Morning breath affects almost everybody. While it is estimated that up to a third of the population suffers from chronic bad breath problems throughout the day, the shocking truth about morning breath is that almost nobody escapes its grasp, with it affecting almost the entire population. In this article I'm going to tell you about the causes of morning breath so you can have a better understanding, and I'm also going to reveal a remedy that you're going to want to get your hands on.
For those of you who have taken long naps or slept during the day, you probably already know this, but "morning breath" actually has a lot less to do with the time of day than it does the fact that you were sleeping. What happens during sleep is that certain functions of the body slow down or stop completely.
Bad breath is caused by certain sulfur inducing bacteria in the mouth. Our own saliva actually goes a long way towards cleansing our mouth of these bacteria, and this function is greatly reduced while you sleep so you do not choke on your own spit. That's not a very pretty image, is it?
Most people who want to cure their morning breath interact with others early in the morning. But perhaps you don't even need to be told that you have bad breath in the morning. Maybe the bad taste in your mouth might be enough to inspire change. Don't worry, as I've already said -- statistics show that you are not alone. Not by a long shot.
The good news is that by curing your morning breath, you also rid yourself of its most annoying symptoms, such as that bad taste in your mouth.
So, how do you go about curing morning breath? Let's take a closer look at saliva. The reason that saliva helps to stop bad breath is that healthy saliva carries high concentrations of oxygen, a natural enemy of the culprit bacteria. While we can't force our brain to salivate while we sleep, what we CAN do is find ways to replicate the effect that saliva has.
There aren't that many, but there are a few products on the market that work to cure morning breath automatically, usually by taking some sort of pill before you sleep. I've found that this is the easiest and most natural way to cure morning breath.
Most people seem to think that morning breath is just a "normal part of life" and that you should just "deal with it." But the cure is fast, simple, and works in 30 seconds a day. That makes morning breath not worth living with, in my opinion.
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