Go through Bad Breath's Causes much more

Do you wonder why some days we are stricken with horrible breath and other days it doesn't seem that bad? A little knowledge about bad breath causes can give us some insight into the vagaries of having a stinky mouth.

The first and foremost cause of one's foul smelling breath may be the actual food they ate. Some foods can cause odors more than others because of how they breakdown and the volatile oils they contain. Onions and garlic are the most well known foods that deliver these oils to your bloodstream once digested. These oils actually get carried to the lungs via the bloodstream and then emanate from there, not from your mouth or stomach. Odors from this type of food can continue until it leaves your system up to 73 hours later.

A lack of dental hygiene can also be a major reason for bad breath problems. Neglecting to brush and floss regularly will allow food particles to collect bacteria and then emit hydrogen sulfide vapors. Maintaining a good dental hygiene routine can be important for more than just nasty breath. It can also affect the overall health of your mouth. Keeping plaque at bay is the best way to prevent gingivitis, but it also plays a major role in preventing tooth decay. In addition, dentures that aren't fitted well or are not properly cared for can collect bacteria which will emit foul odors.

Another reason for stinky breath that most people don't think about is as simple as a dry mouth. Saliva is your mouth's natural way to moisten and cleanse. When your mouth is too dry, dead cells build up around your cheeks, gums and tongue. Once these dead cells decompose they emit powerful odors, otherwise known as morning breath. That's right; a really dry mouth is the cause of morning breath.

A less known cause of foul smelling breath happens to be sinus infections. The constant production of mucus flows down the back of your throat and can create bad odors. In addition, bronchitis, upper respiratory infections and throat infections can bring about bad breath. It's pretty hard to control when you get an infection, but other sources of foul breath can be controlled. Smoking cigarettes is a major reason for bad breath because the smoke fries your mouth and increases your chances of periodontal disease, both of which bring about bad breath. Many people also don't know that intense dieting can cause a breakdown of chemicals in your stomach from too much acid. This is called Ketoacidosis and produces an unpleasant fruity smell.

Bad breath can make things difficult for you and everyone around you, but once you can get a better idea of why this is happening it's much easier to take action and solve the problem. Whether it's something as easy as carrying a tooth brush around with you for after meals or just being sure you have some sugar free gum handy at all times, keep your breath in mind. Remember though, when all else fails and you think the problem may be more severe than usual, be sure to get in touch with a dentist to resolve the issue.

Bad Breath Causes

Robert Thompson is a bad breath expert. For more information on bad breath causes [http://badbreathcurecenter.com/bad-breath-causes], please visit his web site at [http://badbreathcurecenter.com].

Bad Breath's Causes

Bad Breath Causes

Study Acid Reflux and How It Causes Bad Breath additional

People who suffer from heartburn and acid reflux usually suffer a double whammy: bad breath often accompanies the other symptoms. In fact, acid reflux and bad breath are usually common together. Stomach acids are meant to flow through the digestive system in a one-way fashion but in people with this problem, they can actually flow back up the esophagus and into the throat. This can cause throat irritation, gagging, bitter taste in the mouth, and then of course bad breath or halitosis as it is medically known.

Acid reflux bad breath can be controlled to an extent with antacids or other medications for the original condition because if the acid can be prevented from flowing back upwards, then the halitosis should, theoretically, not be so much of a problem.

Diet can help with acid reflux halitosis. Avoiding greasy foods, peppermint and even chocolate can be helpful and also reducing the amount of caffeine and alcohol consumed can make a difference. Nicotine is known to aggravate the condition as well as contributing to bad breath.

People with acid reflux should avoid lying down too soon after meals and try not to eat large meals, instead sticking to smaller portions. Not only will this go a long way to avoiding painful, uncomfortable episodes of reflux, but it will also contribute towards the improvement of the bad breath symptoms.

Bad breath under any circumstances can be difficult to deal with but when it is part of a condition that causes pain and discomfort, it can be doubly upsetting. Keeping the mouth clean, the teeth in good condition and taking the required medication to keep the acid reflux under control should keep breath fresher.

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Acid Reflux and How It Causes Bad Breath

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Bad Breath Causes And Remedies

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath can have its causes in many, many factors. It helps to realise that many types of bacteria live in the mouth. These bacteria are a part of a healthy mouth. They help in digestion of food. They also keep out other bacteria that could cause damages to our mouth. Among the bacteria that live in the mouth, there are those that are said to be anaerobic. This simply means that they live in the absence of oxygen.


