Study The 4 Main Causes of Bad Breath (Halitosis) In Children much more

Bad Breath Causes

Bad breath (halitosis) is not only occurring to adult, but also children. This disease is usually happen because of bacterial activity in mouth, nose or teeth. If your children experience this disease, don't be panic, just calm down because your kid is not the only child have it. Most children have it, especially in the morning.

Before you visit doctor or panic because of this sickness, it's good for you to know the most common causes of halitosis.

1. Postnasal drip.It is the most regular cause of halitosis in children. It's happen because of allergies, chronic sinus infections or recurrent colds.

2. Poor dentition.When your kid has bad breath, poor dentition can be the first suspected of it. This illness can appear due to cavities, trapped food particles, or inflammed gums (gingivitis).

3. Mouth breathing.Allergies or enlarged adenoids could cause bad breathing. It happens because of mouth becomes dry and saliva can't eliminate bacteria in mouth. So, it makes your children suffer the illness. Another reason of this sickness is taking a medication.

4. Nasal foreign body.If there's a small item stuck in your child's nose, it will infect and lead to bad breath. To recognize this condition, the nose will have green discharge from one nostril; there the infections will make drainage from both sides of the nose.

Some foods that you eat also make you have bad breath. So, it's better for you to choose and avoid certain foods that could give this situation. Find out the certain foods which will give halitosis and try not to eat it.

Treat and prevent bad breath with do oral hygiene such as brushing and flossing as well as cleaning the back tongue, keeping it moist, and rinsing mouth. But, if the halitosis caused of allergies like sinus infections, you can visit and consult it to doctors.

Know more main causes of bad breath (Halitosis) in Gum Disease [], or you can visit our website [].

The 4 Main Causes of Bad Breath (Halitosis) In Children

Bad Breath Causes