms, it's time to consult with your physician.

Bad breath by itself does not mean you have gall bladder disease -- it's uncommon for bad breath to arise from anything other than poor oral hygiene. However, if your bad breath is particularly offensive, and coupled with some of the more noticeable signs of gall bladder disease, especially excruciating abdominal pain, further testing is called for. Ask your physician to diagnose whether it's simply bad breath -- or gall bladder disease.

Blake Kritzberg is editor of FavorIdeas. Stop by for continually-updated celebrity wedding news, remarkable beach wedding favors, exclusive hairstyling articles and gorgeous and unique wedding favors.

Examine Banish Bad Breath - Remedy For Bad Breath extra

Banish Bad Breath - Remedy For Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

So you have discovered the awful truth - that you have a problem with bad breath. There are many different causes but you want to banish bad breath now because it is making your life a misery and is embarrassing. If, on the other hand, you suspect you might have this problem, ask your best friend or your nearest and dearest and get a truthful answer!

Bad breath is a very common problem and there are many different causes. Bad breath is usually caused by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. This breakdown causes the release of smelly gases which tend to coat your teeth and gums - most unwelcome guests. The medical term for this condition is halitosis (say: ha-luh-toe-sus). In some people, bad breath is associated with gum disease, especially if rubbing the areas between the teeth and gums yields a foul odour. If the bad breath is of oral origin (improper oral health care), in most cases, your dentist will treat the cause of the problem.

What Is The Role Of Bacteria In Causing Bad Breath

Bacteria that cause bad breath can also thrive in the tongue and they can also worm their way down into the gums below the tooth line, where not even the fanciest toothbrush can reach. Bacteria quickly break down any food residue, in the mouth, and an unpleasant, stale smell is released. When you don't brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. Although we do not know why, the very back of the tongue is an important source of bad breath, possibly as a result of postnasal drip, which can get stuck on the tongue and is then broken down by bacteria on the tongue surface. Your dentist may recommend dental treatment, if there are other areas in which bacteria and food can become trapped and cause odour. There are just as many causes of bad breath as there are sources of bacteria in the mouth. A periodontal cleaning often helps to remove the bacterial and plague that has accumulated and is wearing down the gum line. Also, you may be instructed to brush your tongue gently each time you brush your teeth, to remove excess plaque and bacteria.

What Is The Treatment For Bad Breath

One of the ways to address halitosis is to practice good dental hygiene. Sometimes parsley leaves, wintergreen, or peppermint, can be chewed to freshen the breath by the introduction of their aromatic substances into the lungs.

Other possible Causes Of Bad Breath

Consult your physician for a diagnosis: a respiratory infection, infection of the nose, windpipe, or lungs, chronic bronchitis, post nasal drip, chronic sinusitis, diabetes or a gastrointestinal disorder. Whatever the causes, you will need to banish bad breath before it takes over your life. Click on the link below for some great advice about what to do.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specializing in Health, Wellness and Fitness. If you want more help and advice to banish bad breath for ever, click on the link below :-

Study Curing Bad Breath much more

It is estimated that one in four people suffers from bad breath. Bad breath, known as halitosis, needs to be treated properly so that there is no interference with your interaction with others.

Most causes of bad breath can be traced to oral bacteria living in the mouth. The back of the tongue is a typical breeding ground for bacteria, and you can expect further problems when food particles get lodged between the teeth or in the gum line.

Getting rid of the bacteria in the mouth is the main idea behind curing bad breath. Regular brushing of teeth and the gum line will greatly assist in ridding your mouth of bacteria, with particular emphasis on scraping the tongue as this is where much bad breath originates.

Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly will dislodge bacteria - a necessity as mouthwash or chewing gum doesn't remove bacteria, they only mask the bad breath temporarily.

Many people believe that good oral hygiene is the solution for curing bad breath and will prevent other problems as well. Old food particles, yeast and plaque will all contribute to bad breath and dental problems if left undressed.

There are medical conditions that can cause halitosis. Sometimes the side effect of medication causes bad breath. Doctors are aware that bad breath is not always a matter of poor hygiene and they can quickly determine the cause and offer suggestions for, not necessarily curing bad breath, but at least controlling it to a certain extent.

