Bad Breath Cause - A One-By-One Explanation
Bad Breath CausesIf there is one simple condition that you wouldn't want to experience is having a bad breath. It is a total turn off and can destroy relationships. Bad breath or halitosis can be a very degrading problem. It is so embarrassing that you wouldn't want to talk to a person intimately out of fear that the person will smell your stinky breath, which is why you want to know the main bad breath cause.
Not many people are brave enough to tell their friends whether they have it or not. This condition can be really frustrating for an individual. But even though the truth hurts, it is still better to just accept it and deal with it.
Medical professionals believe that the food we eat is the main bad breath cause. When food pieces accumulate in the mouth, they invite more bacteria. Bacteria are living things and we know that all living things secrete waste products. The waste products of bacteria are sulfur-containing compounds. These compounds produce very obnoxious odor. They are highly volatile as well. Thus, when they evaporate, they get stuck in the corners of the mouth. Having a dry mouth is another common reason. This is caused by conflicts in salivary gland functions. Tobacco and alcohol products provide favorable condition for the bacteria. They have to be avoided as well.
Aside from these main medical and scientific reasons, there are still some pre bad breath causes that everybody must be aware of. The first reason is when a person forgets to brush or floss his teeth properly. Most people only brush their teeth for 30 to 45 seconds, which just cannot eliminate germs. Food particles and bacterial waste products may remain in the mouth. Also, when we brush, often forget to clean the tongue as well. When the bacteria rot, these will cause stinky odors.
Eating foods that are onion and garlic based produces strong odors in the mouth. Exotic spices, chilies, cheeses, fish, meat, alcohol and acidic beverages such as coffee and iced tea are also believed to trigger bad breath. There are some who decide on just having a mouthwash after eating. However, even mouthwash products can just cover the odor entirely.
Having a dry mouth is another big deal. It happens when there's a problem on the salivary gland. Decreased amount of saliva provides bacteria with a better homestead in the mouth. People who breathe by the mouth often suffer from it and eventually bad breath from bad breath.
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