These bacteria live in the absence of oxygen. They are usually at the back of the tongue, in plaques, and in debris of leftover foods. These are some of the places where the amount of oxygen is at its minimal. These anaerobic bacteria, like any other organism, need to live and produce waste product. Those waste products are volatile sulphur compounds and it is a major cause of foul, smelly breath. The activities of these bacteria accounts for a large percentage of unhealthy breath activities in the mouth. A simple remedy is to make the environment in the mouth not to be suitable for their existence - as much as is possible. Thorough brushing of the mouth after meals can help to remove food debris. Remember these debris are shelters for anaerobic bacteria.


Gum diseases is another major cause of bad breath. There are situations that can cause the gum to be diseased. An effect of this disease is that there are gaps between the teeth and the gum where there should be none, in a healthy mouth. Such gaps and crevices are conducive hiding places for, you guessed it-anaerobic bacteria. Oral hygiene could help delay the onset of gum diseases.

Regular dental check up could ensure both healthy teeth and gum. Bleeding from the gum during brushing is an indication that all is not well with the gum.

Dry Mouth, Bad Breath

Bad breath can have its cause in dry mouth. and, a lot of things can cause the mouth to be dry. To start with, if for any reason, you sleep with your mouth open, you are going to have dry mouth. These condition is a favourable breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria.

Alcohol is known as a drying agent. Unfortunately, it is part of some mouthwash. The mouthwash might taste nice, but later, it causes dry mouth thereby contributing to the condition it was meant to remove. Smokers breath l will give off foul smell for the same reasons. Some medications, especially antidepressants, may have dry mouth as a side effect. Coffee has the same effect. When the mouth is dry, it creates an environment where smelly breath causing bacteria can multiply.

A simple remedy could be a deliberate, conscious effort that brushing of the mouth is done with intent. Dental floss could also be used regularly. It helps to scrape the tongue with a tongue scraper. The odour from an unhealthy tongue would certainly not be nice. It could indicate other illnesses. Ordinary water is not ordinary when it comes to flushing the systems in the body. It is an aid for fresh breath.

Of course, the causes of bad breath cannot be exhausted in a single short article. Nor can the remedies. Curing bad breath should be a permanent objective. In achieving this, there are situations where you need your dentist or even your doctor.

Matthew Shofoluwe is a publisher. See you at Dry-Mouth-Bad-Breath

Understand Bad Breath Causes and Why You May Have Feces In Your Mouth additional

Breath problems can be tricky to battle, since there can be so many different bad breath causes. Foul breath, or "halitosis," can be a huge problem, as it stops a lot of people from being comfortable around others in close work environments, in restaurants, and in intimate settings.

One of the main issues is actually diet. What happens is that food particles stick around in the mouth and, basically, decay over time. The break-down of this food causes the unpleasant aroma. If that's not enough, there are some foods, such as garlic and onions, that contain pungent oils that lead to pungent breath. In fact, the powerful oils are ultimately taken into the bloodstream. As the fragranced blood works its way to the lungs, the by-product is odor that seeps out as we exhale. Moreover, the oil is continually released so long as the food is being digested, which means the smell can last up to 3 days!

Next, one of the obvious bad breath causes is simply poor dental care. Most people are aware of the need for regular brushing, of course. However, though a great many acknowledge the need to floss, relatively few do so. This is important because it helps get rid of left behind food that can hide out between teeth and along the gums. The food that sticks around is an excellent bacteria magnet. The bacteria like to feed on the food. The big trouble with this is that the bacteria are living entities, which means they release waste. Guess where they let it go? Gross, I know, but this is why hydrogen sulfide vapors can seep from your mouth!

Another of the frequent bad breath causes is plaque. Over time, plaque can accumulate on the teeth. In addition to causing gingivitis, it can lead to tooth decay as well as irritate your gum lines and result in poor breath.

The next in our series of bad breath causes may not affect as many people, but it's still a widespread source of bad breath. If folks with dentures do not have a good, tight fit, then food can also build up in the empty cavities where a snug fit is lacking. However, even if there is a really good fit, dentures that are not cleaned frequently enough can lead to bad breath.

Bad breath causes even extend to seemingly benign problems such as having a dry mouth. Saliva is instrumental in both wetting and cleaning the mouth. When the mouth is excessively dry, as can happen with prescription medications, the dead skin cells and bacterial waste have a chance to collect. Ultimately, you have rotting material on the teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums and this all leads to foul breath. If you've noticed the "morning breath" you have when you wake up, then you know what I'm talking about.

As if that's not enough, sinus infections make the list of common bad breath causes. In this case, the sinuses are discharges mucus down the throat, which is why foul aroma comes from the mouth. Of course, this isn't limited to sinus infections, as regular throat infections can cause the same problem. Really, the same result can stem from bronchitis and upper respiratory infections.

No discussion of bad breath causes would be complete without noting how abuse of our body is a source of bad aroma. As just one example, consider how tobacco can affect your breath. Whether dipping it or smoking it, tobacco is bad for your breath. Although you probably would have guessed that, what about dieting? In truth, extreme dieting, or even fasting, can lead to ketoacidosis, which is the breakdown of chemicals leading to foul breath.