A high protein diet is favored by body builders and some dieters. Unfortunately this diet leads to a build up of ketones in the blood, and some ketones leave the body through the mouth as bad breath.

It may be necessary to add some healthy carbohydrates to the high protein diet in an effort to temper body odours. Working in the hot sun or spending time in saunas may also encourage accumulated ketones to be released through skin pores as alternative body exits. Drinking plenty of water also will assist ketones to leave the body through urine and will dilute concentrations within the mouth at the same time.

Persistent bad breath may indicate an undiagnosed medical problem. A poorly managed diabetic or people with insufficient insulin production may have a build up of ketones in the blood, which may quickly lead to a life threatening condition. Persistent halitosis demands expert attention.

There is a relatively new product line developed by a doctor that is one of the more popular for curing bad breath and it is available online. Bear in mind, though, that any product for bad breath will work best when combined with regular brushing of teeth and tongue.

Bad Breath

For more information on this product line, please visit

Curing Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Examine Bad Breath Detection extra

How can you distinguish that you have bad breath? Here is a simple tip- Try to lick the posterior portion of your wrist and smell it. If you notice unpleasantness in this area, you can confirm that your breath is unlikable, too. If you are confident enough, you can also ask your family or close friends for unusual breath verifications. But you do not necessarily need to do these things since there are a few signals that determine the presence of any breath disasters. One distinct example is when people draw back if you start opening your mouth. Another specific bad breath validation is when your partner turns his or her head away from you when you kiss him or her goodbye.

Bad breath is acknowledged to be a universal dilemma experienced by everyday in all age groups. It varies from one individual to another depending on its specific causes. Relentless bad breath is caused by the smelly gases expelled by millions of odor-causing bacteria enveloping your mouth. Food particles that are caught in between your teeth and wedged in your tonsillar pockets become rotten resulting to dreadful breath odors. The thriving bacteria in your mouth can progress to tooth decays and gum diseases which further contribute to the severity of your breath condition. Therefore, it is very vital to perform appropriate oral hygiene techniques everyday. You should properly brush your teeth, clean your gums, scrape your tongue, and do flossing as much as possible.

Strong-odor foods with garlic or onions can also add up to this problem. You make sure to limit the intake of these food additives and to brush your teeth correctly to get rid of the odious breath. In addition, cigarettes and tobaccos are other chief sources of this problem. The sole solution is to stop smoking to avoid the horrible "smoker's breath". Aside from making your breath awful, smoking also stains your teeth, deteriorates your sense of taste, and irritates the gums. Distinctive breath smells can also be caused by some medical disorders such as dry mouth or xerostomia which affects the course of salivary production. Your dentist may prescribe artificial saliva products to correct this abnormality. Other medical diseases that can be linked to this problem are respiratory infections, kidney failures, digestive impairments, and liver diseases.

If you detect the occurrence of bad breath, you need to begin routine practices in keeping your mouth clean and breath fresh. Regular dental visits are also suggested in order to check for any dental or medical problems. Dentist or hygienist can facilitate in extensive cleaning of your mouth including those areas that are difficult to reach.

Bad Breath

Bad Breath has become a widespread condition. You should be able to treat this immediately by utilizing effective bad breath cures which can be found in this Bad Breath website.

Bad Breath Detection

Bad Breath

Read Infant Bad Breath additional

Infant Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Usually, when we think about bad breath, we are not thinking of infant bad breath. The breath of infants and small children is generally quite pleasant: halitosis in this age group is relatively rare. It does occur from time to time, however, and dealing with it requires some special considerations.

In a young child bad breath can be a sign of some other illness, so before taking any specific measures to treat the breath odor, ask yourself if your child appears healthy. Is he or she eating a healthy balanced diet? Are there any signs of illness such as digestive upsets, respiratory problems, allergies? Has your child had a checkup with the doctor and dentist recently? Particularly in the case of infant bad breath, some signs of underlying illness can be very subtle, so if you have any doubts, make the appropriate appointments.

