Bad breath or halitosis is an internal disorder which can be diagnosed by a proper examination. Halitosis is also the term used to describe mouth and throat odor due to vomiting. Odors include the smell of rotting eggs, an ammonia smell as in severe kidney failure or the sweet fruity smell in diabetic ketoacidosis. Odor-causing bacteria thrive on these secretions, cause protein breakdown and produce volatile sulfur compounds which account for the bad breath. Bad breath can be very embarrassing and can cause social, emotional and psychological anxiety in a person.
Bad breath can also be caused by tobacco use, diet and chronic dry mouth. In eighty to ninety percent of cases, bad breath originates in the mouth due to inadequate plaque control, periodontal disease, dry mouth, faulty restorations, and in particular due to excessive bacterial growth on the posterior third of the dorsal surface of the tongue. Halitosis is not infectious.
Bacteria that create gingivitis live in your plaque and cause your gums to inflame, bleed, and separate from your teeth. Gingivitis can also be a cause bad breath. Bacteria, as usual, consume foods and excrete wastes in the form of sulfur compounds which cause bad breaths. Bacteria colonizing the tongue and pockets within the gums are associated with volatile sulfur compounds in periodontal health and disease.
There has to be a systematic approach in investigating the likely causes of bad breath. You start by examining the oral cavity. If the mouth is healthy, other problems like chronic sinusitis, post-nasal drip, tonsillitis and chronic lung conditions must be excluded. If halitosis still prevails, then the most probable cause is a digestive disturbance, usually due to improper diet leading to poor elimination and constipation. Overeating can result in digestive enzyme insufficiency thus causing large portions of partially digested foods to enter the small intestine, thus setting up fermentation causing both flatulence and halitosis.
Other culprits causing halitosis include individual foods, stress and anxiety, and certain heavy metal poisoning. Products for bad breath include mouthwashes, sprays, mints and parsley oil capsules but these products are of negligible benefit.
Treatment of bad breath includes steps in eliminating the above causes. Other requirements include:
1. Avoiding an improper food combination e.g. citrus and complex carbohydrate, mixing fruits and vegetables or melons with just about everything else.
2. Ensuring fiber sufficiency and eliminating excessive consumption of sugar, refined carbohydrates, milk, and meat as these foods are mucus forming and favors oral diseases, digestive weakness, and constipation.
3. Brushing your teeth, flossing and seeing your dentist regularly may reduce bad breath. Brushing the tongue is also recommended since it traps large amounts of bacteria. Brush your tongue daily, not just in the front, but in the back. Use a tongue brush or scraper. Brushing should include gingival, tongue, and palatal surfaces because vigorous tongue brushing twice daily has been demonstrated in several studies to reduce the severity of malodorous morning breath. Brushing every day can eliminate much of bad breath.
4. Bad breath can also be checked by drinking 6 - 8 glasses of water daily. This habit will keep increase saliva production and an occasional swish of the mouth with water can loosen food particles. However, do not drink with meals to avoid enzyme dilution.
5. a) A multi vitamins and minerals tablet. It can assist in regulating the bowel movement as well as supplying the ingredients for the digestive enzymes production.
b) Zinc tablet 20-50mg 3 times daily
c) Liquid chlorophyll as much as possible
d) Lactobacillus 2 capsules 3 times daily to normalize the bowel
e) Digestive enzymes to be taken with meals
f) Laxative for constipation
g) Charcoal tablet to absorb toxins.
Mohamad Ali is a pharmacist and an affiliate marketer.
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