As you can see, there are many bad breath causes, so you really need to narrow down the source before you can apply the right solution. You could simply need to have a toothbrush handy so you can brush your teeth after lunch. Or you may even be able to get away with eliminating tobacco, not that that would necessarily be easy. But, in any event, it's good to get to the bottom of you bad breath situation since your source may just require a trip to the dentist.

Want more useful information on bad breath causes? Will Schneider is a fresh breath enthusiast and bad breath cure aficionado. Visit his bad breath solution website at http://www.curingbadbreathdepot.com today and get your mini-course free!

Bad Breath Causes and Why You May Have Feces In Your Mouth

Bad Breath Causes

Study Top Causes of Bad Breath more

Top Causes of Bad Breath

Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath, also called halitosis, is a common malady for many people. It can negatively affect interpersonal interactions as well as self-esteem. Fortunately, it can be treated effectively, and usually easily, at home. The cause of the odor simply needs to be identified first.

Some forms of bad breath are caused by the foods we eat. There is an initial scent that lingers, such as garlic or onions, that isn't truly "bad" breath. Rather, this is just the odor of the food most recently ingested. Other foods actually contain compounds that alter the way the air leaving our lungs smells. This form of bad breath is unpleasant, but there is nothing to be done to solve it, short of not eating those foods any more. The odor can be mitigated by using breath mints.

Most other bad breath is caused by bacteria of the mouth. This bacteria can in several spots, some easier to reach than other, throughout the mouth. When the bacteria excrete waste from what they have ingested, they leave behind certain compounds that result in foul odors. The majority of these compounds are sulfur based, which is why people often relate the taste in their mouth to the smell of rotten eggs or the "bottom of a bird feeder". Other scents that are considered unpleasant are also sulfur based.

Sufferers usually wonder how to get rid of bad breath. If the odor is bacteria born, the only way to effectively end it is to kill the bacteria. Good oral hygiene, beyond simply teeth brushing, involves a thorough cleaning of all areas of the mouth. This requires daily flossing and tongue cleaning. If bad breath is a persistent, troublesome issue, a special dentist-prescribed mouth rinse may be necessary.

One of the most important factors in bad breath prevention is not giving bacteria a hospitable environment to grow in. Saliva is a key factor in killing bacteria within the mouth; if the mouth becomes dry, or short on saliva, bacteria aren't effectively removed. Individuals who frequently complain of a dry or "cotton" mouth also often report bad breath or a foul taste. Dry mouth can be caused by dehydration, extended speaking or smoking.

Bacteria also grow well in an unhealthy oral environment. Gum disease, or gingivitis, as well as periodontal disease both cause a breakdown of the gums and tissues surrounding teeth. This gives bacteria a well protected place to breed, far from reach of a toothbrush or dental floss.

Not only that, it can cause bad breath in and of itself. The bacteria that break down the gums and tissues to cause the disease release the same waste materials as other oral bacteria. The initial cause of bad breath, an overabundance of oral bacteria, can often lead to secondary bad breath, caused by gum or periodontal disease. Thorough oral hygiene is the most effective ways to get rid of and prevent bad breath.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath. Learn more about Bad Breath Prevention [http://www.getridofbadbreath.net/bad-breath-prevention.html].

Examine Bad Breath - Halitosis Causes and Remedies more

Bad Breath or Halitosis is one of the most frequent reasons that people go to the dentist. In the vast majority of cases, bad breath originates in the mouth and intensifies after the consumption of things like coffee, onions, garlic, cheese, meat, and fish (among other things). Bad breath also occurs after smoking or after the consumption of alcohol. In some cases, halitosis may be psychosomatic (all in your head), causing people to frequently gargle or brush their teeth.

In most cases, bad breath can be eliminated by brushing, gargling with mouthwash, and scraping the tongue. However, a large percentage of people have what is known as chronic halitosis, a more serious condition that can affect a person's relationships and self-esteem, which could lead to depression or stress.

Some of the sources of bad breath can include:

The Tongue - This is the most common area of naturally occurring bacteria. These bacteria can thrive in food deposits and post nasal drip. This is why it is important to also brush your tongue as a part of your oral hygiene routine. Or better yet, use a tongue scraper.

The Nose - This is another major source of bad breath. In this case, it is the air that exits the nostrils that tends to have a foul odor. This may be due to a sinus infection or other objects in the nasal cavity. People with this type of bad breath could benefit from the use of a neti pot.

The Stomach - This is a less common cause of halitosis, except as it relates to belching or acid reflux.

The Tonsils - A very small percentage of people have small pieces of calcified matter in the tonsil area that can cause bad breath.