Identifying the source of uncomplicated child bad breath can be a process of elimination. If the problem is chronic, it is probably not being caused by occasional ingestion of problem foods like garlic, spices, or strong cheese. In many cases, increased attention to oral hygiene will solve the problem. Because most breath odors originate in the mouth, it's important for children to brush well and often. Avoiding sweet foods can also help as sugar promotes both bacterial growth and tooth decay. These possibilities, however, are seldom applicable to infants and infant bad breath.

In an infant bad breath is not usually due to poor oral hygiene, but may occur if there are sores in the mouth. Many infants suck pacifiers or other objects which become coated with saliva and oral bacteria and may be the source of an unpleasant odor. Wash pacifiers often and replace them as soon as they begin to look worn. If your baby sucks on a blanket or stuffed toy, wash it frequently. Also, check for nasal blockage: foreign objects obstructing the nostrils will soon cause problems of various types. Even sinus congestion due to a cold or allergy will cause a child to breathe through the mouth, which dries out the oral tissues and results in child bad breath.

When attempting to treat infant bad breath, remember that children should not be given antiseptic mouthwash or many of the other things that adults commonly use. Babies can't be trusted not to swallow mouthwash or choke on breath mints. Before using any product to treat child bad breath, read the label carefully and/or consult your doctor.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Infant Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Study The Causes and Management of Bad Breath far more

Healthy people with healthy mouths who clean their teeth daily are expected to have a fresh non-odorous breath.

Fresh breath gives you the confidence to be close to others and enjoy life without worrying about looking for upsetting "body language" from those near you to indicate you have a problem.

Unfortunately many things can produce an abnormal balance that affects our breath and can result in bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis.

Things that can cause bad breath

- unclean teeth, by lack of toothbrushing and flossing

- Dental plaque (now known as biofilm) is a sticky whitish film that starts to build up on teeth within 24 hours of eating or drinking. It contains bacteria which can release toxins that cause gum disease, tooth discolouration and also acid in the presence of sugar that leads to tooth decay.

- the food and drink we ingest e.g. garlic, alcohol

- cigarette/cigar smoking - Tooth decay and gum disease can also lead to bad breath.

- Certain types of oral bacteria can build up in sufficient numbers in secluded areas of the mouth, particularly in crevices, cavities and as a coating over the back of the tongue. The bacteria are known as anaerobic because they thrive in the absence of oxygen. Because the bacterial colony can grow without oxygen it can become quite a thick discoloured layer on the surface of the back of the tongue. The growth of this type of bacteria is retarded or slowed by the presence of high levels of oxygen, and it is this weakness that gives us a simple treatment for bad breath.

It is easy to check for the presence of bacterial plaque on the back of the tongue by standing in front of a mirror, poking the tongue out of the mouth and closely inspecting the surface of the tongue.

The reason this colony of anaerobic bacteria on the tongue is so significant is because of the metabolic by-products that it produces, called volatile sulphur compounds (VSC). These compounds have the same bad smell as the gas produced by a rotting egg (hydrogen sulphide). So the bad breath is caused by the bacteria creating the gaseous VSC.

University studies suggest that people who do not have bad breath invariably do not have these anaerobic bacteria in large quantities in their mouths. Instead they have a better balanced "good" collection of bacteria. Another method of managing bad breath then is to try and replace the bad anaerobic bacteria with the good oxygen-loving (or aerobic) bacteria. This is known as the probiotic approach.

- Finally some medical conditions result in a release of gases from the lungs, such as the ketone gases of diabetes etc

- Other conditions or medications can affect the normal flow of saliva through the salivary glands and into the mouth.

The flow rate and chemical composition of saliva serves to neutralise and flush the mouth of the effect of the plaque bacteria. Anything that reduces this function of saliva (like salivary gland disease, reduction in physiologic functioning of the salivary glands that occurs naturally in old age and during sleep or certain prescribed medications) can also result in bad breath.

Hence the phenomenon well known as "morning breath" also noticed during stress or excercise, which is related to a reduction of salivary flow (drying of the mouth) acting together with the bad breath causing oral bacteria.

