Bad Breath Causes And Remedies
Bad Breath CausesBad breath can have its causes in many, many factors. It helps to realise that many types of bacteria live in the mouth. These bacteria are a part of a healthy mouth. They help in digestion of food. They also keep out other bacteria that could cause damages to our mouth. Among the bacteria that live in the mouth, there are those that are said to be anaerobic. This simply means that they live in the absence of oxygen.
These bacteria live in the absence of oxygen. They are usually at the back of the tongue, in plaques, and in debris of leftover foods. These are some of the places where the amount of oxygen is at its minimal. These anaerobic bacteria, like any other organism, need to live and produce waste product. Those waste products are volatile sulphur compounds and it is a major cause of foul, smelly breath. The activities of these bacteria accounts for a large percentage of unhealthy breath activities in the mouth. A simple remedy is to make the environment in the mouth not to be suitable for their existence - as much as is possible. Thorough brushing of the mouth after meals can help to remove food debris. Remember these debris are shelters for anaerobic bacteria.
Gum diseases is another major cause of bad breath. There are situations that can cause the gum to be diseased. An effect of this disease is that there are gaps between the teeth and the gum where there should be none, in a healthy mouth. Such gaps and crevices are conducive hiding places for, you guessed it-anaerobic bacteria. Oral hygiene could help delay the onset of gum diseases.
Regular dental check up could ensure both healthy teeth and gum. Bleeding from the gum during brushing is an indication that all is not well with the gum.
Dry Mouth, Bad Breath
Bad breath can have its cause in dry mouth. and, a lot of things can cause the mouth to be dry. To start with, if for any reason, you sleep with your mouth open, you are going to have dry mouth. These condition is a favourable breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria.
Alcohol is known as a drying agent. Unfortunately, it is part of some mouthwash. The mouthwash might taste nice, but later, it causes dry mouth thereby contributing to the condition it was meant to remove. Smokers breath l will give off foul smell for the same reasons. Some medications, especially antidepressants, may have dry mouth as a side effect. Coffee has the same effect. When the mouth is dry, it creates an environment where smelly breath causing bacteria can multiply.
A simple remedy could be a deliberate, conscious effort that brushing of the mouth is done with intent. Dental floss could also be used regularly. It helps to scrape the tongue with a tongue scraper. The odour from an unhealthy tongue would certainly not be nice. It could indicate other illnesses. Ordinary water is not ordinary when it comes to flushing the systems in the body. It is an aid for fresh breath.
Of course, the causes of bad breath cannot be exhausted in a single short article. Nor can the remedies. Curing bad breath should be a permanent objective. In achieving this, there are situations where you need your dentist or even your doctor.
Matthew Shofoluwe is a publisher. See you at Dry-Mouth-Bad-Breath