The Esophagus - When the valve between the esophagus and stomach does not close properly (as in the instance of GERD or hiatal hernia), acid may enter the esophagus leading to gas escaping through the mouth, leading to foul breath. This is a more serious problem which should be treated separately.

While there is no single method for eliminating chronic halitosis, there are steps you can take to naturally reduce it including: As stated above, use a tongue scraper to clean the tongue. Chew gum to help increase the production of saliva. Gargle with an effective mouthwash. Get rid of food deposits between the teeth by flossing regularly. Drink several glasses of water during the day to help flush away toxins. And, of course, brush your teeth several times a day. Taking chlorophyll supplements may also be beneficial in reducing bad breath.

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Bad Breath - Halitosis Causes and Remedies

Read through Bad Breath - Halitosis and How to Combat It extra

Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as Halitosis, affects us all at some time or other in our lives but is more of a significant problem in around one in four people. If you do suffer from breath problems it is important to ensure you undertake regular and full dental checks given gum disease along with teeth decay are some of the main contributors. Smokers and drinkers are also prone to suffering from the condition.

Although the above are the prime suspects relating to this embarrassing condition, there are also a number of other factors which can lead to halitosis. Undertaking a diet is a common cause of poor breath and other more serious conditions which are known to manifest themselves include kidney or liver disease. It is also understood that a degree of prescribed medications, antidepressants being a good example, contribute to the lack of saliva produced in your mouth which as a consequence can lead to poor breath and the resultant offending smell.

If you have identified that you have poor breath initially try eating sugar free gum to help stimulate the saliva production in your mouth. Adopting a robust and regular oral hygiene routine including regular flossing and visits to your dental hygienist at regular intervals, will go a long way to preventing your symptoms. You may wish also to consider purchasing a tongue scraper which helps to remove the build-up of fur from your tongue. A good and proven natural remedy to cure a halitosis is by chewing on parsley leaves following your meal. This helps to reduce the amount of bad breath giving bacteria in your mouth whilst also helping to stimulate the production of saliva.

Should you find yourself continually suffering from bad breath or halitosis it will be wise to consult your doctor given it is important to rule out other medical conditions.

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Bad Breath - Halitosis and How to Combat It

Bad Breath

Read through Cat Bad Breath - Know Its Causes and Treatments much more

Bad Breath Causes

Your precious cat is starting to smell weird despite its usual cat odor. There is something wrong and you can't pinpoint what it is. When you tried kissing your cat, you are shocked! That's where the bad odor is coming from. Your cat has cat bad breath and it's really concerning you. Bad breath or Halitosis is caused by a variety of underlying medical conditions. If your cat has unhealthy gums and tooth decay, this is probably what is causing this. You must get to the root cause and treat it as soon as possible.

1. Dangers of Bad Breath in Cats

Cat's unpleasant breath may not be a big deal for some pet owners but what they do not know is that this can lead to other serious health conditions. If your cat is suffering from dental problems, it can lead to pain and infection in the mouth. Bacteria accumulate in the gums which can be easily transported through different organs in the body through its rich blood supply. Once bacteria reach the liver, heart or kidney, it can lead to your cat's organ damage or failure.

2. Causes of Bad Breath in Cats

Just like in humans, it can also be caused by several things ranging from mild to severe causes. What causes your it for your cat? It can be Gingivitis (gum problems), Stomatitis (stomach problems), tooth decay and abscess (infection), Diabetes, Liver or Kidney disease, mouth cancer or gastrointestinal problems. To make sure you determine what is causing this, it is essential that you consult a veterinarian so he can run some tests. He can perform an X-ray on the teeth, FIV tests or liver or kidney function tests.

3. Treatment for Bad Breath in Cats

The best way to treat this problem is to let the veterinarian handle it especially if it's a severe case. The veterinarian can remove calculus in your cat's teeth and polish it. He will remove any diseased teeth. He can also provide treatment to enable the kidney or liver to function better.

If your cat's bad breath is very mild. You can do something to remedy this at home. For one, brush his teeth regularly with cat toothbrush and toothpaste. There are special formulations to reduce formulation of tartar and plaque on cats. Second, always bring your cat to the veterinarian for his annual checkup. You can also get him checked twice a year. Lastly, some will recommend that you feed raw bones and necks from chicken to your cat. However, there are risks associated with this so better talk to your vet first.

We know how much you love your cat and you love to snuggle with him on the couch. But when your cat has cat bad breath, you better get him checked immediately before any other serious medical condition develops.

Cat bad breath is not healthy for your pet and for the whole family especially if you let your children play with them. So, if your cat has bad breath, then go to http://catbadbreath.net and find out the ways on how to eliminate this problem.

Cat Bad Breath - Know Its Causes and Treatments