Treatment of Bad Breath

The way to deal with bad breath depends on the degree of the problem. The management can range from simple natural methods to more complex clinical ones. Simple natural methods

Being healthy, drinking lots of water, eating healthy food and drink, reduction in coffee and alcohol intake, not smoking all helps to provide a normal oral environment less prone to halitosis (bad breath). Proper technique, and daily tooth brushing and an interdental cleaning routine (by flossing and/or using inderdental products to clean in between the teeth) is required to remove the dental plaque from the teeth and gums. this is always the first place to start in managing any bad breath problem. Our favourite interdental cleaners are the Australian made Piksters interdental brushes and the easy to use floss-picks by the Piksters people. Others prefer good old fashioned dental floss. Of course, by visiting your dentist regularly you can ensure that tooth decay and gum disease is prevented and/or properly treated if present. In addition to this, the removal of the anaerobic bacterial coating on the back of the tongue is needed to eradicate the major cause of VSC production in the mouth. While this can be done with a toothbrush, most people find it more comfortable to use a special tongue cleaning device.

Medical methods

The Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSC) produced in the mouth by the anaerobic bacteria can be neutralised, and the bacteria themselves destroyed, by using specially designed chemical toothpastes and mouthwashes.

One of the most effective chemicals in this regard is called Cloralstan™ ( Chlorine Dioxide ), which produces oxygen that creates an unfavourable environment for the anaerobic bacteria as well as binds with the SVC to neutralise the sulphide smell.

Over a short period of time of using these methods the production of the VSC reduces and the bad breath goes away.

Unfortunately some toothpastes and mouthwashes, as well as so-called fresh breath mints, claim to remove bad breath. But all they do is mask the VSC smell with a pleasant fragrance which very soon dissipates leaving the user no better off at all. In addition to this, mouthwashes which contain alcohol can actually lead to bad breath by causing the mouth to dry out. The use of Alcohol-Free mouth rinses, particularly the world-famous CloSYS products, for treating and preventing bad breath are highly recommended.

Probiotic methods

As described, a more complex method of managing a more severe variety of bad breath is to try and produce a bacterial environment in the mouth which is composed mainly of the good bacteria and not the bad bacteria. This method of changing the type of population of bacteria by substituting the harmful type with one that does not produce harm (or VSC) is known as the probiotic approach.

Once again the easiest way of implementing this change in the bacterial flora or makeup of the mouth is through the use of specially designed toothpastes, mouthwashes and lozenges.


Persistent bad breath needs to be investigated by your dental and/or medical professional.

Bad Breath Causes

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The Causes and Management of Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes

Go through The True Causes of Bad Breath - It's Not What You Think! additional

Bad breath is a problem that most people are going to have to face at some point in time. The true causes of bad breath are not that complicated; in fact, there is only one main cause. The problem is that there are a lot of contributing factors that can make it difficult to determine what is causing your breath odor issues. There are however a few common causes that are likely the culprit.

The true cause of bad breath (halitosis) is bacteria in the mouth; this bacteria is the source of bad breath in almost every single case. There are a variety of sources for this bacteria, but ultimately it is the bacteria that is causing the halitosis. We all have bacteria in our mouths. It is there for a reason - it helps us to digest our food. The problem occurs when we have too much bacteria and this can occur in a number of ways.

One of the true causes of bad breath is poor dental hygiene. Not brushing and flossing your teeth properly will cause a build up of this bacteria in your mouth. Plaque on your teeth, gum disease, and cavities are all breeding grounds for bacteria and need to be addressed if you want to freshen your breath. In most cases, proper brushing and flossing, along with regular visits to the dentist, will solve your breath problems.

A dry mouth is another possible cause, so it is important to make sure that you drink lots of water. One of the jobs of the saliva in your mouth is to kill the bacteria that causes bad breath, so a dry mouth usually results in problems with breath odor. In addition to drinking plenty of water it is a good idea to avoid alcohol since it will cause you to become dehydrated and leave you with a dry mouth.

