Bad breath is the worst! It's a terrible social problem - it can kill your chances at a second date, getting hired for a job, making new friends, and even make other people avoid you at all costs.
What is amazing is that science suggests we are genetically wired to avoid people with bad breath, because we are wired to avoid disgusting smells. Some scientists believe that the smell of rotting meat and dead bodies causes disgust in humans because our ancestors needed to avoid the bacteria in those things. Those who didn't avoid them, died because of sickness and infection. Those who had a deep repulsion for those smells lived longer and passed on those genes to their children, until virtually all humans now find those smells horrible.
And the names for the chemical compounds in bad breath are named for disgusting things! Cadaverine smells like dead bodies, putrescine smells like rotting meat, and skatole smells like feces!
Do you want things in your mouth that smell like THAT?
Of course not!
Unfortunately, even though Americans spend almost five billion dollars a year on toothpaste, mouthwashes, dental floss, and breath-fresheners, these products do not always address the root cause.
Here are three effective ways to help fight bad breath.
1) Drink lots of water. Saliva is one of the most important weapons your body has against bad breath. If you want to help your body stop foul odors in your mouth, give it what it needs to make more saliva: water. Stay away from caffeine (in sodas and coffee) and alcohol, which are diuretics and cause your body to expel more water.
2) Keep regular. Although it isn't something most people want to talk about, a portion of a person's bad breath comes from bacteria in their entire digestive tract. If you aren't going to the bathroom regularly and not eating a healthy diet, bacteria that produces foul-smelling chemicals can build up in your digestive system. Eat lots of fiber, found in fresh vegetables and fruits. Cut down on meats, fats, and processed foods. If you are going to the bathroom 2 to 4 times a day, your chances of having really bad breath are cut significantly.
3) Floss and brush your tongue. Hopefully you brush your teeth at least twice a day - once in the morning to remove foul-smelling bacteria that has built up overnight, and again at night to clear particles of food and cut down on bacteria's numbers before you go to bed. However, if you aren't flossing and brushing your tongue, you are leaving a minefield of bacteria behind to take over your mouth (and cause gum disease if you're not careful). Flossing removes bits of food and stubborn bacteria. Brushing your tongue removes a lot of bacteria that gets caught in the soft crevices of your skin. And if you want to be really thorough, remember to brush the insides of your cheeks next to your gums, where pockets of bacteria can hide out.
There is an even more effective way to destroy the root cause of bad breath.
If you would like to know a cheap, easy way that can give you great breath in 3 days, check out this website on bad breath cure [].