There are a variety of other ways that you can get excessive bacteria in your mouth. These include illness and allergies; post nasal drip is one of the main causes. Diet can be a cause of bad breath, especially a diet that is high in protein. Bacteria feeds on protein so a diet with a lot of protein tends to cause an increase in bacteria. Certain medications can also worsen your breath. It may be necessary to visit your doctor to address some of these issues. At the very least, if you have oral hygiene issues, you should mention it at your next check up.

The true causes of bad breath really are not that complicated - it is the result of bacteria in your mouth. The problem is in determining just how that bacteria got there, which could have happened in a number of ways. Poor dental hygiene is far and away the most common cause, but it is by no means the only one. The best option is usually to talk to your dentist or doctor and see if they can help to come up with a solution.

Bad Breath Causes

Levi Bloom is a health and fitness writer. For more information on preventing bad breath, check out, a website covering cures and treatments for bad breath.

The True Causes of Bad Breath - It's Not What You Think!

Bad Breath Causes

Understand Gum Disease Causes Bad Breath additional

Gum Disease Causes Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath is hard to discover on yourself.  Everyone else's breath we can easily say is bad.  But dentists are advising to their patients that it is time that they simply assume.  Assume if your gums are bleeding that you mostly likely have gum disease. Assume if your mouth is sore when you brush your teeth, that you have dental problems.  Now assume that because your gums are bleeding and your mouth is sore with brushing that you have bad breath.

Gum disease, according to dentists, is the usual cause of persistent bad breath. It is also something you may just get used to and not think about.  There are signs to look for with gum disease.  Besides the obvious bleeding, you may see that your gums look red and swollen and when you push on them they turn white for a moment.  Gum disease is caused by 'plaque', the sticky film of bacteria that naturally forms on the teeth.  This is why we brush our teeth, to get this plaque off every single day so our mouth will stay healthy. Bacteria tend to lodge between the teeth and where the teeth meet the gums. The waste products of the bacteria have a foul, stale smell.

This means if you don't clean your teeth, you will have bad breath.  The first thing you need to do then is to go to your dentist.  Make sure when you call to schedule the appointment that you tell them it is in regard to bad breath.  It is important because then they can schedule a visual inspection, a cleaning and an assessment of any defects or pockets that might lend to the problem you are having. 

It is important that you know how to clean your teeth properly. If you do not know how, get your dental hygienist to show you how.  It is amazing what they can show you; how to hold your brush, angle the bristles to get where they need to go and how to floss your teeth to make sure that between the teeth is gotten clean.  They will give your teeth a thorough cleaning and polish each tooth.  Then they will instruct you how to do so at home.  Listen and learn.  You are paying good money and betting your bad breath on it.

One good way to get great at brushing your teeth and getting rid of the bad breath is to use disclosing tablets.  These are tablets that dye the plaque on your teeth, showing you exactly the areas that you are not cleaning properly.  A few tips that might help between brushings is to use a toothpick to get out large particles of food between your teeth and if you can, rinse your mouth out even if it is just with water after every meal.

As long as you are brushing your teeth, why not take care of that icky tongue?  Buy a tongue cleaner and use it.  It is a curved scraper and you place it on the back of your tongue as far back as you can and pull it forward like hoeing a row in your garden.  Something important to remember is do not scrape so hard in your desire to be clean that you make the problem worse by giving the tongue abrasions that collect bacteria and get infected.

It is important that you get your gums back into a healthy state.  If they are healthy and you have no teeth or mouth infection then a big reason most people have bad breath is gone.  Communication with your dentist about your bad breath problem is vital. Don't be embarrassed just get help. 

Corinne Bridgewater grew up surrounded by the medical community, her family is full of doctors, nurses, herbalists and healers. She is a licensed nurse and certified pharmacy technician. She has served in the Armed Forces as a medic. For lots more tips, articles and resources for other embarrassing problems please go to my informative website EmbarrassedNoMore

Understand Cure For Bad Breath At The Back Of The Throat Caused by Sinusitis more

Bad Breath

There are many reasons for bad breath so it is quite difficult to pin down the reasons in some cases. Most of the problems appear because of improper oral hygiene. However, if you are experiencing bad breath from the back of the throat, it is likely to be due to sinusitis and post nasal drip. If this is the case for you, you should know some things about this condition and how to handle it properly.

What is Sinusitis

Sinusitis refers to the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. It can appear as a result of an infection or problems relating to fungal, allergies, viral, bacterial or autoimmune. This condition is closely linked with inflammation of the nose (rhinitis) also known as rhinosinusitis.

The human body has many paired paranasal sinuses. This includes the sphenoid, masillary, ethmoid and frontal sinuses. Ethmoid sinuses can be further divided as posterior and anterior. There are different levels of acuity of sinusitis and we can classify the disease by the cavity it affects.

Based on that, we can have maxillary sinusitis (which causes problems in the maxillary area showing headaches, toothaches and so on), sphenoid sinusitis (which affects the area behind the eyes causing pressure or pain and can also be linked with the vertex of the head), ethmoid sinusitis (which can also cause pain and/or pressure behind the eyes but can also be exhibited between them, usually causing headaches) and frontal sinusitis (which attacks the frontal sinus cavity, usually causing headaches).

Lately, it has been discovered that there is a link between sinusitis and different diseases that attack the respiratory tract. Often, this is linked to asthma. Every type of sinusitis can appear as a part of general inflammation of the airway and thanks to symptoms that are characteristic to this inflammation, like coughing, it can be easily detected.

Sinusitis and Post Nasal Drip

Bad breath is not caused directly by sinusitis. What happens is that the inflamed sinuses will produce a lot of mucous that varies in thickness. It tends to drip down the back area of our throats, thus appearing on the back of the tongue and throat. This condition is known as post nasal drip.

Such mucus is made of mostly protein which is food for anaerobic bacteria living in the mouth. When these bacteria feed on these proteins, they release bad odors through their waste products. To make matter worse, the lack of moisture in the areas affected allows anaerobic bacteria to multiply easily. Mucus will also get attached to the back of the neck and will create an uncontrollable urge to swallow for the person affected. In order to get rid of bad breath that appears at the back of the throat because of sinusitis and post nasal drip, we will need to eliminate the condition that is causing mucus development.

In most cases post nasal drip is caused by an allergy, flu or common cold. In such a situation you might need to wait for the condition to cure itself and take some medicine if you are suffering from allergies. On the other hand we can also fight post nasal drip and try to reduce it (even eliminate it) while it still is produced by sinusitis. Doctors can prescribe different drugs in order to reduce bad breath and discomfort caused by the condition. Usually we will find a mix of three: Sudafed, Guaifenesin and antithistamines as the possible solutions for such a case.

Sudafed is a decongestant that you can purchase without a prescription and works by opening the sinuses. It also reduces the mucus that is secreted when inflammation is exhibited. Guaifenesin will work at removing mucus directly and will make it easier for the patient to swallow. You can also purchase it without a prescription and the most common names under which it is sold are Mucinex or Robitussin. As antihistamine, doctors usually prescribe Allegra, Claritin or Benedryl. They are recommended for night use and tend to make the patient sleepy, especially in the case of Benedryl.

Bad breath can be fought when dealing with the condition highlighted here. The only persistent irritation is your urge to swallow because of the mucus at the back of your throat. One way to relief this is to eat a piece of bread, celery or any type of bulky food. Most patients who suffer from chronic problems with post nasal drips will have celery near them at night so that they can sleep easier.

Bad Breath is the Least of Your Worries

When dealing with sinusitis and post nasal drip, bad breath is the least of your problems. You can easily mask bad odors coming from the back of the neck. What you really need to do is to follow the prescription from your doctor. Failure to do this will only make the condition worse and you might end up with various types of pain, based on the type of sinusitis you are suffering from.

For most cases, bad breath will disappear as soon as the disease is under control. By combining medicine, a proper diet and proper oral hygiene you will quickly notice important improvements in your breath quality. Do note that besides sinusitis, tonsillitis is another possible cause that leads to post nasal drip. To have a proper diagnosis, it is very important for you to consult a doctor.

Do you suffer from bad breath after tonsillectomy []? Learn what are the bad breath remedies [] available with our free resources.

Cure For Bad Breath At The Back Of The Throat Caused by Sinusitis

Understand Bad Breath Probiotics more

The science of probiotics is a growing area of research that has now extended to include bad breath probiotics. The idea is that communities of bacteria in any ecosystem should live in balance with each other, and that anything that affects only some of the bacteria will throw the balance off. This approach has already been used in some types of aquaculture where the proliferation of dangerous bacteria can render the product dangerous for humans to eat. The addition of good bacteria to counter the bad restores a kind of balance. The same approach has been used in natural medicine, and even in some instances of conventional medicine, where antibiotics or other processes have upset the balance of normal bacteria in the body. If you have persistent diarrhea, for example, taking capsules of 'friendly' bowel bacteria can restore things to normal.

In the case of bad breath probiotics, the theory is the same. If halitosis is caused by the proliferation of too many anaerobic bacteria in the mouth producing foul smelling volatile sulfur compounds, then the addition of 'friendly,' non-odor producing bacteria should drive the anaerobes out and establish a normal balance of oral bacteria. It's an appealing approach because it does not involve the use of drugs, and the beneficial bacteria can be obtained in capsule form. If you have bad breath, the bug to take is Streptococcus salivarius.

It's not just any Streptococcus salivarius however - this species of bacteria includes many different strains, some of which are implicated in tooth decay and, rarely, various types of infection. There is one specific strain that reportedly fights odor-producing bacteria in the mouth: BLIS Streptococcus salivarius K12. BLIS stands for bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances, or substances naturally produced by the bacterium that limit the growth of other bacteria. Interestingly, this same strain has been found to inhibit the growth of the Streptococcus species that causes strept throat, so it may have value in more than just bad breath probiotics.

The probiotic approach holds much promise for the management of many health and environmental situations where circumstances have thrown a healthy balance off kilter. Though it is not always clear what has affected the ecology of the mouth, the use of antibiotics for some other condition may be a factor (many antibiotics kill some types of bacteria, like Streptococcus salivarius, and other organisms, while leaving others unharmed). The use of more antibacterial products to tackle the halitosis, therefore, may simply upset the balance further. A bad breath probiotic approach, rather than an antibiotic approach, may be the best solution.

Bad Breath

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Probiotics, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Bad Breath Probiotics

Bad Breath

Go through Bad Breath Products - Does Over-the-Counter Mouthwash Really Work to Stop Bad Breath? extra

Bad Breath Products - Does Over-the-Counter Mouthwash Really Work to Stop Bad Breath?

Bad Breath

If you take a stroll down the aisle at your local drug store, you can find many options of products that supposedly stop bad breath. If you are looking for a great mouthwash for this, you may find a large assortment, including Listerine, Scope and other mouthwashes designed to fight gum disease, plaque AND bad breath. While these products may work on your plaque and gum disease, they are definitely not helping with your BREATH. These products are only covering up the odor temporarily. There are some lucky people in the world who always have fresh breath. They can eat as much garlic and onions they please and not have smelly breath. Some people may have it for a short time after eating really potent food, but it goes away after they swish around some over-the-counter mouthwash. Then, there are some folks who are not that lucky! No matter what you do, you have nasty breath in the morning, afternoon and night.

If you have really bad breath (chronic halitosis), you are probably constantly using a mouthwash product in the hopes of helping. You may be actually doing more harm than good. Your successful bad breath product must stop the production of sulfur compounds present in the mouth. Over-the-counter mouthwashes to not contain the necessary ingredient for this. Instead, they may contain some or all of the following ingredients that can actually make matters worse: alcohol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, saccharin, Sodium Chlorate, and Benzalkonium Chloride. One example of how they may make your bad breath worse is "dry mouth" Sodium Lauryl Sulfate can cause your mouth to be dry, which can in turn cause your breath to be worse. Check the ingredients on the mouthwashes and other products you currently use -- you'll be surprised!

Mouthwash for the chronic, bad breath sufferer must contain different ingredients found in over-the-counter products. The main ingredient is Sodium Chlorite (not to be confused with Sodium Chlorate listed above). This is a chemical used in the purification of water. This powerful ingredient allows the bacteria in the mouth to be "oxygenated." This means the bacteria present in the mouth, causing the problems, are exposed to oxygen to then be eliminated. Bacteria in the mouth produces Hydrogen Sulphide, which causes the odor others smell. These bacteria live in areas of the mouth that are unreachable by oxygen. These areas are between the teeth, the BACK of the throat and tongue, the tonsils and periodontal pockets. When a mouthwash containing Sodium Chlorite is used regularly, the odor is eliminated.

If you are intrigued to learn more about how you can stop your bad breath, please do more research yourself. Take a look at Bad Breath Products That Stop Bad Breath

Approximately 9 years ago I developed really bad breath. My husband and kids would always complain about it and it was sometimes very embarrassing when my kids were not discreet about it. I was determined to find a way to stop my bad breath. I tried several different products, which included over-the-counter toothpastes, mouthwashes and gum/mints. Then, I tried Breath Assure (went off the market) and ProFresh (bought online). None of these products worked for my bad breath. The gum and mints just covered up the problem shortly. ProFresh was expensive and it did not work at all. Breath Assure worked sometimes, but was inconsistent. Plus, it went off the market. I attempted to develop a routine suggested by my dentist which consisted of flossing, brushing with Sonicare and rinsing with a bacteria-fighting mouthwash. That did not work either. Plus, I was religious about all of the steps in the routine. I began taking vitamins and probiotics thinking they would help, but to no avail. I almost quit the search to Stop My Bad Breath until I discovered a product line that I decided to try. The product worked so well and so quickly. My husband noticed right away and could not believe it either. The products are safe, reasonably priced and simple to use. Accompanying the products is a wealth of information about bad breath and what the active ingredients are that eliminate the causes of bad breath. If you want to solve your bad breath problem, please learn more at MyBadBreathSolution []. You won't be sorry!

Study Constipation Bad Breath additional

Constipation Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath is caused by anaerobic bacteria that live in the back of the tongue and other areas of the mouth not exposed to oxygen. Every person has over 170 different types of these anaerobic bacteria living in their mouths. Yet even so there are many people who go through life without bad breath even when they do little more than ordinary mouth care.

Therefore, bad breath must be caused by something more than just the presence of bacteria in the mouth.

Normally, the bacteria present in our mouth are responsible for the break down of proteins found in our diet, saliva, mucous and phlegm. During the process, they release volatile sulfur compounds as waste products. These volatile sulfur compounds are highly odorous but the smell is not noticeable in individuals without bad breath. It is only when under certain conditions that the bacteria break down proteins at a much higher rate and excrete volatile sulfur compounds that the odor becomes highly noticeable and offensive.

But in addition to bacteria in the mouth, bad breath may also be a symptom of a problem in the person's bowels. Constipation bad breath, for instance, occurs when there is irregularity in the person's digestive system, causing the stool to become hard and extremely difficult to eliminate. While the condition itself - constipation - is not considered a cause of bad breath, constipation bad breath can be an indirect signal that there is an imbalance in the body processes which must be corrected.

Constipation bad breath could be due to several causes from dietary to hormonal or be even a side effect of medications and anatomical. Incidentally, normal bad breath (that is, bad breath not caused by digestive problems) may also be due to a side effect of drugs you are taking, which could dry up the mouth, causing bad breath.

Treating constipation bad breath consists in treating the constipation itself. If the problem is dietary in nature, then changing your dietary habits, laxatives, and fiber therapy could help treat the constipation and in the process the symptom of constipation bad breath. Enemas and surgery though rare may also be used to treat acute cases of constipation.

In addition, nearly any form of bad breath is treatable just by improving oral hygiene. In fact, it is safe to say that almost all cases of bad breath have something to do with a lack of proper oral hygiene on the part of the person. You may brush your teeth every after meal but if you are not doing it properly, then dental tartar and food debris could still collect in your mouth, proving as breeding ground for bacteria to proliferate. Therefore, it is important that you also make some changes in your oral hygiene practices if you want to get rid of constipation bad breath.

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of Bad Breath Blog. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about Bad Breath - and much more.